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Is Bhutan moving away from Delhi... towards Beijing?

Lol...I may call myself that i look like chinese.east asian, south east asean or what ever but i am proud to be an indian....if northeast india had beed under chinese rule we would had faced the same fate that Tbetan's are facing now.....
Lol...I may call myself that i look like chinese.east asian, south east asean or what ever but i am proud to be an indian....if northeast india had beed under chinese rule we would had faced the same fate that Tbetan's are facing now.....

What, you mean Tibetans having a higher per capita income, a higher life expectancy, higher social indicators, a lower mortality rate than the average Indian? Let alone a Northeast Indian, which is one of the most deprived areas in all of India?
i guess some really do flourish on f ilth
we've seen rather pristine examples of long living megatons here

Oh, the word was *****. Even better. :woot:

Since according to the 2012 Environmental Performance Index (as calculated by Yale and Columbia Universities), India is in the top 10 dirtiest countries in the world.

Top Cleanest and Dirtiest Countries in the World - Environmental Performance Index

The country lists below are based on the Environmental Performance Index (calculated by Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, Yale University and Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia University; in collaboration with World Economic Forum and Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission):

The 2012 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 132 countries on 22 performance indicators in 10 policy categories.

Top 10 dirtiest countries:
1) Iraq
2) Turkmenistan
3) Uzbekistan
4) Kazakhstan
5) South Africa
6) Yemen
7) Kuwait
8) India
9) Bosnia and Herzegovina
10) Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Note that India is the only representative here from South Asia.
^awesome, but hey one cant beat chefs taking a dump while taking orders and calmly getting up to make noodles right after.
no wonder we hear raging bird flu and SARS every other year, you cant seem to differentiate between food and stools

Right? It seems as if every time I look at some documentary about China, people always seem to be wearing face masks. I wondered what that was about
CD, you're only cementing the case that some indeed florish on industrial waste :azn:
CD, you're only cementing the case that some indeed florish on industrial waste :azn:

(apparently that made him run away :D)

Funny again, since according to the Environmental Performance Index (by Yale and Columbia Universities)... India has the most toxic air in the entire world. :lol:

The Hindu - India has the most toxic air: Study

It is official: India has the world's most toxic air.

In a study by Yale and Columbia Universities, India holds the very last rank among 132 nations in terms of air quality with regard to its effect on human health.



And India hasn't even industrialized yet! Look at the chart and tell me what will happen when India tries to industrialize? :lol:
^i find it exceedingly amusing that you continue to fail in noticing you are supporting my argument.

some really do flourish in industrial waste. kindly enjoy your next meal of formaldehyde, the effects are rather comedic
^i find it exceedingly amusing that you continue to fail in noticing you are supporting my argument.

some really do flourish in industrial waste.

I find it exceedingly amusing that India has the worst air pollution in the ENTIRE WORLD, and yet it hasn't even industrialized yet. :lol:
Or the "tainted milk". Must've been one of the millions whom has managed to survive.

How many people died from the tainted milk? Exactly 6 people.

How many people died from ONE single incident of tainted drink in India?

BBC News - India toxic alcohol kills 143 in West Bengal

That was only one single incident. And nobody blinked because India is in the top 10 dirtiest countries in the world, you expect it.
What, you mean Tibetans having a higher per capita income, a higher life expectancy, higher social indicators, a lower mortality rate than the average Indian? Let alone a Northeast Indian, which is one of the most deprived areas in all of India?

10% of india's annual budget goes to northeast india but this funds are not properly utilised due to corruption.....but northeast india has higher literacy rate than average national rate....the state of mizoram has more than 98% literacy rate,arunachal and sikkim with one of the highest percapita income,there are far less homeless people in northeast ,many will be surprised that Mizoram has O% homless people...northeast india has the best social infrastructure in india the only thing we need is good physical infrastruction.....yes there are also very poor people in northeast india but not to an extend that we have to beg...most of the poor people in northeast india are either illigal Bangladeshi migrants or Biharis and adivasis from north india...
How many people died from the tainted milk? Exactly 6 people.

How many people died from ONE single incident of tainted drink in India?

BBC News - India toxic alcohol kills 143 in West Bengal

That was only one single incident. And nobody blinked because India is in the top 10 dirtiest countries in the world, you expect it.

maulnutration and extreemly low IQ must bave something to do with the stuff they eat```just their high caste owners dont tell them
How many people died from the tainted milk? Exactly 6 people.

How many people died from ONE single incident of tainted drink in India?

BBC News - India toxic alcohol kills 143 in West Bengal

That was only one single incident. And nobody blinked because India is in the top 10 dirtiest countries in the world, you expect it.

while we see some flourishing on sewer oil.

maulnutration and extreemly low IQ must bave something to do with the stuff they eat```just their high caste owners dont tell them

sounds oddly similar to PRC that deem it necessary to censor news or events that the silly populace cannot understand
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