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Iraq FM tells Turkey to pull out of north, threatens (military) action

Seljuks, Safevis, akkoyuns, karakoyuns, qizilbash and a zillion more i can write. You truly never read a book did you?

The Samanids were the last Iranian native dynasty that ruled over Iran( with the exception of around 5 very brief persian origined empires) and was ruled till the pahlavi era. Any one claiming the opposite either is blind or deluded. This is a very long topic but its going to turn into a troll fest by people who are going to find it hard to accept because of the fact that it hurts their national feelings. But the truth is the truth.

Lets stay on topic here.
Seljuks, Safevis, akkoyuns, karakoyuns, qizilbash and a zillion more i can write. You truly never read a book did you?

The Samanids were the last Iranian native dynasty that ruled over Iran( with the exception of around 5 very brief persian origined empires) and was ruled till the pahlavi era. Any one claiming the opposite either is blind or deluded. This is a very long topic but its going to turn into a troll fest by people who are going to find it hard to accept because of the fact that it hurts their national feelings. But the truth is the truth.

I don't think you understand anything about Iran. Iran does not mean Persian. Even the current Supreme leader is not "Persian".
I don't think you understand anything about Iran. Iran does not mean Persian. Even the current Supreme leader is not "Persian".

Iranian is a relative new term from what i know, thus the confusion. The fact that people revere the nearly all Iranians as Persian doesnt help either. Either way lets stay on topic here.
Turkey does not respect it's sovereignty in first place , let alone others' .

Kurdish provinces are in a state of civil war and the army is shelling shit out of Kurds there .
What shelling are you talking about, Turkish army is in the cities and cleaning pkk sleeper cells with high accuracy, the credit for the few civilian casualities goes into pkk account.
Those sleeper cells have destroyed a number of civilian institutions like Schools, Hospitals, they used the peace talks to bring ammunition to cities and place their sleeper cells, they used our goodwill for more terror but now its over the big cleaning started.

pkk burning a school

pkk burning a historical mosque

High accuracy anti terror operation by Turkish Armed Forces.

While the Iranians lecture the turks on sovereignty, they don't respect the sovereignty of others themselves. Have they forgotten how pakistan army had to arrest and then ship back their soldiers that crossed the border into pakistan and we're taking joy rides there. Or how about the times when they shelled villages and killed civilians across the border.
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