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Is china really want friendship(good relation)with india

As for the war, I don;t think Tibet was the prime issue but I am sure it figured in. The reality is that India has been neighbors to Tibet. The world would rather see an Independent Tibet. Tibetan ppl feel the same as well.

In America, the only people that care about Tibet independence are the Hollywood liberal nutcases. Most people cannot even point out Tibet in the map. So your statement of "the world" would rather see an independent Tibet is something that come out of your behind. Unless your world is just your behind.
Thanks for video but this full of cow dung

her mention that China desire to tie India to land base force rather than sea base is full of horse dung.

China-India had a quite border for more than 50 yrs and will remain so for foreseeable future until India decided get carried away with all that hype.

You don't need a degree in politics to realize that China is trying to find different routes to import and export market by building roads/ rail and ports across nations.

This is because she is aware that counties ( mostly her neighbors) have their eyes and ears on her moment all the time , and realize her weakness on trade which will cripple her economy and her people during conflict however small or big it might be..

India should stop living in the past and look for a future with china which will benefit both countries and their people ..

as for her relation with Pakistan, history have proven itself , other than selling couple of tanks and fighters she hasn't got involved by sending troops or opening a second front, not much different to what you see with USSR-India relation.

It will be better if China stays out of Kashmir, then they can too expect us staying out of South China Sea. China will never like if we go for open support to Japan on Senkakus/Diaoyu, so for good relation China should away from Kashmir, stationing soldiers in Kashmir cerainly not a good move.
Quite frankly, I think India should take a hard stance and not allow trade to go smoothly. We have been bending back for too long with no solution while CHina settles favorably for all other neightbors. You knowledge on Tibet is not quite right. Tibet was an independent nation. Mao conquered it back but allowed for the 17 point agreement granting automony. The Tibetans rejected it completely. China is on Kashmir soil. It is acting in a very proactive manner. As for the border incidents, there are more reports that are not reported to the media. Many involved patrols going past the LOC and such. Intense gunfights and skirmishes have not erupted for sometime but the tone changes very frequently. As for reports outside of India, do you even hear of any reports from within China? At least the media in India is not restricted like CHina;s.

As for the war, I don;t think Tibet was the prime issue but I am sure it figured in. The reality is that India has been neighbors to Tibet. The world would rather see an Independent Tibet. Tibetan ppl feel the same as well.

Yes, Tibet have had its fair share of trouble with China who also ruled it in its history , nevertheless both Sikh empire and British India have attacked Tibet, so Indians don't fair any better.

As far LOC with china is concerned is it fenced/DMZ/no man's land? , from what i understand its mostly mountainous area with deep valley and river , so is it not possible the incursion are unintentional?. Are Indians so suspicious of the Chinese that you freak-out when you see one ?

As for China in Kashmir , I understand India concerned also Chinese perspective it belongs to Tibet.




We have the moral obligation to liberate the people of india.
i heard that rediff/com was criticized much for posting articles about China's economic success. and in india it is hard to publish any positive news of China.i didn't believe it until i came this forum and got many indians' thought about China.

Indian media is banned from pointing out success of China. They are told to feed regime propaganda to divert attention away from corrupt politicians in the Indian regime.
Indian media is banned from pointing out success of China. They are told to feed regime propaganda to divert attention away from corrupt politicians in the Indian regime.

Pearls of wisdom .

And I am sure chairman mao should have informed you this in your dream.

We have the moral obligation to liberate the people of india.

First liberate yourself from the slavery of CCP.

i heard that rediff/com was criticized much for posting articles about China's economic success. and in india it is hard to publish any positive news of China.

And you heard wrong.Most probably from the propaganda classes.

i didn't believe it until i came this forum and got many indians' thought about China.

Nice equation you got there.

If Indians thinks anything about China , there is valid reasons for it.

Indian is spoonfed by its lier media. They still live in denial, very few Indian member knows what china is really about. I would say arrogant and teasing.

Says the citizen of country with media censorship.
You media is free enough to fabricate anything about China. Free or fake?

So you wean to say all those news are false,fake well sorry to say but indian media say same thing which international media says.. Can you give me any such news where indian media saying lie or faking.. ? Get real. Actualy its not your fault you only see/get info about those things which your "capable" government wants you see...
Yes, Tibet have had its fair share of trouble with China who also ruled it in its history , nevertheless both Sikh empire and British India have attacked Tibet, so Indians don't fair any better.

As far LOC with china is concerned is it fenced/DMZ/no man's land? , from what i understand its mostly mountainous area with deep valley and river , so is it not possible the incursion are unintentional?. Are Indians so suspicious of the Chinese that you freak-out when you see one ?

As for China in Kashmir , I understand India concerned also Chinese perspective it belongs to Tibet.

Kashmir belongs to Tibet according to Chinese now? Are you serious? The sikh empire doesn;t represent India back then nor does it represent Indian after Independence. Do you understand the diffference? China invaded a free and independent Tibet. Chinese rule and control of Tibet has been on and off for centuries. China's actions makes us suspicous. Once China broke hte bond of trust, it is up to her to repair the damage not us. You understand that? And nobody is freaking out seeing a Chinese person.

Many Indian Pradesh want independence as well, will your government allow them to do so? As to Tibet issue, just come and get it when you strong enough. If we compromise AP and Aksai Chin, Indian will further claim Tibet independence. We should press strong pressure on the border every now and then, to prevent India ploy our lands.

Many Indian Pradesh want independence as well, will your government allow them to do so? As to Tibet issue, just come and get it when you strong enough. If we compromise AP and Aksai Chin, Indian will further claim Tibet independence. We should press strong pressure on the border every now and then, to prevent India ploy our lands.

Let me point out a fundamental difference. All the states joined the Indian Union WILLINGLY. Do you understand the difference? TIBET NEVER JOINED WILLINGLY. CHINA UNDER MAO TOOK IT BY FORCE? You can do whatever you want CHina.....push India and we will allow US to set up base in AP. AND YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR UNCLE SAM......NEVER FORGET....
So you wean to say all those news are false,fake well sorry to say but indian media say same thing which international media says.. Can you give me any such news where indian media saying lie or faking.. ? Get real. Actualy its not your fault you only see/get info about those things which your "capable" government wants you see...

uncountable,have you forgotten the UFOs from our border?it is not long ago.
and isn't it that your govt banned our kite lines for the reason of IT IS A THREATEN OF INDIA POWER SYSTEM,,not only your medias, but also your govt are all comedians
you mean it is Mao and ccp who conqure tibet?why tibet is part of Ming and Qing dynasty map and why the ROC govt has the similar territorial claim in tibet(their is even bigger than PRC).can you explain?

I cant explain your history. Maybe you should ask you govt to give you unrestricted accesess to your proper historical documents. Thats the problem ...you dont know your own history
I cant explain your history. Maybe you should ask you govt to give you unrestricted accesess to your proper historical documents. Thats the problem ...you dont know your own history

you still didn't answer my question .if you feel hard to talk about the Ming and Qing dynasy for it is too ancient, you can tell me that why RoC and KMT also support that tibet is part of China. if you think our govt told us the false history, why the taiwanese ,the HKers are also told the same.
Kashmir belongs to Tibet according to Chinese now? Are you serious? The sikh empire doesn;t represent India back then nor does it represent Indian after Independence. Do you understand the diffference? China invaded a free and independent Tibet. Chinese rule and control of Tibet has been on and off for centuries. China's actions makes us suspicous. Once China broke hte bond of trust, it is up to her to repair the damage not us. You understand that? And nobody is freaking out seeing a Chinese person.

Let me point out a fundamental difference. All the states joined the Indian Union WILLINGLY. Do you understand the difference? TIBET NEVER JOINED WILLINGLY. CHINA UNDER MAO TOOK IT BY FORCE? You can do whatever you want CHina.....push India and we will allow US to set up base in AP. AND YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR UNCLE SAM......NEVER FORGET....

India's presence in Mansarovar Lake and Kailash mountains is as ancient as Indian history and India's first religion Hinduism, at that time Hans had not even built the Great wall.

Shouldn't we ask China to give us our territory. :cheesy:

you still didn't answer my question .if you feel hard to talk about the Ming and Qing dynasy for it is too ancient, you can tell me that why RoC and KMT also support that tibet is part of China. if you think our govt told us the false history, why the taiwanese ,the HKers are also told the same.

Still today Atheist China install the son of the Atheist Communist leader as Panchen Lama, isn't that extremely funny. Uighurs can't join CCP because of rejection to atheism but son of an atheist CCP leader is declared as reincarnation. :cheesy::lol:
uncountable,have you forgotten the UFOs from our border?it is not long ago.
and isn't it that your govt banned our kite lines for the reason of IT IS A THREATEN OF INDIA POWER SYSTEM,,not only your medias, but also your govt are all comedians

Never heard about it... @isro2222 can tell you more. Can you give me any link that ufo came from china.. And please its unbountable na? More please with link
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Still today Atheist China install the son of the Atheist Communist leader as Panchen Lama, isn't that extremely funny. Uighurs can't join CCP because of rejection to atheism but son of an atheist CCP leader is declared as reincarnation. :cheesy::lol:

talk based on the fact ,please.don't waste time trolling.
11 of the 42 representative of Eighteen Great from xinjiang are uighurs,of whom 4 are women.
another evidence of that your medias lie.
talk based on the fact ,please.don't waste time trolling.
11 of the 42 representative of Eighteen Great from xinjiang are uighurs,of whom 4 are women.
another evidence of that your medias lie.

Actually, some Chinese told after Ramadan ban in Xinjiang that religious Uighurs can't join CCP, only atheists are allowed.
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