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Is China expanding its 'core interests'?

South Tibet ,Diaoyu Island ,South China Sea and its islands ,Suyan reef,Ryukyu Islands including ,are all our inherent territory

I am yet to find a Chinese who even have a slight idea about the people and culture of Arunachal Pradesh. Chinese claim Arunachal Pradesh but they know nothing about the people of Arunachal Pradesh. :omghaha::omghaha:
Yes, before last week Diaoyu Islands was not a core interest. Last week we announced it was a core interest :)

Southern Tibet will become a core interest sometime this year, I expect.
@HongWu I don't think China is interested in Arunachal Pradesh. Aksai Chin seems to be of more strategic value to China. Either ways Arunachal has a native population who are happy with the Indian Union.

China needs to win their hearts first to gain Arunachal and to do that they have to first win the hearts of Tibetans. Long way to go.
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By the same logic, Mongolia can claim whole of China because China was once their.

lol Mongol is not Chinese. Same logic does not apply, I guess :)

Got it, so the "outside" people should not emmulate the meek chinese people and meet aggression with aggression which will probably aid in the "freedom" of the chinese sheeple.

lol there are no way the "Outsider" can be aggressive, before the outsider get to that stage, they will stand down in case anything happens.
China, being one of The five Permanent members of the UN Security Council , the only one country on earth not uniform as so far.
Right now ,the US still sell military weapons to one of Chinese province.what a shame to us.what so weak to us .what a insult to us,and mock by u all to us.Ur Indian right now tell us that we are expanding our core intests?
We have had suffered a lot of attack and massacre by Japanese.And many injustice treaty to us in near modern times,also from US and other nations on earth.
Does any Ur Indian state received weapon for independence from US .U never know the insult from the bitches who always wanna to press to bully you.
As our power grow,we need to stop them to violet our right.At the same time ,you Indian ,on the contrary,tell the world ,stop!U Chinese are expanding your core interests.
What is our core interests,I would like to tell you loudly.We want our nation powerful to fight anyone who dare to make new injustice and unfair to us .and we chinese live happily and the Country and races Unity.Anyone want to stop us ,we certainly would fight for our core intests.

This is how most countries in Asia feel buddy :cheers:
lol Mongol is not Chinese. Same logic does not apply, I guess :)

I know it. I talked to many Chinese all of them told me all the people in Arunachal Pradesh speak Tibetan language and ethnically Tibetans. So, Chinese claim a land with no idea about the people of the land. :laugh:
I have never said anything about stealing. I am talking about the sentimental value of procession.


what about you get something via robbery.
By the same logic, Mongolia can claim whole of China because China was once their.


of course, indeed some mongols living in outer mongolia claim their ancestor's empire, hope one day that they can regain.

lol Mongol is not Chinese. Same logic does not apply, I guess


mongols in china are Chinese citizens, they are ethnic mongol chinese; mongols in outer mongolia are mongolian citizens
We will expand our core interests when we see fit. As our power and influence grows our global footprint will become larger. It's our destiny to be the world's most powerful country. It's our birthright.
South Tibet ,Diaoyu Island ,South China Sea and its islands ,Suyan reef,Ryukyu Islands including ,are all our inherent territory
I don´t care much about others, but SC Sea. It seems the dirty air in Beijing or elsewhere has damaged your brain. The East Sea is ours. Period.

We will expand our core interests when we see fit. As our power and influence grows our global footprint will become larger. It's our destiny to be the world's most powerful country. It's our birthright.
Japan can spank you Chinese again. That is your faith, your birthright.
Japan can spank you Chinese again. That is your faith, your birthright.
:omghaha: The Straits Times (Singapore)

August 21, 2008 Thursday

Vietnam needs to remember famine of 1945

THE Socialist Republic of Vietnam declared its independence on Sept 2, 1945. The declaration came at the tail end of a famine which began in 1944. The famine still haunts the consciousness of many who were alive then.

An estimated two million Vietnamese, or 10 per cent of the population then, died during the famine. By comparison, three million Vietnamese were killed during the Second Indochina War, from 1954 to 1975.

The causes of the famine are hardly in dispute. In 1940, the Japanese army occupied Vietnam but left Vichy France in charge of its administration. By the terms of the May 1941 Franco-Japanese treaty, French Indochina had to supply grains to Japan. From 1941 to 1944, Vietnam supplied 700,000 to 1.3 million tonnes of padi and maize to Japan, roughly equivalent to 50 to 80 per cent of its grain production. And a fairly significant acreage was forced into the production of jute, hemp, cotton and castor-oil plants - also for Japan - thus reducing food production. The wartime destruction of roads and other transport infrastructure made it difficult to transport excess food from southern Vietnam to the north. What ensued was tantamount to genocide.

Many victims walked long distances to provincial capitals, and thousands marched on the capital, Hanoi. Survivors resident there then tell of long lines of ghost-like figures trooping into the city. Hanoi families often found corpses in front of their homes. Huge pits were dug in rural areas near Hanoi for mass burials. The wages paid to burial workers went down by the day, and in Hanoi people were soon burying bodies just for a bowl of gruel. The dead in rural areas were left in the open to rot because people
did not have the strength to bury them.

Extreme conditions drove many people to extreme behaviour. The vomit of one became the food of another. People followed horses and oxen to eat the dung or to search for the occasional undigested pieces of food in the dung. Food in the mouth was not necessarily secure, because there were frequent fights to force food out of mouths. People stole, robbed and killed for food.

One family that made cakes for sale reports how it made cakes from earth to guard against theft. Customers would pay for the earth cakes and redeem them for real ones later elsewhere.

There are stories of how infants were eaten up by hungry dogs. Parents would leave their children at home to go look for food, only to find blood and bones in cribs when they returned.
China needs to realize it has very few friends even in Asia

It seems one day they may be facing down most of the world militarily. The Chinese people need another revolution for their own to create for a more democratic environment based on enhanced equalities and freedoms of speech. There is nothing China hates more than losing face. Well it is doing a great job at just that on the world’s stage.

One thing China understands more than anything is GREED. They are really very GREEDY.

Look most of China's neighbors are her enemies. :pissed:
See, who teach chinese here? had been one of the richest countries in asia, now a poorest one.

China have more than 15 neighbors, most? tell me who are china's enemies? I know you counter in Japan, Indian, Viet, and phillippine, others? poor maths! but I don't think phillippine is qualified to be one, you know, you suck too much....
CCP probably need a few generation make over before it can be work and compare to any modern government.

When there are CCP, there will be some people who fly their flag without any reason and offer their unconditional support.
There are no way a normal Chinese Citizen can overrule or overturn the CCP, and the CCP is the general direction where China is going. As long as the structure is there, there will not be any change. The only change one can hope for is the change of people. Which is why I said the CCP need a few generation of flip over to make right

Han Han has written several posts, with lines like “I do not believe that a Velvet Revolution can take place in China,” and that he thinks “the ultimate winner in a revolution must be a vicious, ruthless person,” which is why he supports “stronger reforms” for China. He also says that the Chinese Communist Party has 80 million members, and 300 million people belong to families in which someone has Party membership: “The Party is no longer just a political party or a class,” “When the party organization reaches a certain size, it becomes the people itself, and people form the system.” This is some real truth you rarely hear in China today!

Source: Han Han. Largest blog in China if not in the world with 300million hits.
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