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Is China expanding its 'core interests'?


Nov 10, 2012
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Is China expanding its 'core interests'?


Is China attempting "bit by bit" to take over land on India's side of the LAC? Is Beijing planning to expand its "core interests" to include the contentious unresolved boundary as well? And is it time India expanded its conventional and nuclear deterrence to forestall such moves by China?

These were among the points raised by a panel of experts that included former Indian ambassador to China T.C.A. Rangachari, China expert Srikant Kondapally and BJP Rajya sabha member Tarun Vijay at a talk on 'India China Relations- the Recent Developments' at the India International Centre Sunday evening.

According to Rangachari, the Chinese incursion is "qualitatively different" from earlier transgressions. He said this time it is close to two weeks since the Chinese troops pitched tents 19 km inside Indian territory in Depsang area of Ladakh to establish their physical presence.

The maps of both sides on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), or the ceasefire line since 1962, do not coincide and the issue has not been resolved despite umpteen rounds of talks.

The question, said Rangachari, that needed to be asked if the Chinese were "trying take their ground positions in line with their map. If the idea is bit by bit (taking over), then more such cases would be coming up," said the expert. He said that China has also so far maintained that it has not transgressed the LAC.

No one should underestimate China, Xi Jinping, now the country's president, had declared in January in his first published speech on foreign policy after taking over as the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, adding that Beijing will defend its "core interests", which include Tibet and Taiwan.

With a big debate going on in China on what all constitute its core interests and how it should be revealed to the world, "we cannot rule out that at some point the India-China border will also become part of China's core interests", he added.
While India stands for peace and stability, it should come with preparedness and vigilance." We should be prepared that in case diplomacy is not able to get results, then there should be sufficient deterrent in our capabilities that we do not lose out anything on the ground situation", Rangachary stressed.

P. Stobdan, a retired diplomat, said the Chinese incursion is in a resource-rich region where in 2006 scientists had found very high grade uranium deposits as well as high thermal sulphur discharge that is capable of being harnessed to produce 1,000 MW of electricity.

According to Kondapally, professor, Chinese Studies, Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, China has invested heavily in Pakistan's Northern Areas, including investing $32 billion in a hydro electricity projects in Gilgit Baltistan and expanding the Karakoram highway to 32-m wide, which could also be used for landing aircraft.

"The current effort is to protect its core interests and basically aimed to push back Indian troops and protect the assets it is building there," he added.

Kondapally said while the options of flag meetings, high level confidence building mechanisms and political and military approach are there, "unless we enhance our conventional and nuclear deterrence capabilities, such instances will recur".

Lt. Gen. (retd) J.S.Bajwa, former director general (Infantry) at Army Headquarters, said the Indian government has been "slow in procuring equipment" for the armed forces positioned along the LAC.

Tarun Vijay said it is "very important to decipher what the Chinese say. They have very clearly told us that we are going to stay here and the problem is going to arise again."
Is China expanding its 'core interests'?
China, being one of The five Permanent members of the UN Security Council , the only one country on earth not uniform as so far.
Right now ,the US still sell military weapons to one of Chinese province.what a shame to us.what so weak to us .what a insult to us,and mock by u all to us.Ur Indian right now tell us that we are expanding our core intests?
We have had suffered a lot of attack and massacre by Japanese.And many injustice treaty to us in near modern times,also from US and other nations on earth.
Does any Ur Indian state received weapon for independence from US .U never know the insult from the bitches who always wanna to press to bully you.
As our power grow,we need to stop them to violet our right.At the same time ,you Indian ,on the contrary,tell the world ,stop!U Chinese are expanding your core interests.
What is our core interests,I would like to tell you loudly.We want our nation powerful to fight anyone who dare to make new injustice and unfair to us .and we chinese live happily and the Country and races Unity.Anyone want to stop us ,we certainly would fight for our core intests.
What we simultaneously need to do along with defending is fuel up disputes and open fronts in Tibet, Aksai Chin and SCS and form security groups with like minded nations - these pansy congis are corrupt and useless.
Yes, before last week Diaoyu Islands was not a core interest. Last week we announced it was a core interest :)

Southern Tibet will become a core interest sometime this year, I expect.
South Tibet ,Diaoyu Island ,South China Sea and its islands ,Suyan reef,Ryukyu Islands including ,are all our inherent territory
China needs to realize it has very few friends even in Asia

It seems one day they may be facing down most of the world militarily. The Chinese people need another revolution for their own to create for a more democratic environment based on enhanced equalities and freedoms of speech. There is nothing China hates more than losing face. Well it is doing a great job at just that on the world’s stage.

One thing China understands more than anything is GREED. They are really very GREEDY.

Look most of China's neighbors are her enemies. :pissed:
Look China needs to realize it has very few friends even in Asia

It seems one day they may be facing down most of the world militarily. The Chinese people need another revolution for their own to create for a more democratic environment based on enhanced equalities and freedoms of speech. There is nothing China hates more than losing face. Well it is doing a great job at just that on the world’s stage.

One thing China understands more than anything is GREED. They are really very GREEDY. Look most of China's neighbors are her enemies.

Well, China just realizes that Asia is full of US puppet governments, therefore Asia needs to be cleansed. :coffee:
China needs to realize it has very few friends even in Asia

It seems one day they may be facing down most of the world militarily. The Chinese people need another revolution for their own to create for a more democratic environment based on enhanced equalities and freedoms of speech. There is nothing China hates more than losing face. Well it is doing a great job at just that on the world’s stage.

One thing China understands more than anything is GREED. They are really very GREEDY.

Look most of China's neighbors are her enemies. :pissed:

The traditional Chinese thinking is, if a things was once mine, it belong to me forever. And hence the Chinese have a sense of "Entitlement", it's not the same as Greed because those item, although it's not theirs anymore, was once theirs.

That translated to a Chinese mentality do not know how to let go some issue. Every issue is important to them. In term of former Soviet Russia, they know when to let go some point they cannot hold on to, and focus on another part that they can win, it's because of this, China will be less of an opponent to the US in term of Global Influence.

However, as I should also point out, not all of the Chinese are insane like the member you saw here. Most of them really, and simply don't care, of course there are ultranationalist among them, but most of them are now business first, nationalist second, and hence we have the situation as it was today
The traditional Chinese thinking is, if a things was once mine, it belong to me forever. And hence the Chinese have a sense of "Entitlement", it's not the same as Greed because those item, although it's not theirs anymore, was once theirs.

That translated to a Chinese mentality do not know how to let go some issue. Every issue is important to them. In term of former Soviet Russia, they know when to let go some point they cannot hold on to, and focus on another part that they can win, it's because of this, China will be less of an opponent to the US in term of Global Influence.

However, as I should also point out, not all of the Chinese are insane like the member you saw here. Most of them really, and simply don't care, of course there are ultranationalist among them, but most of them are now business first, nationalist second, and hence we have the situation as it was today

It's doesn't matter what a common chinese cares or doesn't care - it's the CCP who matter - it's them who formulate policy and no chinese has the right to question them.
It's doesn't matter what a common chinese cares or doesn't care - it's the CCP who matter - it's them who formulate policy and no chinese has the right to question them.

CCP probably need a few generation make over before it can be work and compare to any modern government.

When there are CCP, there will be some people who fly their flag without any reason and offer their unconditional support.
There are no way a normal Chinese Citizen can overrule or overturn the CCP, and the CCP is the general direction where China is going. As long as the structure is there, there will not be any change. The only change one can hope for is the change of people. Which is why I said the CCP need a few generation of flip over to make right
The traditional Chinese thinking is, if a things was once mine, it belong to me forever.


so what is your thinking?
you steal something from some one, the thing is forever yours?
CCP probably need a few generation make over before it can be work and compare to any modern government.

When there are CCP, there will be some people who fly their flag without any reason and offer their unconditional support.
There are no way a normal Chinese Citizen can overrule or overturn the CCP, and the CCP is the general direction where China is going. As long as the structure is there, there will not be any change. The only change one can hope for is the change of people. Which is why I said the CCP need a few generation of flip over to make right

There wont be any change for a long time, thee chinese people will get a few crumbs here and there in the name of freedom but never complete freedom, the CCP dont think the chinese people are smart enouh to rule themselves and need an iron hand to keep them in line.
The traditional Chinese thinking is, if a things was once mine, it belong to me forever.


so what is your thinking?
you steal something from some one, the thing is forever yours?

I have never said anything about stealing. I am talking about the sentimental value of procession.

If I do stole something, I will probably and quickly change hand with it, either sell them or trade them off with some cash. It will be stupid to still hold on the stolen item when the cops close in.

So, what's your point?

There wont be any change for a long time, thee chinese people will get a few crumbs here and there in the name of freedom but never complete freedom, the CCP dont think the chinese people are smart enouh to rule themselves and need an iron hand to keep them in line.

I don't think there WILL BE FREEDOM OF ANY FORM in China, I am talking about a regime more "For" the people then for the party. You can keep a tight grip on your own citizens meanwhile look after their need.

In the mean time, they (The CCP) will need to act strong and mighty on the outside so it don't have a perception of weakness shown to its own people. They need to maintain a "face" if they want iron hand over their own citizens.

Hence you see what they do today
The traditional Chinese thinking is, if a things was once mine, it belong to me forever. And hence the Chinese have a sense of "Entitlement", it's not the same as Greed because those item, although it's not theirs anymore, was once theirs.

By the same logic, Mongolia can claim whole of China because China was once their.
I don't think there WILL BE FREEDOM OF ANY FORM in China, I am talking about a regime more "For" the people then for the party. You can keep a tight grip on your own citizens meanwhile look after their need.

In the mean time, they (The CCP) will need to act strong and mighty on the outside so it don't have a perception of weakness shown to its own people. They need to maintain a "face" if they want iron hand over their own citizens.

Hence you see what they do today

Got it, so the "outside" people should not emmulate the meek chinese people and meet aggression with aggression which will probably aid in the "freedom" of the chinese sheeple.
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