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Is it right to attack South Waziristan now?

Is it right to attack south waziristan now??

  • yes

    Votes: 43 52.4%
  • no

    Votes: 28 34.1%
  • listen to america

    Votes: 5 6.1%
  • after few days

    Votes: 6 7.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Infact United Jehadi Alliance in which Chechan,Uzbik,Arabs,Afghan and Pakistan Pushtoon are in war with US neo con and Zoinists, both of these waring faction have their intrests in region , both want to use our soil to defeat enemy.

In this complex satuation we have no other option left other than to invite peace keeping force of neutral countries like Turkey , China and Russia to help us to at least protect our land for any further misuse, a joint peace keeping force can be deployed in FATA to safe guard local people on long term basis.

If NATO can be deployed in Afghanistan,why not peace keeping and rehabilitation force can be deployed in FATA.

PA should stop bombing on FATA and also US drone attacks , China and Russia have capbility to control this whole region .

Mean time US and India should vocate Afghanistan within short period of time.

Tell me sir, you called my suggestions impractical and now you suggest we invite China and Russia into FATA?
Is this your solution?

Despite my justified confidence that Pakistan Fauj has many supporters in FATA you said that the Tribals will not accept any conquering army...you used this term for the Army which is the Army of Pakistan and is manned by all Pakistanis including the ones in FATA...

Now you are willing to invite Russia and China...you think FATA will not accept Pakistan Army but will embrace Russia and China....
So instead of doing things independently which i am suggesting to do in favor of Pakistan...you will gladly hand over FATA to Russia?

China is our key ally but i know for a fact that TTP and all their kin have been exceptionally keen on assassinating Chinese workers in Pakistan...even China wants Pakistan to act in its own interest and clean up the mess...they will help us in cleaning up...
Yes we should be on side of China but that does not justify us inviting Russia and China in FATA ...
I would love to have Chinese experts and advisers in Pakistan, but a Chinese Army presence in FATA will even worsen the situation since the TTP will call it the united kafir ittehad and find even more recruits amongst the locals...the resulting situation would ruin our friendship...

Thinking about Russian Army is even more bizarre...the less said about this suggestion, the better.

You want to repeat the mistake of becoming the willing battleground of superpowers... the thing that got us into this mess in the first place...

You think this is a practical alternative?

My friend you have no solution to the problem...that is plain to see...

Better to trust our Fauj then...at least Fauj is not blind in its actions...unlike all the Terrorists that surround us...Fauj is Pakistan's own and thinks about Pakistan and even the Ummah more than any Terrorist would ever do...

Why don't you come up with even a single plan to directly rupture the terrorist network of TTP and take care of the evil at hand, which strikes terror into our lives every other day?
Once again the taliban sympathizer trying to hide the reality.

Does The car stealing from pakistan and shifting in FATA is over??

FATA? Where in FATA? Be specific, most of the car which were stolen normally get find in Bannu (which is not Fata, neither under TTP)

Does Human ransom is over in FATA???

In FATA, yes, it is over, but in other cities it is still alive.

Does Drugs trafficking is over in FATA???

check the statistic posted by CIA, most of the drugs goes through baluchistan, not FATA.

Does FATA has paid 100 Billions outstanding and now paying bills to WAPDA???

you are missing the point raised by him, Isn't it good for FATA people, so tell me why shouldn't they support TTP?

Does Taliban persons from FATA stop looting banks and money changers in Paksitan???

now whats that? The bank looted in Swat region (not FATA) when PA started an operation.

Does Taliban allow schools and educations in FATA for Boys/girls??

when it comes to Islamic education, they actually prompt it, and since most of the mufti never declare this english education compulsory, so they don't treat it as illegal.

Now propagandist like zaid hamid would,nt be succeed to save terrorist from Army Action

You aren't looking from people point of view. What they like dislike, and their desires etc. You can't since you just want what western media feeds you.

Ps: again I am not supporting TTP, since I know who are backing them. BUT atleast start thinking from those people point of view, rather then yours.
Post operation cleanup, arrests and subsequent dialogue with all parties to ensure lasting peace is necessary and in this process many previous enemies will have to be forgiven, however given the current TTP strength, open threats and actions...we have to first attack and deal tremendous damage to them in order to secure any chance of peace...

Peace is good and the ultimate aim...but surely inaction against terrorists also will not be helping peace...

Terrorists who have killed thousands are not really looking for peace...or do you think we can coexist with TTP in its current state and with its current open terrorism against our people?

Since you have opened this thread i will ask you one thing...
Who is the terrorist which we need to take down in order to stop the suicide bombings and massacre in Pakistan?

Prevention is better is then cure , better we should take action first against cause of terrorism .

I think corrupt government machinary , corruption leadership and injustice are root cause of terrorism and bloodshed , a greater jihad and operation clean up is required to eliminate these evils .

Basically the insurgency is anti bodies which developed in sick and corrupt society due to reaction.

Main problem is continues and timley accountability which is missing in our society (Amir bil marou nahi munkir)

Militancy and insurgency is sign of sick society.:D
You think we are anti Pathan and this operation is anti Pathan?
you could not be more wrong...

You are trying to give this an ethnic twist whereas the issue is about a terrorist organization which is using a geographically suitable area in FATA as their base of operations...

There was not bloodbath in Pakistan's FATA like the one in Afghanistan so do not compare the two...they were poles apart till the TTP came along...
Ah! We are again into this chicken and egg story here, aren't we All-Green.
So what made them terrorists who were freedom fighters before. And I am not giving it an ethnic twist as you allege. You are talking here of invading Waziristan, which is Land of the Pashtuns. So it will be those people who will suffer most - good for you because it is far from your own home.
Seagull, yes it is those pushtuoons who are suffering most.Recent Attack in Pehsawar killed well over 54 Pushtoons and the attack orginated from Waziristan so cleaning up Waziristan will help Pushtoons only.It is mainly Pushtoons who are being killed by bomb blasts and suicide attacks by TTP Terrorists hiding in Waziristan.
FATA? Where in FATA? Be specific, most of the car which were stolen normally get find in Bannu (which is not Fata, neither under TTP)

In FATA, yes, it is over, but in other cities it is still alive.

check the statistic posted by CIA, most of the drugs goes through baluchistan, not FATA.

you are missing the point raised by him, Isn't it good for FATA people, so tell me why shouldn't they support TTP?

now whats that? The bank looted in Swat region (not FATA) when PA started an operation.

when it comes to Islamic education, they actually prompt it, and since most of the mufti never declare this english education compulsory, so they don't treat it as illegal.

You aren't looking from people point of view. What they like dislike, and their desires etc. You can't since you just want what western media feeds you.

Ps: again I am not supporting TTP, since I know who are backing them. BUT atleast start thinking from those people point of view, rather then yours.

Good Joke! You are not supporting TTP

But your words itself deny that
And besides that, it was these very people from your lands and further afield that you sponsored and encouraged to fight the invading Army of the Soviets.

Why now is it wrong for them to be again helping their kin in fighting another species of invaders.
Why?Because they're fighting Pakistan now.Not the Afghan Talibs but the TTP Groups which are very different from Afghan Talibans and had no role in Soviet Afghan War.
And this is the reason, why even my father who don't care about politics & etc, actually welcomed TTP rule in Mardan. Which Pakistani Government is failed to understand that you can kill people, but can't kill ideology. Ideology requires and ideology to tackle. What ever you spread through media that “TTP is not working on true shariah etc” is not acceptable to local people since they find it quite acceptable. Of course it will soon be like PA killing civilians since they are actually accepting that rule (which our enemies want). Even when Swat people came to our city, they all said PA and TTP both are wrong, but TTP is better then PA since they are atleast decreasing the miseries created by GoP.

I am not saying TTP is on right track, since I know who is backing them but I am saying ideology need to be tackle through ideology.. nothing else.. Yes pakistani definitely need and operation in Waziristan. BUT before that GoP should stop dancing on western biggie. And remove hypocritical mask from their face. Since everyone knows how good/loyal they are to us.

BW, KLB, Increasing Corruption, Prices hike for no reason, and most important law lessness is giving a reason to avg pakistani to accept a rule which is much less corrupt, have stronger enforcement, and clearly is compliant (So-Called) with religion.

PS: I don't support TTP, neither I have some sympathies with them, but this could be the truth of avg pakistani. Pakistani Government should wakeup soon or it is too late, or last not the least, it could be their agenda to move avg pakistani towards civil war or hike of cowardness.

Can you provide a single action which would tell that TTP did good things for the people ?? Don't give the BS that they went for the criminals, after their arrival crime rates have increased nor decreased. As for Mardan, since the TTP arrival, Mardan has seen the highest number of kidnappings for ransom which people were not even used to hear & its not being said by me or the govt, look at the local newspapers printed by local people & the reports are published by speaking to the grieving family members. Even people started complaining to the CM Hoti who is from Mardan that look your constituency is having this under your rule.

And there is one hell of a different between TTP & the real Taliban, its very sad to see & hear when people can't differentiate between both.
I used to carry no firearm, but since their arrival around Peshawar & the number of kidnappings, i bought a firearm & now carry it all the time as its better to get killed fighting them instead to get butchered by their hands like an animal.

And as for this WoT, it has now become War of Pakistan whether it may be due to Western policies or due to the home grown traitors who dance to the tunes of their foreign masters. The world knows Israel is a killer nation having killed thousands, has the world done anything?? No. Same is the case with Pakistan, no matter how much proof we give to them, no matter how many reports of Gen Mcrystal say that India is involved, no matter how many westerners say that hostile nations are weakening Pakistan & supporting TTP, the west specially US wants us destroyed. The PA knows, ISI knows, except for some pathetic money hungry politicians all know, the nation knows that US is not our friend nor can be trusted. They have used us in the past, doing it so in present. That is the reason that US cries about ISI role in Afghanistan as it knows this thing is foiling all of their plans against Pakistan. Do know Pakistan is playing a double game, in my previous discussions with some of the members on this forum, i asked one simple question, provide the names of the Afghan taliban commanders killed by Pakistan Army or handed over to US by the Pakistani Govt ?? Except for the Taliban Ambassador who had to be handed over as he was officially in Pakistan as an ambassador, and he is free now too. Why the Wazir tribe militants don't call themselves TTP ?? Why don't they threaten Pakistan with suicide bombings ??

Sometimes thinking from your own brain & inferring logic from the happening around us is not bad as it may bring a new perspective to what is really happening.

Pakistan has given Al Qaeda people to US & killed them too, but they have always protected the Afghan Taliban as it knows what is important for its survival. And as for TTP, having a little bit of sympathy is just like being a traitor to Pakistan or the Muslim nation. I have my sympathies for the real Afghan Taliban & do believe in real Shariah (but offcourse their own brand of Shariah not the Islamic Shariah) as they are the ones who are fighting a real battle not the TTP who are in just for the money & killing thousands of innocent Muslims & can assure you that they have no concern for Shariah.

Their effort is to destroy Pakistan not the western occupational forces.
A big no. Reason isnt that we shouldnt wipe out the ilks of mehsud and TTP but because we need to prepare ourselves for a difficult battle that lies ahead.Making hasty decisions can lead to severe casualties and loss to the PA. Moreover people like mehsud and now hakeem ullah mehsud are mere tools, we need to cut the source other wise we will keep on seeing different faces popping out right one after the another and the source obviously is not in Pakistan but in the neighborhood.
Why?Because they're fighting Pakistan now.Not the Afghan Talibs but the TTP Groups which are very different from Afghan Talibans and had no role in Soviet Afghan War.
Hubboy!! you have so thoroughly messed it up, that you do not even know which direction to go.
Tell me sir, you called my suggestions impractical and now you suggest we invite China and Russia into FATA?
Is this your solution?

Despite my justified confidence that Pakistan Fauj has many supporters in FATA you said that the Tribals will not accept any conquering army...you used this term for the Army which is the Army of Pakistan and is manned by all Pakistanis including the ones in FATA...

Now you are willing to invite Russia and China...you think FATA will not accept Pakistan Army but will embrace Russia and China....
So instead of doing things independently which i am suggesting to do in favor of Pakistan...you will gladly hand over FATA to Russia?

China is our key ally but i know for a fact that TTP and all their kin have been exceptionally keen on assassinating Chinese workers in Pakistan...even China wants Pakistan to act in its own interest and clean up the mess...they will help us in cleaning up...
Yes we should be on side of China but that does not justify us inviting Russia and China in FATA ...
I would love to have Chinese experts and advisers in Pakistan, but a Chinese Army presence in FATA will even worsen the situation since the TTP will call it the united kafir ittehad and find even more recruits amongst the locals...the resulting situation would ruin our friendship...

Thinking about Russian Army is even more bizarre...the less said about this suggestion, the better.

You want to repeat the mistake of becoming the willing battleground of superpowers... the thing that got us into this mess in the first place...

You think this is a practical alternative?

My friend you have no solution to the problem...that is plain to see...

Better to trust our Fauj then...at least Fauj is not blind in its actions...unlike all the Terrorists that surround us...Fauj is Pakistan's own and thinks about Pakistan and even the Ummah more than any Terrorist would ever do...

Why don't you come up with even a single plan to directly rupture the terrorist network of TTP and take care of the evil at hand, which strikes terror into our lives every other day?

You could not understand my point of view completely , FATA insurgency is a reaction of Pak-US relationship and friendship based on mutual intrest not matchig with the intrest of nation. .

Objective of attack in FATA is to flush or completely up root Al Qaeada Militants and OBL ?

United peace keeping force of China and Turkey can do this task better being as neutral force.I have deleted the name of Russia because in past we dont have very good relationship.

No doubt our Army is best army but our politician are miss using it to gain their political objectives.
Ah! We are again into this chicken and egg story here, aren't we All-Green.
So what made them terrorists who were freedom fighters before. And I am not giving it an ethnic twist as you allege. You are talking here of invading Waziristan, which is Land of the Pashtuns. So it will be those people who will suffer most - good for you because it is far from your own home.

I am a patriot who loves every inch of Pakistan...far from my home?
My home is Pakistan!
I have been within 1 km of 3 blasts so do not tell me that i am far from anything...

Pashtuns have suffered the most from TTP...but the terror campaign has scarred us all...what we want is an end to the terrorism which cannot be accomplished by just offering an olive branch to the terrorists themselves...
I am a patriot who loves every inch of Pakistan...far from my home?
My home is Pakistan!
I have been within 1 km of 3 blasts so do not tell me that i am far from anything...

Pashtuns have suffered the most from TTP...but the terror campaign has scarred us all...what we want is an end to the terrorism which cannot be accomplished by just offering an olive branch to the terrorists themselves...
You are the Patriot who loves his own home - otherwise you wouldn't be talking of invading others home - not an inch but miles upon miles of Pakistani lands which is S. Waziristan.
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