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Is Chinese threat to India real?

Yeah our military has gone rogue and doesn't listen to the government so better watch out, don't push them since it's their hands on the nuclear dial. best not to provoke a crazy rogue military that's far superior to yours.
Ohhh....yeah i am afraid now. :rofl:
Nice words but its not true, your army is really creating a mess and i have seen with my own eyes, the messages written by your army on indian Territory. I think your government don't have any control on its army or the other explanation is all this is government sanctioned.
FYI Great wall of china was meant to protect yourself from MOngols, if it was not build your a** would have been kicked.

you can keep trolling, that doesn't change the fact that india is a failed nation.
No. Chinese planes are cheap low quality copies of the awesome, godlike white man's designs and will probably fall apart in flight and give some kids lead poisoning. :rofl: India has nothing to worry about.

india bought 45 Harrier fighters, 34 of them crashed during normal non-combat operations.

Chinese are threat to the whole galaxy ...now come on man.... stop fighting on such issue... have not we all seen enough of wars and deaths and war crimes..... we all know ...every smart even the lowest IQ level nation will think 10000 times before going to the state of war with nuclear nation ... such foolish attempt can change into armegdon....

in mean to say, in a full scale war ,it ll be difficult for India to get oil from middle east Muslim countries including Iran...i can assure you..Also that sea route ll be blocked by pak navy....apart from that oil reserves in India...like in Rann of Kutch will be target of PAf as it is close to border...other one in Assam ,which is under separatist movement....it is my point of view....I may be wrong ..

we have a good relation with middle eastern countries so it is stupid to think that they wont send us oil plus it will not be free oil,we will pay for the oil.
if pakistan blocks the sea route then the war will be india vs china,pakistan and it will get pretty ugly for all the countries involved since all the parties are nuclear power
Chinese are threat to the whole galaxy ...now come on man.... stop fighting on such issue... have not we all seen enough of wars and deaths and war crimes..... we all know ...every smart even the lowest IQ level nation will think 10000 times before going to the state of war with nuclear nation ... such foolish attempt can change into armegdon....


india is NOT a nuclear state:

1. your nuke is huge in size, making it impossible to be fitted onto a real missile.
2. your missile technology is not reliable (remember the fireworks in Dec?), making it not feasible to deliver nuke.
3. you don't have missile that can hit our population center.

we have a good relation with middle eastern countries so it is stupid to think that they wont send us oil plus it will not be free oil,we will pay for the oil.

we can offer them the following:

1. whatever india is paying, we double the price.
2. we immediately take action again Israel's occupation in the concerned area.

how many of them are still going to supply you oil?

UNSC permanent member means something to you?

if pakistan blocks the sea route then the war will be india vs china,pakistan and it will get pretty ugly for all the countries involved since all the parties are nuclear power

we can nuke Mumbai and new delhi, but you don't have anything to take Beijing, Shanghai.

secondly, you only have a few big population/industral centers, we have dozens:

Beijing, shanghai, tianjin, shenzhen, guangzhou, zhuhai, nanjing, hangzhou, dalian, shenyang, chengdu, wuhan.

as of writing, india does not have any single city that has the comparable production capacity required for supporting a full out war.
india is NOT a nuclear state:

1. your nuke is huge in size, making it impossible to be fitted onto a real missile.
2. your missile technology is not reliable (remember the fireworks in Dec?), making it not feasible to deliver nuke.
3. you don't have missile that can hit our population center.


I can just laugh at the futility of your argument. In an all out war, delivery need not be through a missile. It can come from a SU 30 MKI. It can be from a submarine launching fire...
we can offer them the following:

1. whatever india is paying, we double the price.
2. we immediately take action again Israel's occupation in the concerned area.

how many of them are still going to supply you oil?

UNSC permanent member means something to you?

we can nuke Mumbai and new delhi, but you don't have anything to take Beijing, Shanghai.

secondly, you only have a few big population/industral centers, we have dozens:

Beijing, shanghai, tianjin, shenzhen, guangzhou, zhuhai, nanjing, hangzhou, dalian, shenyang, chengdu, wuhan.

as of writing, india does not have any single city that has the comparable production capacity required for supporting a full out war.

dont be delusional paying twice,thrice the value doesnt matter,we can import by buying from other country like ME sells oil to US and US sells to India.
do you know using nukes on cities is not the only way of destroying a country,have you ever heard of nuclear fallout.
even if you have a higher production capacity doesnt mean that china will win the war or will damage only india and escape unharmed
and we will have something to nuke beijing and shanghai soon enough if you have the chance it is right now and not in the future
we can offer them the following:

1. whatever india is paying, we double the price.
2. we immediately take action again Israel's occupation in the concerned area.

how many of them are still going to supply you oil?

UNSC permanent member means something to you?

we can nuke Mumbai and new delhi, but you don't have anything to take Beijing, Shanghai.

secondly, you only have a few big population/industral centers, we have dozens:

Beijing, shanghai, tianjin, shenzhen, guangzhou, zhuhai, nanjing, hangzhou, dalian, shenyang, chengdu, wuhan.

as of writing, india does not have any single city that has the comparable production capacity required for supporting a full out war.

In a war, you nuke us and we do nothing and you win. Wars are not won or lost by missiles... have you heard about fighter aircrafts that can drop stuff?
Look buddy, if this war happens it would would be even bigger than WWII. We are not strong enough to win over China but that does not mean that we will let them win. Let me assure you the result of this war would be the destruction of both countries.

India is nothing compared to China but still we are a powerful enough to take on any country in the world. I am not saying we will win but we won't let our enemy to win.

Actually, India would be a great match for China. However, I disagree with you that India is powerful enough to take on any country in the world. maybe every country besides the US would be realistic. Also, I believe that India as a country is not striving to catch up to the US.
I doubt very much China poses any real threat to India primarily because War in the region does not benefit anyone, if it was not for US's constant meddling in Asia affairs the "threat" could probably be sorted out via diplomatic channels. If any attacks were to take place most likely the invaders will not be able to secure the whole population or its resources. Let take a look at some points.

Assuming governments of either India, Pakistan or China were to be destabilized what would happen
- All 3 countries have large populations with borders against each other it might cause civil wars within the nation to break out. No one likes a neighboring unstable country.

- Terrorist / Guerilla activity would immediately rise with insurgents crossing between borders to wreck havoc.

- Weapons will be trafficked to internal homegrown terrorist

- All 3 are nuclear states, after the war most likely nuclear weapons will go missing from the arsenals and be sold to unstable dictatorships like NK or Libya. Imagine NK having a couple of Dong Feng 31 to shoot at whoever they like and you get the picture.

Many internet warriors here keep harping for war between the 3 countries, emboldened by backings of nations such as the US or Russia, but ultimately if war really broke out it is these nations that will reap the benefit and bear little of the consequences being so distant.


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