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Bandar e Anzali - Damavand-2 , published yesterday, on the mast you can see the mounting of other supports for systems

Seems excessively dangerous to try to laze a target from a fast boat. Theoretically this works, but in practice it seems quite difficult for a fast boat to be able to laze without prior detection?

range for laser designator on speed boat will probably be 2.5KM on a good day.

Also drones can also do the job as well.

Iran can probably launch two of those missiles and one PG/Hormuz. The two missiles will act as decoys so the PG can hit the target.
Bandar e Anzali - Damavand-2 , published yesterday, on the mast you can see the mounting of other supports for systems

Iran Army Navy Chief Admiral Khanzadi: update and repair on Damavand 2 destroyer warship

Even a partial translation is possible
Thank you
I try to give some translation
First damavand was built per specs for southern ocean...not good since Caspian condition very different..more stormy ..sinks 4000 ton vessel easily....the sand and silth close to shore so the in-water section has to be thicker steel and clearance for prop more critical..
Damavand 2 has 4 engines and 4 props and therefore smaller prop diameter to help with clearance.

My favorites...finally he said we started "integration" of weapons and sensors..in damavand 2....sorry for typos..
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Even a partial translation is possible
Thank you
nothing important,
Damavand-2 will have two engine room with 4 engines,
VLS launch system cruise and surface to air missile,
thicker alloy metal was used, 4 shaft,
new radar
this one

4 way 360` phased array 3D multi tracking Naval radar
new Asr type radar,

new weapons integateded systems, ex.....................

Iran Admiral Rastegari: we have began of the construction of the Besat Class submarine
end of current persian year next week will be second wet trials...not sure if it means sea trials

All shaft and structure are done.

Mast structure completey changed

Bowl of the ship is a bit different
Radar..covered by yavar.
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Just a personal note after admiral mentioned the integration for Damavand-2.....I spent half my career in ship or anti sub helicopters integration . By integrating your sensors to weapons your turn a 1970's vessel to a modern day vessel...something that is not physically obvious if you look at a ship or helicopter.or aircraft....companies like Lockheed Martin do this as their core business...when done in a large ship..you have done a software in millions line of code...
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