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Could someone please give us a translation on the figures for this weapon.:wave:
For those on this board naive enough to believe Iran can build 5th gen fighter all by itself.

This is mock-ups Sukhoi was doing in 1980’s on 5th gen design

An early look at what would ultimately become the Su-47.Most interestingly the biggest difference is that it used the same sort of flat 2D thrust vectoring nozzles as the F-22.The most obvious thing from both the Su-47 and Mig 1.42/1.44 designs is that the soviet conception of a 5th gen fighter was very different to their american counterparts,indeed when one compares these to the later russian 5th gen Pak-Fa design the difference is stark.
As for the 313,well I`m going to reserve judgement at the moment.The fact that a prototype was actually built and began taxi tests does give it a certain degree of credibility,tho the fact that nothing further has been heard since then does make one wonder.Ultimately at the present time there are still too many unknowns about the project and its ultimate goals,that for me at least its difficult to form a clear opinion either way.:undecided:
guys is it only me or you want to see this missile:

loaded on this plane too:


or as a replacement for old sejjils:

View attachment 593399
You mean something a bit like this......

The us Seekbat,tho interestingly this was supposedly based on the AGM-78 which was an arm,not the RIM66 sam.

Iran did play around with the rim66 back in the 80s[?] both as a land based sam and an a2a weapon,but without much success evidently.
However I`m inclined to agree with Amir that the kamin/mersad sam is actually hawk air frame based not rim66 based,so it would be longer and slightly lighter than the rim66.
You mean something a bit like this......

The us Seekbat,tho interestingly this was supposedly based on the AGM-78 which was an arm,not the RIM66 sam.

Iran did play around with the rim66 back in the 80s[?] both as a land based sam and an a2a weapon,but without much success evidently.
However I`m inclined to agree with Amir that the kamin/mersad sam is actually hawk air frame based not rim66 based,so it would be longer and slightly lighter than the rim66.
well i also believe that the shalamcheh-2 missile is the same rocket engine of MIM-23 with mersad/upgraded mersad avionics and new controlling surfaces. the interesting part is Iranian modified AIM-23 sejjil had almost 55 km range while our hawks had models had 35 km range, considering that MOD promised that new shalamcheh missile will have 60 km range by doing some math air launched shalamcheh will have 90 km range. (it's not scientifically true but if you compare air launched vs ground launched missile you will notice they have twice the max range compared to SAM versions, in sum air launched missiles have more range i maybe wrong about shalamcheh range but surely it will be more than 70 k).
also about the RIM-66 missiles, i red an article not long time ago. they said Iran first employed those missiles to it's phantom fleet to hunt down Iraqi mig-25s but it was not successful but the interesting part is according to that article IRIAF tested those RIMs as anti ship missiles and in couple of tests it did hit it's target. :cheesy::cheesy:
well i also believe that the shalamcheh-2 missile is the same rocket engine of MIM-23 with mersad/upgraded mersad avionics and new controlling surfaces. the interesting part is Iranian modified AIM-23 sejjil had almost 55 km range while our hawks had models had 35 km range, considering that MOD promised that new shalamcheh missile will have 60 km range by doing some math air launched shalamcheh will have 90 km range. (it's not scientifically true but if you compare air launched vs ground launched missile you will notice they have twice the max range compared to SAM versions, in sum air launched missiles have more range i maybe wrong about shalamcheh range but surely it will be more than 70 k).
also about the RIM-66 missiles, i red an article not long time ago. they said Iran first employed those missiles to it's phantom fleet to hunt down Iraqi mig-25s but it was not successful but the interesting part is according to that article IRIAF tested those RIMs as anti ship missiles and in couple of tests it did hit it's target. :cheesy::cheesy:

as far as i know you are right any missile that is airborne before the launch will have 50%-70% more range then the ground base launch of the same missile and the reason is the altitude and the speed of the platform that is firing the missile you see is you fire a shalamcheh-2 missile from ground it has to get its speed tooo well lets say from 0 to mach 3 and it has to reach the altitude of 20 KM but the air launched version of the same shalamcheh-2 missile dose not have to start from these numbers you see an air launched one will start at the speed and the altitude of the fighter jet that is carrying it so if the fighter jet is going mach 1 then the missile will have a top speed of mach 4 and if the jet altitude is 10 KM then the missile top altitude will get to 30 KM and not 20 KM so when the ground launch missile is well dead at 0 speed and falling from the sky the air launched version will still have the speed of mach 1 and the altitude of 10 km to go, so it will have more range.
well i also believe that the shalamcheh-2 missile is the same rocket engine of MIM-23 with mersad/upgraded mersad avionics and new controlling surfaces. the interesting part is Iranian modified AIM-23 sejjil had almost 55 km range while our hawks had models had 35 km range, considering that MOD promised that new shalamcheh missile will have 60 km range by doing some math air launched shalamcheh will have 90 km range. (it's not scientifically true but if you compare air launched vs ground launched missile you will notice they have twice the max range compared to SAM versions, in sum air launched missiles have more range i maybe wrong about shalamcheh range but surely it will be more than 70 k).
also about the RIM-66 missiles, i red an article not long time ago. they said Iran first employed those missiles to it's phantom fleet to hunt down Iraqi mig-25s but it was not successful but the interesting part is according to that article IRIAF tested those RIMs as anti ship missiles and in couple of tests it did hit it's target. :cheesy::cheesy:
not strange , in praying mantis it was RIM-66 and AGM-123 that sank our ships , the harpoons on both side missed their target . and that's one of the reason why we never tried to reverse engineer or do anything with harpoon, even in Morvarid operation we didn't have good experience from Harpoon
Harpoon is crap, but the Americans also had codes to make them inopperable... just like the French Exocets in Falklands.
well i also believe that the shalamcheh-2 missile is the same rocket engine of MIM-23 with mersad/upgraded mersad avionics and new controlling surfaces. the interesting part is Iranian modified AIM-23 sejjil had almost 55 km range while our hawks had models had 35 km range, considering that MOD promised that new shalamcheh missile will have 60 km range by doing some math air launched shalamcheh will have 90 km range. (it's not scientifically true but if you compare air launched vs ground launched missile you will notice they have twice the max range compared to SAM versions, in sum air launched missiles have more range i maybe wrong about shalamcheh range but surely it will be more than 70 k).
also about the RIM-66 missiles, i red an article not long time ago. they said Iran first employed those missiles to it's phantom fleet to hunt down Iraqi mig-25s but it was not successful but the interesting part is according to that article IRIAF tested those RIMs as anti ship missiles and in couple of tests it did hit it's target. :cheesy::cheesy:
But there is no point in investing on new shalamche as we have talash air defence......
But there is no point in investing on new shalamche as we have talash air defence......
well i'm not an expert but mersad has a radar specified for targeting low flying objects. and about shalamcheh-2 missile, you know i am kinda into it. if it's range can be some thing near 90 km (as an AIM) with the same 75 kg warhead, i would like to see an f-18 dodging it.
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