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Is marriage or a relationship a must for a happy or fulfilled life

I think it's an obligation, more of an implied obligation.The secondary purpose of life has to be the propagation of the human race.
Marriage is good or bad depends upon person to person. Being flexible is important. But you can not make generalization. Marriage is not for the one who is very rigid. In my personal life marriage has given me sense of stability, and satisfaction. But you can not take risks after marriage on professional front. :cheers:
still confused since last 10 years :D

first of all its not joke as my 90% posts was fun .

i would like to ask you guys marred + unmarred please tell me what is marriage?. is its must for life? is it really needed when you are 60+ age ? what you feel when your kids make mistakes and you hurt? how you feel after marriage ? and how you feel when you are unmarried ? is it must to be married ? or you feel bad bad after marred ? should we marry now when everything is expensive and way of life is getting worse today ? a person which work for a GOV or private and earn 1 lakh rupees per month should marry ? tell me that abut that day when you feel bad after marry ? what is impact of sexual life on marriage ? so many people lives successful l life without marriage why ? is women must for life?

i feel marriage is sucks marriage life is worse .after marriage we have tons of responsibilities and hell pressure .

please look marriage expensiveness today please look living costs of today please look standards of life of today please look kids and new generations needs of today before you answer

and at the end its serious qestion don't make jokes of it for imran's sake

please keep religion and emotions aside
Salaam imran bhai ye kya ho raha hai
If you are thinking about expenses for your childs after marriage.......then your faith in Allah is not strong.............Quran says every body who comes on earth....Allah give him RIZAQ(Feed).....
First thing when you will get married and will have kids..........you will get Income (Rizaq) from different ways you can't imagine..(But for that your faith must be strong in Allah) That he is the creator of everything and he gave Rizaq to everybody.

Second thing.....if you get a good wife after marriage (Good means she really follows islam offer her prayers regularly)....your life will be heaven...........but if she is like society... change fashions as fashions change in society.....then you are in:flame: and you really need handsome money to spent on her for her fashions, jewelary, makeup etc.:rofl:
Khan sahib-

It is a necessary obligation on you as a Muslim to get married and have lots of Muslim Children-
and if your children by chance turn out to be good Muslims- then they are your gateway to heaven- Specially daughters-

you can find lot of hadiths on this obligation if you just google-
inna mal amal o bin niyaat-
Make that right and surely you will live a happy life-

The advantage you have here in Saudia is that you are alone- no saas bahu kut khana will happen- :D-
Get married when you meet the right person whom you can trust, life will be quite easy after that. But don't force yourself into any such commitments. When time is right, everything will be right. :tup:

As people say "Love and marriage is like farts. If you force it, it'll probably be crap" :D
Ahhh...so hows life as married men, ole chaps ? For how long does the 'after-glow' last ? :blink:

Indeed ! I think the thread begins with that 'assumption'; however the converse may well be true as well ! My cousin recently got divorced after 5 years of marriage and his wife took the kid, half his money (and he was a Financial Analyst on Wall-Street....ouch !), a hefty allowance that he has to pay to her for a year and a good, well-deserved life..down in the dumps ! Damn...I feel for the guy !

In my experience its more often the guy's fault.

Ahhh...so hows life as married men, ole chaps ? For how long does the 'after-glow' last ? :blink:

If you take care of it and look after it It will last forever. I am in my sixth year and honest I still look forward to seeing wife and kids when I finish my work and go home

Blame the stupid divorce law. I guess 1 year courtship before marriage will give you more confidence that he/she is for you.

I think divorce is rife these days because people have very high expectations are not willing to work at it and compromise. I do not think a courtship is necessary but to some it may help

All you need is an Ipad.

:rofl: man you guys need to get out and about
It all depends on the individual. Some people are quite happy being single and do not feel the need for a relationship. Having a number offriends (not with benefits) is enough for them.

As for me a relationship would be nice. However, I'm not beating myself over the head looking for one. When the time is right it will happen. In the meantime my puppy and I are having a good life
Okay, I need to find myself a bride who would agree to a pre-nuptial. I am going to safeguard my finances but I suppose that's very difficult in India.

Yaar what is money. It comes and go dont mix the two. God forbid anything untoward ever happened to me I would want my partner and the kids to have the same lifestyle they have. You have to throw yourself into it and failure should not be an option.
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