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Is Chinese threat to India real?

yes may be u r right ...

But one thing is sure that Pakistan learn from past 4 war that without any help you cant win against India :D

am not sure what you mean by that:what:

Are you referring to israel's UAV??

Laser munitions???

Denel artillary???

or maybe aluminium caskets???

Why bring pak and derail the perfectly good thread of India-chini???:police:
Yes its a good thread ... but who want war b/w India and China???

Not India nor China then ????:lol:

Am with you, no one wants war, seeing the death and destruction.

But still countries do engage in war.:angry:
Quality of forces is more important then quality. In today's day and age I think India just has to develop capability to give China a bloody nose and hold it's ground for a limited time. The talk about matching China quantitavely if true should be abandoned. We can put that money to much better use in secotrs like education, health care and improving social services.
Am with you, no one wants war, seeing the death and destruction.

But still countries do engage in war.
Look buddy, if this war happens it would would be even bigger than WWII. We are not strong enough to win over China but that does not mean that we will let them win. Let me assure you the result of this war would be the destruction of both countries.

India is nothing compared to China but still we are a powerful enough to take on any country in the world. I am not saying we will win but we won't let our enemy to win.

Quality of forces is more important then quality. In today's day and age I think India just has to develop capability to give China a bloody nose and hold it's ground for a limited time. The talk about matching China quantitavely if true should be abandoned. We can put that money to much better use in secotrs like education, health care and improving social services.
I have seen some talk shows of some very famous defense experts on India-China and they claim that even if China attacks and capture Arunachal and Sikkim, they are not capable of retaining it for long time. India has a large number of mountain divisions and they would take over as soon as winter come because China cannot support forces over there for a long time. This is why China is increasing its presence in Oceans and seas.
By By Afshain Afzal
Quite recently, it was reported that Chinese Navy ships visited Indian port of Cochin to impress upon Indian strategists that New Delhi is no match to Chinese military might. Many Indian strategists and analysts consider that Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean is a warning to Indian Navy that Chinese can show their presence every where.It is being feared that with seven destinations to support China including in Maldives, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Pakistan, India stands no where. Indian Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Nirmal Kumar Verma is also scheduled to visit Sri Lanka shortly to improve defence ties and keep China off Sri Lanka. It is one record that Indian former Defence Minister, George Fernandez claimed that India’s Enemy No.1 was China and not Pakistan. If we link the presence of Chinese Navy in Indian Ocean, the claim of George Fernandez seems true but is it so? The western powers are furnishing intelligence input to New Delhi that China is planning to wage a war and destabilize India to gain supremacy in Asia. The fears and apprehensions need to be analyzed in its true perspective.

It is interesting to note that Commander in Chief of Israeli Navy, Vice Admiral Elizer Marom, who visited India in January this year and US Navy Admiral Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) who visited India in April this year before the annual Indo-U.S Malabar exercise, warned New Delhi about Chinese designs against India.

It is true that China is much superior militarily as compared to India but it does not mean that Peking intends invading India or disintegrating it into smaller independent states. A recent article on Dragon’s plan to split India in many parts appeared in the media.

There was a lot of hue and cry in the Indian political and intellectual circles about the Chinese intensions but should we take media articles so seriously? It is a bitter fact that there is a dispute between India and China over Arunachal Pradesh and part of Jammu and Kashmir state that Pakistan gifted China in 1962 but things are not so serious. India must realize the fact that China is a mature country and would not get instigated on western provocation. It is responsibility of the Indian politicians and other pressure groups not to push China to an extant that there is no option but to get hostile.

Former Indian Army Chief and other senior officer of Indian Armed Forces claimed to be capable to tackle both China and Pakistan at the same time. However, the fact cannot be denied that Indian Navy and the Air Force are two institutions that require much attention. It was Jawaharlal Nehru who said, “If you wish to be secure on land, you should have supremacy on the sea” but probably there is a strong lobby in India who is bent upon failing the desire of Jawaharlal Nehru to come true.

The corruption in Indian navy and Indian Air Force has made many Indian to think that India can never become Navy and Air power in the region. The kickback and percentage has become pet words for the Indian Defence, Naval and Air Attaches posted at various Indian Embassies throughout the world. Former Indian Navy Chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta has been quoted to have said, “In military terms, both conventionally and unconventionally, we can neither have the capability nor the intention to match China.

He said that it is foolhardy to say India is equal to China militarily. India is no match for China whether it is Air Force, Navy or Army.

Indian interference in Xiang province and Tibet is what western countries openly projects but the fact cannot be denied that US Presidents including President Barack Hussain Obama had been holding confidential meetings with Dalai Lama and citizens of Xiang. There is also no truth in the claim that China is aiding Maoist to destabilize India. Both India and China need to realize that there is a western plot to destabilize Asia region by creating difference between the major powers in this region. China is a big country but there is no naval built-up against India or any other country in the region.

However, Indian military built-up near the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and Line of Control (LoC), on the instigation of western powers might turn into matter of concern. Western nations including US, Britain and Israel are furnishing wrong information through third countries to Beijing, New Delhi and Islamabad to make them suspicious against each other. It is understood that once tension is heightened, the chances of full fledge war would automatically increase.

It is in the interest of all the countries of the region, especially China, India and Pakistan to shun their difference and work with perfect harmony for joint defence of Indian Ocean as well as land and sky. Once this is achieved, no one would be able to stop development and peace from reigning in the region.

Is Chinese threat to India real?

read the bolded part. chinese ships came on invitation to cochin. so how did they impress india strategists. indian strategists do not need chinese ships at india ports to tell us indian navy is not as strong as china.

the possibility of war between india and china is very low. even then india can defend itself against china.
Quite recently, it was reported that Chinese Navy ships visited Indian port of Cochin to impress upon Indian strategists that New Delhi is no match to Chinese military might. Many Indian strategists and analysts consider that Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean is a warning to Indian Navy that Chinese can show their presence every where.I
Now they would have come on invitation but the writer is talking like they came we could not do anything. I think he is not aware of IN plans.
No matter whether you like it or not, there are several facts you can not deny:

with a comparable population,

1. our economy is 4 times as big as yours. this means if we allocate 1% of our GDP on defense, you have to allocate 4% to match it. If we do 4%, you have to spend more than 15%, this will bankrupt your economy.

2. our land is 3 times as big as yours. this means we can launch short range missiles from our border, hit Singh's office. yet you need ICBM to hit our population centers.

3. our technology is several times more advanced than yours. we build J-10, you bought Mig-29. We built J-20, you pay for T-50. our spending is pushing our technology to a higher level, you are paying to widening the gap.
the possibility of war between india and china is very low. even then india can defend itself against china.

we had a discussion on a Chinese forum that "what happens if india choose to block the indian ocean, how we are going to get oil from ME".
the conclusion is our army will be able to cross the border, push forward to new delhi and capture it within a few days.

let me remind you dude, you don't have any single weapon to match our: Type-99 MBT, WS-2 rocket launcher, CJ-10 missiles. and the experience of the 1962 war also tells something.

Look buddy, if this war happens it would would be even bigger than WWII. We are not strong enough to win over China but that does not mean that we will let them win. Let me assure you the result of this war would be the destruction of both countries.

1. as of writing, india doesn't have any reliable nuclear delivery method. as an indian, do you trust your missiles when your rocket can become fireworks?

2. as of writing, our mid course anti ballistic missile can shoot down your incoming nuke missile.

3. as of writing, you don't have any missile that can hit our population centers in the east coast, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, your missiles can not reach any of these cities.
yes may be u r right ...

But one thing is sure that Pakistan learn from past 4 war that without any help you cant win against India :D

We owe Pakistan. We owe Pakistan a lot. We are going to repay it by providing more financial, technical, political supports.
am not sure what you mean by that:what:

Are you referring to israel's UAV??

Laser munitions???

Denel artillary???

or maybe aluminium caskets???

Why bring pak and derail the perfectly good thread of India-chini???:police:

Threesome is always better:devil::chilli:
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