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Is China expanding its 'core interests'?

Nun, ein paar Chinesen hier auf dem Forum provozieren mich zu ein paar Bemerkungen, die nicht unbedingt für Kinder geeignet sind. Was machst du in Deutschland übrigens?
India should remember what Chairman Mao had said about the Himalaya. He had said, "If Tibet is the palm of the hand, then the Himalaya are the outstretched fingers." India should patch up with the Chinese and honor their justified claim. Or risk loosing more when the Chinese march in. Indian leaders must be knowing that Indian troops have lived in mortal fear of China since 1962.

Still good at kissing a$$,I see!!!!Carry on:tup:,One day chairman Mao will give you a lolipop:lol:

India should remember what Chairman Mao had said about the Himalaya. He had said, "If Tibet is the palm of the hand, then the Himalaya are the outstretched fingers." India should patch up with the Chinese and honor their justified claim. Or risk loosing more when the Chinese march in. Indian leaders must be knowing that Indian troops have lived in mortal fear of China since 1962.

Still good at kissing a$$,I see!!!!Carry on:tup:,One day chairman Mao will give you a lolipop:lol:
dude, I got the new one about 3 months ago,

I don't know when I apply for a new passport and they send me a new ID Card as well, sweet :)

blah blah blah, CPC is strong, American falling apart.......

Wait, didn't people keep saying US is falling aprt and states will succeed one after one about 5 months ago??

Where are all those people now I wonder??

and lol Whatever, the Government of China seems to think I am Chinese, and I don't care if you think otherwise lol

Actually pretty much every western country is falling apart. Europe is screwed. America is screwed even worse. Asia is rising and we are leading that rise.

Deal with it.
Nun, ein paar Chinesen hier auf dem Forum provozieren mich zu ein paar Bemerkungen, die nicht unbedingt für Kinder geeignet sind. Was machst du in Deutschland übrigens?

Ich bin ein Spion. Ich möchte das Rezept der Pho aus den vietnamesischen Restaurants in Ost-Berlin stehlen.
China needs to realize it has very few friends even in Asia

It seems one day they may be facing down most of the world militarily. The Chinese people need another revolution for their own to create for a more democratic environment based on enhanced equalities and freedoms of speech. There is nothing China hates more than losing face. Well it is doing a great job at just that on the world’s stage.

One thing China understands more than anything is GREED. They are really very GREEDY.

Look most of China's neighbors are her enemies. :pissed:

Slaves alike flock together. They're pumping up each other...

China is distinctively unique in this world, be by the standard of culture, language, history or ideology. Tell us which country has 6000+ years continuous written history? Tell us which country now does not using alphabetic spelling language? Tell us which country has the guts to conduct "One country, two systems", letting two seemingly contradictory systems to compete peacefully to show which is better?

China is not a slave. And a Master stands alone on its own way.

Get it, slaves? I mean you!
Slaves alike flock together. They're pumping up each other...

China is distinctively unique in this world, be by the standard of culture, language, history or ideology. Tell us which country has 6000+ years continuous written history? Tell us which country now does not using alphabetic spelling language? Tell us which country has the guts to conduct "One country, two systems", letting two seemingly contradictory systems to compete peacefully to show which is better?

China is not a slave. And a Master stands alone on its own way.

Get it, slaves? I mean you!

There are no philippino servants in China or US. There are plenty of Philippino servants in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Actually pretty much every western country is falling apart. Europe is screwed. America is screwed even worse. Asia is rising and we are leading that rise.

Deal with it.

Oh my, Psyops has spoken, nothing we can do now. :rolleyes:
Slaves alike flock together. They're pumping up each other...

China is distinctively unique in this world, be by the standard of culture, language, history or ideology. Tell us which country has 6000+ years continuous written history? Tell us which country now does not using alphabetic spelling language? Tell us which country has the guts to conduct "One country, two systems", letting two seemingly contradictory systems to compete peacefully to show which is better?

China is not a slave. And a Master stands alone on its own way.

Get it, slaves? I mean you!
Given the PSYCHOTIC behaviour of our neighbor that ratches up threats to most of her neighbors.

Well take this to your head. Just because you had the disputed islands or lands on your own invented map does not mean it is rightfully yours.

Your Chinese history is just for Chinese audience and not the official history so don’t conclude that’s it’s the truth. By the way in reality it is China who is the trouble maker, everything is calm until China started its creeping incursion and bullying, that’s a real facts. Stupid!

Chinese expansionism is being experience from the end of World War II when you take Tibet as your land which even in history Tibet is not part of China. You even killed 1.2 million Tibetans and the genocide still continues up to the present but you justified your actions by stating that you are saving them (Tibetans) from feudalism, backwardness and superstition, an obvious Communist Shenanigan but undeniable accounts of Tibetan history shows that Tibet is an independent nation, but your country counters this by rewriting Tibetan history and teaching your version of history to young Chinese students.

Anyway the only reason why your country is having dispute to most of your neighbors is because of your incredible, thick-faced, shameless land grab.

Shameless China wants to grab everything in its sight.
It's always been the Chinese strategy...

Send their own people in contested territory (or even sovereign territory)... then build structures there... then claim it's theirs... if the other country disagrees, they'll have to go to war with China.

It's been done for thousands of years.
It's always been the Chinese strategy...

Send their own people in contested territory (or even sovereign territory)... then build structures there... then claim it's theirs... if the other country disagrees, they'll have to go to war with China.

It's been done for thousands of years.

and which country hasnt done this?
South Tibet ,Diaoyu Island ,South China Sea and its islands ,Suyan reef,Ryukyu Islands including ,are all our inherent territory

Then prepare to be encircled,the world isn't here to crawl at china's feet.If it gets too high on its horse it will be encircled and strangled.

Slaves alike flock together. They're pumping up each other...

China is distinctively unique in this world, be by the standard of culture, language, history or ideology. Tell us which country has 6000+ years continuous written history? Tell us which country now does not using alphabetic spelling language? Tell us which country has the guts to conduct "One country, two systems", letting two seemingly contradictory systems to compete peacefully to show which is better?

China is not a slave. And a Master stands alone on its own way.

Get it, slaves? I mean you!

Ha ha ha,CCP slaves calling others slaves.
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