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Is literacy level a basic measure of morality, humanity, honesty & character of a nation?

To an extent, it matters.

But very importantly, so is enlightenment.

I've seen "educated" people running after money with no concern for society's greater good. And usually, those people serve as role models for others below the social chain. Poor role models at that.

One needs to understand that there's a finish line in every marathon run. They just keep running! LOL....

What the educated, upper class and the powerful do have more weight on the greater society.
Many forget with power comes responsibilities :tsk:

3. Developed/Completely educated societies - Majority of the people here are educated, know their rights, also know what to demand of state institutions and force them to act, thus making state institutions become competent and capable and deter those who have malafide intentions.

This one is far from reality, since their demands are but temporarily "answered" till the next government takes control, and then another section of the population starts to make its demands from the new government, it is a perpetual cycle of demands and anti-demands. it is only when you have honest governments with honest policies that looks after the betterment of its society that you can achieve the competence and capabilities of state institutions in the long run.

I do agree with you on the rest of your post, as for Governance plays a major role in the population's behavior, this pertains to the phenomenon of anomie vs governance type.
Is literacy level a basic measure of morality, humanity, honesty & character of a nation?

If we take the US as an exemple the answear will be a definite NO over a little yes.

Morality in the US:

Our great moral decline

Democracy in America archive | March 2012 | The Economist

Americans Negative About United States' Moral Values, Poll
Americans Negative About United States' Moral Values, Poll


well, most help is in the form of military aid !

No comment, see Iraq invasion, afghanistan, Syria, palestine...etc

Very bad one, moderated by Obama !!!

The answer will be ETHICS is the basic and main measure of morality, humanity, honesty & character of a nation?

I think education is a measure of all that you mentioned. But this statement is conditional.

Let me explain:

1.Traditional societies ....
2. Transitional societies - ....
3. Developed/Completely educated societies -

Now countries like India and Pakistan are in phase 2 ie Transitional societies.

So Society type 1 - ie the Traditional Society looks better because it had better behaviour, better morality and better ethics.

However, the same would be achieved once countries like India and Pakistan get their population really educated and move towards Society type 3 - the Developed/Educated Society......

While this theory sounds good on paper. it has too many holes in it.

Pak India have been in transition for 100s of years. Which should not be the case.
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