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Iranian Guards vow to hit any country that Stages Attack

Most Pakistanis support Irans stand against the western aggression , their support to Hamas & Hezbollah ... however keeping quiet on genocide by Asads regime in Syria is plain wrong , if you cant stop fine atleast condemn. No Condemnations means quiet support which Iran govt should explain to gain sympathy
Just wait till Asad is down and then your ambitions of this belt will be cut short.

lol. Keep waiting for that day until you die ;)

---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 PM ----------

Most Pakistanis support Irans stand against the western aggression , their support to Hamas & Hezbollah ... however keeping quiet on genocide by Asads regime in Syria is plain wrong , if you cant stop fine atleast condemn. No Condemnations means quiet support which Iran govt should explain to gain sympathy

Iran has urged both sides to negotiate over the differences and the Syrian regime has showed willingness to negotiate, but the protestors are determined that Assad must go and Assad has no intention to go as far as I know. Moreover, not all of these people are protestors. Protestors don't gun down others, don't plant bombs, don't kidnap foreigners, don't burn the flag of countries that help them and don't support foreigners invading their country.
Then they don't need to threaten to close the Hormuz in the first place after all those announcements would they???

Sorry but no, timeline:

1. US and its alies wanted to totally block Iran's oil exports. -> Iran threatened if they cant export at all, nobody will in Gulf, Strait will be closed.

2. US achieved its goal only partially, US didnt import Irans oil anyway, and EU only a small part of Iran's quota, which was gladly taken by Asian nations. -> Iran is preparing bill to ban exports to EU in advance, before EU found replacement.

Its perfectly clear situation. As long as Iran can export to somebody, Strait wont be closed.
Iran has urged both sides to negotiate over the differences and the Syrian regime has showed willingness to negotiate, but the protestors are determined that Assad should go and Assad has no intention to go as far as I know. Moreover, not all of these people are protestors. Protestors don't gun down others, don't plant bombs, don't kidnap foreigners and don't support foreigners invading their country.

negotiating with the dictator ... Asad is not elected .. people dont want him he should step down in a civil way rather than killing his country men and Iran should condemn the genocide in strong words other wise Iran will loose credibility in the region
Sorry but no, timeline:

1. US and its alies wanted to totally block Iran's oil exports. -> Iran threatened if they cant export at all, nobody will in Gulf, Strait will be closed.

2. US achieved its goal only partially, US didnt import Irans oil anyway, and EU only a small part of Iran's quota, which was gladly taken by Asian nations. -> Iran is preparing bill to ban exports to EU in advance, before EU found replacement.

Its perfectly clear situation. As long as Iran can export to somebody, Strait wont be closed.

It is very funny how casually you speak about closing the strait. Like when Iran closes it everyone will just watch with a sad face :(... The first ones to blow Iranian soldiers will be China you can count on that.
negotiating with the dictator ... Asad is not elected .. people dont want him he should step down in a civil way rather than killing his country men and Iran should condemn the genocide in strong words other wise Iran will loose credibility in the region

Dictator or not, that's an internal affair and it isn't our business. Our solution will be a diplomatic one, which is obtained by negotiation.
Iran also urged Assad to refrain from violence once as a diplomatic stance and also asked Assad to arrive at a solution with the protestors. What is obvious is that Iran is not going to support the rebels while they kidnap Iranian tourists and pilgrimages and burn Iranian flag and Chinese and Russian flags because of supporting Syria. Talking about supporting the rebels is as ridiculous as asking Pakistan to give up on Kashmiris and instead support the Indians who insult Pakistan.
lol. Keep waiting for that day until you die ;)

And you will do anything to avoid that happening but it will happen eventually.

Iran has urged both sides to negotiate over the differences and the Syrian regime has showed willingness to negotiate, but the protestors are determined that Assad must go and Assad has no intention to go as far as I know. Moreover, not all of these people are protestors. Protestors don't gun down others, don't plant bombs, don't kidnap foreigners, don't burn the flag of countries that help them and don't support foreigners invading their country.

And under the table secretly telling Asad; good job, keep it up, if you require anything just give a sign to us.

You people want a repeat of Hama massacre to happen and you know best how to kill people as you do with the Sunnis in your country so your expertise is very handy to Asad.
And you will do anything to avoid that happening but it will happen eventually.

And under the table secretly telling Asad; good job, keep it up, if you require anything just give a sign to us.

You people want a repeat of Hama massacre to happen and you know best how to kill people as you do with the Sunnis in your country so your expertise is very handy to Asad.

And it's 33 years that you people think the USA will attack Iran and you're wagging your tails for them to show you're faithful to them but you miserably fail and see that nothing has happened but Iran's influence in the region is growing.

You are in no position to know what's happening under the table of course. You're an ordinary citizen with no secret information.

I don't know about the Hama massacre, but about Iran, I know there is no Sunni killing in Iran. Unlike countries around us that have a long history of massacring their Shi3a minorities. like the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Wahhabi and Salafi terrorists in Pakistan and Iraq, we are a stable country with a functioning system. We don't have madrassa and we don't brainwash people in those places and promise them 'heaven' to kill others.
Our people don't blow up themselves to kill immigrants in buses and they don't plant bombs to kill people during their religious ceremonies. We are just way different from you guys. Just because your job is to do such awful things you think we're doing it as well, because you compare us with yourselves, but no, that's not how it goes dear.
It is very funny how casually you speak about closing the strait. Like when Iran closes it everyone will just watch with a sad face :(... The first ones to blow Iranian soldiers will be China you can count on that.

You got geopolitics mixed-up, China will help Iran as one of the few friendly countries in the World. Not just because of oil - China could buy it from Venezuela (which could redirect oil sales from US to China, win-win, helping ally, weaken US). The main reason is to have a "buffer" between China and West interests.

Think for a minute what happens if Iran, Syria, etc. falls - China would be next. Suddenly we would see "peaceful armed civilians" from all the sides (including occupied Iran) attacking China, inciting unrest by any means - ethnic, religious, or red-flagging - attacking all sides (army and civilians), and blaming it all on China's government in a massive propaganda.

Its same tactic used against all the latest West victims, and China knows it very well. They could endure some loses due to Strait closure - they have enormous reserves to outlast it. Its far more important to China to have a relatively strong ally like Iran to survive, its a wise long-term strategy.
Iran has urged both sides to negotiate over the differences and the Syrian regime has showed willingness to negotiate, but the protestors are determined that Assad must go and Assad has no intention to go as far as I know. Moreover, not all of these people are protestors. Protestors don't gun down others, don't plant bombs, don't kidnap foreigners, don't burn the flag of countries that help them and don't support foreigners invading their country.
what a joke !
Iran shows strong support to Asad: what is to do with "urged both sides": bullshit! Iran never wondered the people side.
How can you keep some such unhonesty in your words??? "urged"! lol

Yeah Asad was just killing thousands of people. that doesn't count. he still is a hero.

Ah you know about i guess: Salehi after the massacre of yesterda said :
"Asad is a hero"
yeah i guess it is what you call "urge Asad".. urge Asad to be a hero?
Dictator or not, that's an internal affair and it isn't our business. Our solution will be a diplomatic one, which is obtained by negotiation.
Iran also urged Assad to refrain from violence once as a diplomatic stance and also asked Assad to arrive at a solution with the protestors. What is obvious is that Iran is not going to support the rebels while they kidnap Iranian tourists and pilgrimages and burn Iranian flag and Chinese and Russian flags because of supporting Syria. Talking about supporting the rebels is as ridiculous as asking Pakistan to give up on Kashmiris and instead support the Indians who insult Pakistan.

To start with we need to learn to call spade a spade .. u think dictator is not issue where else its the primary issue .. lastly can you please explain how are you bringing up kashmir here ? how is kashmirs example even relevant to Syria (asad) ~ Iran
Dictator or not, that's an internal affair and it isn't our business. Our solution will be a diplomatic one, which is obtained by negotiation.
Iran also urged Assad to refrain from violence once as a diplomatic stance and also asked Assad to arrive at a solution with the protestors. What is obvious is that Iran is not going to support the rebels while they kidnap Iranian tourists and pilgrimages and burn Iranian flag and Chinese and Russian flags because of supporting Syria. Talking about supporting the rebels is as ridiculous as asking Pakistan to give up on Kashmiris and instead support the Indians who insult Pakistan.

Kashmiris want independence as per UN resolutions.

Syrian people or your so called "rebels" want independence from the a person who has ruled Syria like an uncrowned King and has deprived them form the development of the nation whihc is not hard for a country as Syria where the majority of the population is youth. They have the resources but as I said in another thread a country having many resources but no good leader becomes a 3rd world country.

It might sound Strange, before the events in Egypt I was thinking what if Husni Mubarak succeeds in bringing his son to run the country and they announce a kingdom?

After Mubarak was out the title deed for the presidential palace was found as per which the presidential palace was a personal property of Muhammad Husni Mubarak.

Same about other so called "democratically elected" leaders. as it was looking to me as if they are trying to establish some sort of kingship in their respective countries looking at how the same family is ruling and are ensuring that they keep their family keeps the hold on the chairs for the $$$ for their family members and not for the better of the nation.

All these rulers came with the support of the people as they - the leaders - promised to change the country and work for the better of the nation, but as time passed the greed for $$$ increased and they were only busy for making sure that their family members get enough $$$ and that their life can be secured financially. They even falsified pareto's rule (80-20) which has become 90-10.
what a joke !
Iran shows strong support to Asad: what is to do with "urged both sides": bullshit! Iran never wondered the people side.
How can you keep some such unhonesty in your words??? "urged"! lol

Yeah Asad was just killing thousands of people. that doesn't count. he still is a hero.

Ah you know about i guess: Salehi after the massacre of yesterda said :
"Asad is a hero"
yeah i guess it is what you call "urge Asad".. urge Asad to be a hero?

Those "thousands of people" are killing thousands of policemen and soldiers. What France would do if armed groups attack the government and blow pipelines or do bombings in the cities? Just watch or send army to deal with it? You know the answer.
what a joke !
Iran shows strong support to Asad: what is to do with "urged both sides": bullshit! Iran never wondered the people side.
How can you keep some such unhonesty in your words??? "urged"! lol

Yeah Asad was just killing thousands of people. that doesn't count. he still is a hero.

Ah you know about i guess: Salehi after the massacre of yesterda said :
"Asad is a hero"
yeah i guess it is what you call "urge Asad".. urge Asad to be a hero?

Joke is the nonsense coming out of your mouth Hussein Jan. Iran has urged Assad to refrain from violence and negotiate with the opposition for several times.

Iran urges Assad to cease violent crackdown of Syria protest
Iran urges Assad to cease violent crackdown of Syria protest - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
This is supposed to be a BIG middle finger for you Hussein jan, now the ball is in your court. Show me where Iran has declared Assad as a hero for yesterday's massacre.
Those "thousands of people" are killing thousands of policemen and soldiers. What France would do if armed groups attack the government and blow pipelines or do bombings in the cities? Just watch or send army to deal with it? You know the answer.
this is problem of France and i don't think that there is a massacre possible without newspapers would say about it immediately: when a policeman kills by mistake or by will someone, this is the first pages of news. that makes a difference with a democracy believe me ;)
Joke is the nonsense coming out of your mouth Hussein Jan. Iran has urged Assad to refrain from violence and negotiate with the opposition for several times.

Iran urges Assad to cease violent crackdown of Syria protest
Iran urges Assad to cease violent crackdown of Syria protest - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
This is supposed to be a BIG middle finger for you Hussein jan, now the ball is in your court. Show me where Iran has declared Assad as a hero for yesterday's massacre.
Just check the news. I said who said it: Salehi. you can see in all newspapers in Iran.
you cannot call someone an hero the day after a such massacre AND you cannot call someone a hero and in the same time say "you urge Asad. this is non sense to say to someone he is an hero but to urge to act better... lol
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