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Is China Losing the Diplomatic Plot?

You, gear shifted. Go back at the square 1 "Does China losing diplomatic plot"? Yes or No.

The answer is no , are you stupid or what? what makes you think the world really care for you guys , if they dont how the heck we are loosing the diplomatic plot? :lol:
The answer is no , are you stupid or what? what makes you think the world really care for you guys , if they dont how the heck we are loosing the diplomatic plot? :lol:

Then prove what No that made you think best, but don't just used stupid you called out is consider that to be done.

You can't prove it, then you are looser and better get lost. The other meant that you pushed Hushonghan (Chinese mod) at the corner.
Then prove what No that made you think best, but don't just used stupid you called out is consider that to be done.

You can't prove it, then you are looser and better get lost. The other meant that you pushed Hushonghan (Chinese mod) at the corner.

Haha what kind of diplomatic plot you guys are winning? almost every one in the world is china biggest trading partners, countries richer than vietnam are scared of having relation with vietnam due to fact you guys might beg for aid , countries that are poorer than vietnam also dont want anything to do with you guys because you guys aint capable of helping them in anything:lol:
To shortly put it, no. China hasn't even begun to show its true powers yet.
And pray, what would that be? You guys have already shot your bolt. You've made a goddamn fool of yourselves in the eyes of the world by messing up your foreign policy which is nothing but plain gun-boat diplomacy.

China should be given the boot from the Security Council as it has repeatedly failed to act responsibly within the comity of nations. It has grown economically but not mentally, acting like a spoilt child hankering for lollypops which are beyond its reach.
They really are delusional :rofl:

The US will never fight for everyone, they will fight for their position at the top
They are greedy as you.

The world will never let china grab those whole islands knowing there are many natural resources there.
The most hated race in the world is chinese. That's a fact. Nobody trust you guys. They will never allow the chinese to rule the world economically or militarily

Your government knows that, that's why they impose a "Don't engage first rule"
What's the point of having a large military power if you can't use it freely
I pity your ignorance to accept the reality

Stay in your fantasy land where you can bomb us freely all day long

I repeat:
The US will never fight for everyone, they will fight for their position as the number one
Haha what kind of diplomatic plot you guys are winning? almost every one in the world is china biggest trading partners, countries richer than vietnam are scared of having relation with vietnam due to fact you guys might beg for aid , countries that are poorer than vietnam also dont want anything to do with you guys because you guys aint capable of helping them in anything:lol:

First of all, we are not wining on this article. This article was written by "foreigner" who is live a country without "disputes zone", it is also mean that he has "fair views" on SCS matter indeed. Specially, eyes on China diplomatic.

Second of all, which are countries richer than Viet Nam are scrared of having relation with Viet Nam? Can you name a few? Do you have anything to supporting whatever you just stated above? None right?

Third of all, YOU and your China are the same, which are just love to talk nonsense, without concretion supporting what/where/when YOU have to deal with.

Finally, YOU just turned wild that you said people "Stupid" but you don't have anything solid to supported for what you just DID. So who is stupidity by the way? YOU are, right?
First of all, we are not wining on this article. This article was written by "foreigner" who is live a country without "disputes zone", it is also mean that he has "fair views" on SCS matter indeed. Specially, eyes on China diplomatic.

Fool number1 just because the article was written by a foeigner it doesnt mean they will have a fair views

Second of all, which are countries richer than Viet Nam are scrared of having relation with Viet Nam? Can you name a few? Do you have anything to supporting whatever you just stated above? None right?

Fool number 2 countries like germany, france, britian , brazil to name but a few ect ect did they go out of their way to have a good relation with vietnam the answer is no

Third of all, YOU and your China are the same, which are just love to talk nonsense, without concretion supporting what/where/when YOU have to deal with.

fool number 3 china or chinese never brags the way you guys do here

Finally, YOU just turned wild that you said people "Stupid" but you don't have anything solid to supported for what you just DID. So who is stupidity by the way? YOU are, right?

finally just dont post uneducated and illogic post and no one will call you stupid :lol:
I personally think China is not. They calculate carefully and wisely before acting
One has to understand why South China Sea issue came up all of sudden, I maybe wrong but I never heard about this issue until maybe 6 months ago, I may have been a local/regional issue between countries but not a center stage as it it now. This in my opinion happened after China took a stand in favor of Pakistan, it was the strongest stand China has ever taken and in simple words told Uncle bully to back off, and all of sudden Vietnam and phillippine start their claims on South China sea and even got another US Pawn (India) involved in it. but this time dragon is in aggressive mode and US as usual will back out eventually.

Well, basically the South China Sea issue did not come up of a sudden. And it is neither directly related to Pakistan nor US nor India. The dispute has been ongoing between China and Vietnam since decades, and it escalated after the Vietnam war. The Philippines have come as new disputant recently.

Uncle Sam is just happy finding a way to contain China. Today the South China Sea has turned into a global war zone, nearly all regional and global powers are involved in this game.
So the likelihood that the U.S. backs off is ZERO.
Uncle Sam is just happy finding a way to contain China. Today the South China Sea has turned into a global war zone, nearly all regional and global powers are involved in this game.
So the likelihood that the U.S. backs off is ZERO.

Of course the likelihood of US backing off is ZERO since she's, aside from rhetoric and egging some players on, not even physical involved in the actual disputes.

Or to put it more aptly, the chances for her to get physically involved is almost zero.
We will see.

The U.S is trying hard to convince Vietnam to become a new ally. It is just funny to see how US politicians have stepped up their rhetorics against China recently, while they avoid to mention a word about Vietnam.
At present, Vietnam still believes that it can take on China alone, so it rejects to side with America. But that can be changed in the future.

The U.S. cannot afford to show any weakness against China. In doing so, all other countries in Asia including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Philippines and others will arm themself massively, the situation could get quickly out of control.
This is rather correct and balanced from a poster with at least 1 chinese flag, I havnt seen it for a while, kudos.

Im unsure about Myanmar though, it has been opening up to the west recently, they may be due for a reevaluation.

Im surprised you feel Myanmar has a stronger relationship with China than Cambodia considering the above and the actions taken by Cambodia recently.

overall though their 'friends' remain an overall unimpressive group, aside from Russia, though Friends is probably not the right word to use with them, as they are not really on China's side when it comes to its designs on the SCS. As Russia orients itself Eastward to Asia (unless the talk of doing so is just that) this will probably become more pronounced. Russia isn't known for its desire to play second fiddle, and China's endgoal would relegate it to just that.

This guy is Brit, he has a Chinese flag because his wife (race traitor wh*re) is Chinese. :coffee:

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