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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Mate first of all congratulation for this achievemen:tup::tup:t!Now i have a question for you,can Iran sell it's stealth armed drone Shahed-129 to India if we want to buy them?Our own armed drone development is running behind schedule,that's why i think it'll be an excellent decision to buy some of your armed drones provided your Govt. decides to sell them to our country:cheers:[/quote]
Actually, if you want me to talk as an specialist, it is not hard to make a UAV. Almost, every University in Turkey design single UAV and Fly it for competition. The thing makes UAV more valuable is its duration in the AIR(only 5 countries in the world had new battery technology in the world that make it to stay longer duration, such as 24 hour and Turkey is one of them. Second, its technologies. It should be able to take thermal or other pictures from 10000 feet above the surface. Thats not many countries can do. Thats why, the iranian drone came close to the surface in Syria to be able to take the pic. If even rebels see it with bear eyes and take pictures, then you should understand that it is a shame. They should be on the sky that nobody see or hear about them. and the last it, millimetr wave Radar, Sar radar and all those technologies. Millimetr wave radar is very important if you want to fire from UAV. in case of fog or rain or any bad weather, you will not be able to fire missiles based on the Camera. On the other hand, if you far above the sky and want to search ground forces through clouds, SAR radar is exactly for that. It make the picture of ground(also showing all forces from tanks to even soldiers in HD quality). Only 3 countries in the world(Turkey, USA and ISrael (got help from the USA)) have this technology. Without these technologies, talking about UAV is childish. You think, France, Germany, and UK cant make these toys to fly around and take some pictures? They just understand that its not that easy.
One more example is, in Turkish UAV, it uses more than 4 computer in landing that just to make is autonomously landing and flying, without is its almost impossible to fly the drone and land it successfully at night. Also, check North Korean drones found in South Korea recently. They were using home Camera made in Japan)) so this is what we are talking about.
Man i must admit that the Iranian defense industry is perhaps the best in the entire West and south Asian region.Your scientists have done a great job for Iran,kudos to them for their hard work and dedication!
C'mon , look at this beauty and tell me its not a sign of your level of coolness :D

same here about BrahMos :D :D ;) awesome missile dude !!! seriously its one of THE best in the world

Tnx brother , its the same here :)

you guys are so polite and friendly ...... maybe its culture similarity ;) :D

long live our relations :cheers::cheers:
Seriously mate just think a tripartiate military alliance of India,Iran and Russia:P!!We'll literally own this world.I just wish that someday this alliance take really take place:D(actually the Indian leaders are generally sissy and spineless in nature,if only we had a leader like Putin or Ahmedinejad:()

C'mon , look at this beauty and tell me its not a sign of your level of coolness :D

Bro that's a J-V between India and Russia based on the P-800 Oniks.Yeah i do admit that they are pretty good but the real credit goes to the Ruskies who designed this beast.We only provided them with the guidance chip and navigational equipment:agree:.On the other hand your scientists designed all those weapons without any foreign help and under U.N. sanction.So they deserve an enormous amount of respect from us:smitten:
Seriously mate just think a tripartiate military alliance of India,Iran and Russia:P!!We'll literally own this world.I just wish that someday this alliance take really take place:D(actually the Indian leaders are generally sissy and spineless in nature,if only we had a leader like Putin or Ahmedinejad:()
God willing bro , God willing

every University in Turkey design single UAV and Fly it for competition.
same here in iran ;)

The thing makes UAV more valuable is its duration in the AIR(only 5 countries in the world had new battery technology in the world that make it to stay longer duration, such as 24 hour and Turkey is one of them
iran also is one of those countries , beside we have 2 MALE drones , one of them , Fotros , has an endurence of 30 hours ;)

If even rebels see it with bear eyes and take pictures, then you should understand that it is a shame
dont be an idiot , thats an stealth , Gigantic Combat drone !!!

it can fly 7km above the surface , certainly in the video its just hovering over the terrorists cause there is no need for flying high as no threat is dangering it from ground

(it has very low heat signature thus missiles cant lock on it ) now mr. expert tell me what you got :lol:

Only 3 countries in the world(Turkey, USA and ISrael (got help from the USA)) have this technology
Not even china , russia , india , iran , japan , korea , germany , france , britain ? ?

LOL . give yourself a brake :lol: ;) besides all of these points , Anka is a multinational project since even its engine is not built in turkey .

So they deserve an enormous amount of respect from us
TNX bro , i'm speechless :wub:
God willing bro , God willing

same here in iran ;)

iran also is one of those countries , beside we have 2 MALE drones , one of them , Fotros , has an endurence of 30 hours ;)

dont be an idiot , thats an stealth , Gigantic Combat drone !!!

it can fly 7km above the surface , certainly in the video its just hovering over the terrorists cause there is no need for flying high as no threat is dangering it from ground

(it has very low heat signature thus missiles cant lock on it ) now mr. expert tell me what you got :lol:

Not even china , russia , india , iran , japan , korea , germany , france , britain ? ?

LOL . give yourself a brake :lol: ;) besides all of these points , Anka is a multinational project since even its engine is not built in turkey .

TNX bro , i'm speechless :wub:

You talk childish, first of all, be serous and dont try to insult somebody else you dont know. If you have support reasons, you are welcome to discuss it here.
The thing im telling is it might be a good start instead of not doing anything, but you also should work on those technologies.
check if you have these new nano battery technology that increase the flight by 3 times?
even though you have it, it still needs all those radars i mentioned above.
Second, there is no UAV that has heat signature, just look at their motor, its not a rocket. But Syrians got 30-35 mm auto cannon to shoot down helicopters or aircrafts, but this would be an easy target for them. The thing special in drones is it looks like a bird and mostly radars doesnt care about them(in case of war with different countries), and its also hard to see it with thermal cameras. Thats why its also important to take pictures from far above the sky, not showing its wings to Rebels.
About SAR , it seems some people have forgotten that uncle sam himself gave us the technology to build it.

And I wonder if we can build the battety inside phoenix missile , why you guys doubt we can build battery fir these drones . Also when Fotros endurance is 30 hour you think what sort of technology we used for that ?

About the cameras , have you seen the videos we show of our missile tests . If you Have seen it you are aware that those test sometimes show the video of the camera in the nose of the missile and tat vide clearly show the target and for several second and if you consider the speed of our ballistic missiles you can calculate the range that our cameras and flir are usable.
Dont forget that we use this infrared cameras on our ah-1 fleet and also in our airdefence systems

Oh and before I forgot . The uav engine provide the energy for the uav not battery and I dontknew about turkish uav but iranian one and also usa and israel made one usually use sort of fussil fuel to power their engine
Iran started working on drones during 8 year war against Iraq .

Here is a few pictures from those days :





Here is a thread ( which is not up to date ) about our drones :

History oF UAVs in Iran

I'll try to post about recent achievements in this field there and ask Iranian members to post , discuss about drones there as well .

Dear @Serpentine , Please merge following threads with the sticky thread about drones ( History oF UAVs in Iran ) in order to have all the information / Discussion in 1 thread .

Shahed-129 over Syria

Iran to stage specialized drone drill :O

documentary "nightmare of the vultures", history of drones in Iran

Fotros - new strategic drone

Iran jet powered UAV JAT-4

New Iranian Yasir drone (ScanEagle copy) filmed over Damascus

Thanks .


By the way , Is there any way to edit old comments of that thread in order to re post deleted pictures ?

Nice drone program, I think it's very critical to move to unmanned drone warfare in the Middle Eastern region because that's how future warfare will be based. Now you need to catch up with Israel in this field and export some technology to allies in the region. :D

I asked General Solomieni for a couple gifts and he denied me, I just got off the phone with him. :undecided::P
dont be sad,,,,i will recommend him to give what you want,,,,,,,
Fotros UAV :

Rage : 4000 km
Endurance : 16 to 20 hours
Service Ceiling : 7620 m
Manufacturer : Iran Aviation Industries Organization
First flight : November 2013











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so our MOD has merged that thread and deleted our answer to that troll expert who thinks UAVs use battery as fuel.


& the future starts happening :)

Fotros UAV :

Rage : 4000 km
Endurance : 16 to 20 hours
Service Ceiling : 7620 m
Manufacturer : Iran Aviation Industries Organization
First flight : November 2013











you are wrong about endurance bro ... +30 h
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