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Is Bhutan moving away from Delhi... towards Beijing?

How many people died from the tainted milk? Exactly 6 people.

How many people died from ONE single incident of tainted drink in India?

BBC News - India toxic alcohol kills 143 in West Bengal

That was only one single incident. And nobody blinked because India is in the top 10 dirtiest countries in the world, you expect it.

Hey no ones justifying India's hygienic issues. In fact it's funny that you compare India's rural villages with China's manufacturing company that sells their "high end products" nationwide.

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Recalls Tainted Milk Powder in China and Reignites Fears - WSJ.com

Exposure to mercury can permanently damage vital organs, including the kidneys and the brain, causing tremors, memory problems and changes of vision and hearing, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which also states that young children are more sensitive to mercury than adults.

This alone speaks volume of the quality of Chinese members on here.

Hey and if that wasn't enough

Press Controls Feed China's Food Problem - WSJ.com

Nearly three weeks after China's melamine-tainted milk powder scandal first came to light, Beijing is scrambling to assure the public nothing like this will ever happen again. Yet the Communist Party's insistence on maintaining press controls still presents a significant stumbling block to addressing China's quality control problems. Greater press freedom is not on its own a solution to product safety problems in China, but it has to be a component of any strategy to deal with the issue. Free media could help keep companies and regulators honest, expose lapses, and provide the public with critical updates on safety problems -- especially in a nation like China, where rule of law is still a long time coming.

Guess we'll never know how many people actually died.
you are an pathetic troll :rofl:
india have 1/3rd of north east and many of them are mongoloid population ..we are indian first..

see indian army and see the mongol featured soldiers..:lol:

Oh Paaji don't mess with high IQ chinis! They do all the guess work by looks!the pic you posted the chinis will now claim they are chini spies.. Bewares!:lol:

Maybe not, but they are the ones coming to us looking for diplomatic relations.

Even your own media is reporting it:

China, Bhutan 'ready' to establish diplomatic ties - The Hindu
"we vow to" "we are ready to" lol does this make any difference?thats a normal protocol to talk in international diplomatic terms..what do you expect them to say?talk about euro 2012?
China, India vow to raise strategic partnership - China.org.cn
Now Delhi is moving closer to Beijing!?:cheesy:
I think for the Chinese, the meaning of industrialization is millions of people using n-Hexane to wipe iPhone screens for Western consumers.

Irrespective of the health hazard (which obviously they don't know or worse don't care).

Because these million, despite sleeping 20 to a small dorm in beds only they can fit in, are still better off than the other billion, who are worse off than sub Saharan Africa.

Another meaning is probably making iron in your backyard, even if it means 50 million dying of hunger for entirely man made reasons.

OTOH, Indian flag proudly embedded on the moon was achieved without "the Chin definition" of industrialization.

So did the more than $100 billions of Engineering goods export.

For them, probably working on contract manufacturing is the highest form of industrialization and we can't really blame them for not knowing what they don't know.

We call it kupmandhuk (frog in the well) syndrome.
This thread started with Bhutan and i don't know where it will end now:
Quoted for truth.

That is why it is funny and at times creepy when so many distant Chinese show so much obsession with us.

China is a distant fellow ancient civilization and many of us have respect for that ancient civilization. Many Chinese on this forum show us the other not so pleasant side but that is fine.

It takes all kinds and in a nation of 1.3 billions, there will always be millions of such people.

Exactly dude, dont forget nmost of these guys from their mainland are puppets (paid to roll foums and push party propaganda). If you try to give them info regarding corruption in China, they will not see it unless they are part of the govt. So, its easy to see thru disguise.

That's exactly what I thought about India, before I actually started talking to Indians.

For some reason, I was under the impression that China and India were actually very similar, two ancient civilizations in Asia with many cultural connections (Buddhism for example). Two great old civilizations that lived side by side in peace, and who together controlled most of the world's economy, until the "outsiders" came and destroyed us both.

But actually I came to realize that most of this was just a fairytale. China and India were never aligned and most likely never will be, and for some reason we are India's "number one enemy" (according to their own defence ministers).

Wrong again. YOu come with a perceived notion, that is your first mistake. We have more in common but your failure to see exposes your hidden flaws
Wrong again. YOu come with a perceived notion, that is your first mistake. We have more in common but your failure to see exposes your hidden flaws

No point.

I have stopped seeing him/her as a person capable of independent thought long back if he/she ever was capable of such a feat.
Hey no ones justifying India's hygienic issues. In fact it's funny that you compare India's rural villages with China's manufacturing company that sells their "high end products" nationwide.

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Recalls Tainted Milk Powder in China and Reignites Fears - WSJ.com

This alone speaks volume of the quality of Chinese members on here.

Hey and if that wasn't enough

Press Controls Feed China's Food Problem - WSJ.com

Guess we'll never know how many people actually died.

Not that one wants to get into spilling dirt but there was also the minor issue of recycling billions of chopstick and what not...

They try to project an image that is just not true. They should just back off. No one cares or gives a damn.
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