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Iranian Guards vow to hit any country that Stages Attack

this is problem of France and i don't think that there is a massacre possible without newspapers would say about it immediately: when a policeman kills by mistake or by will someone, this is the first pages of news. that makes a difference with a democracy believe me ;)

You didnt answered my question, what France would do if armed groups attack the government and blow pipelines or do bombings in the cities? Just watch or send army to deal with it?
To start with we need to learn to call spade a spade .. u think dictator is not issue where else its the primary issue .. lastly can you please explain how are you bringing up kashmir here ? how is kashmirs example even relevant to Syria (asad) ~ Iran
To me many people around us are dictators. The Saudi king is a dictator as well in my opinion. So are the Yemeni dictator Saleh and the Bahrain caliph. But why the dictator of Yemen is given amnesty and the Bahraini dictator is supported?
read my post again. The main point wasn't Kashmir, the point was this: " Talking about supporting the rebels is as ridiculous as asking Pakistan to give up on Kashmiris and instead support the Indians who insult Pakistan.". You can't ask Iran to support rebels while from the very beginning they have been accusing Iran of supporting Assad (from the very first days) and have been burning the Iranian flag and insulting the Iranian nation and have kidnapped our tourists in there too.

Kashmiris want independence as per UN resolutions.

Syrian people or your so called "rebels" want independence from the a person who has ruled Syria like an uncrowned King and has deprived them form the development of the nation whihc is not hard for a country as Syria where the majority of the population is youth. They have the resources but as I said in another thread a country having many resources but no good leader becomes a 3rd world country.

It might sound Strange, before the events in Egypt I was thinking what if Husni Mubarak succeeds in bringing his son to run the country and they announce a kingdom?

After Mubarak was out the title deed for the presidential palace was found as per which the presidential palace was a personal property of Muhammad Husni Mubarak.

Same about other so called "democratically elected" leaders. as it was looking to me as if they are trying to establish some sort of kingship in their respective countries looking at how the same family is ruling and are ensuring that they keep their family keeps the hold on the chairs for the $$$ for their family members and not for the better of the nation.

All these rulers came with the support of the people as they - the leaders - promised to change the country and work for the better of the nation, but as time passed the greed for $$$ increased and they were only busy for making sure that their family members get enough $$$ and that their life can be secured financially. They even falsified pareto's rule (80-20) which has become 90-10.

Assad has supporters too. Do not tell me that everyone is against him because he surely has many supporters as well.

Syria is divided now, but I'm uncertain which side is the majority to be honest. We've seen the western scenario for several times that first they demonize a regime and then they invade that country and after stealing their wealth and establishing the regime they want they leave that country weak and war torn. We've seen Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and I feel we don't want to see any more examples to get sure that they are our enemies, not our friends.

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

this is problem of France and i don't think that there is a massacre possible without newspapers would say about it immediately: when a policeman kills by mistake or by will someone, this is the first pages of news. that makes a difference with a democracy believe me ;)

Just check the news. I said who said it: Salehi. you can see in all newspapers in Iran.
you cannot call someone an hero the day after a such massacre AND you cannot call someone a hero and in the same time say "you urge Asad. this is non sense to say to someone he is an hero but to urge to act better... lol

I don't check the news, you have said something, you must back it up or stay silent. I backed up my claim, now it's your turn friend.
You didnt answered my question, what France would do if armed groups attack the government and blow pipelines or do bombings in the cities? Just watch or send army to deal with it?
they would send army, ask them ask a french.

but we are in a very different situation here:
this is a popular protest: there are ten thousands people in the street who protest, this is nothing to do with armed groups attacking a pipeline.
i am not an expert of france but i never heard in the last 20 years that army shot the civilians in the street from the roofs
or tortured people in jail
or bombed cities

france is a country of strikes: every week there is a strike... they strike for no reason sometimes
well that 's their culture . i don't get why sometimes.
anyway there is nothing happening like in syria

And at the starting point in Syria: there were kids who were writing on walls and were killed for this
they would send army, ask them ask a french.

but we are in a very different situation here:
this is a popular protest: there are ten thousands people in the street who protest, this is nothing to do with armed groups attacking a pipeline.

You again avoiding an answer. I'm not asking about peaceful civilians, I'm asking about armed terrorists, and what France would do against them. Dont say "its different" or talk about "newspapers", I gave you straight question, give me straight answer.
To me many people around us are dictators. The Saudi king is a dictator as well in my opinion. So are the Yemeni dictator Saleh and the Bahrain caliph. But why the dictator of Yemen is given amnesty and the Bahraini dictator is supported?
read my post again. The main point wasn't Kashmir, the point was this: " Talking about supporting the rebels is as ridiculous as asking Pakistan to give up on Kashmiris and instead support the Indians who insult Pakistan.". You can't ask Iran to support rebels while from the very beginning they have been accusing Iran of supporting Assad (from the very first days) and have been burning the Iranian flag and insulting the Iranian nation and have kidnapped our tourists in there too.

Assad has supporters too. Do not tell me that everyone is against him because he surely has many supporters as well.

Syria is divided now, but I'm uncertain which side is the majority to be honest. We've seen the western scenario for several times that first they demonize a regime and then they invade that country and after stealing their wealth and establishing the regime they want they leave that country weak and war torn. We've seen Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and I feel we don't want to see any more examples to get sure that they are our enemies, not our friends.

He will be having supporters, but just to remind you that the majority of the people in his country are not from his sect and have suffered a lot under him, even many people of his own sect are against him now.

People protesting on streets and then you see soldiers in the city backed up with tanks and snipers and rockets. Are they trying to negotiate peacefully with the protestors or killing the people of their country. Well if this is how the negotiations are going then do you think that the protestors will protest un-armed?
To me many people around us are dictators. The Saudi king is a dictator as well in my opinion. So are the Yemeni dictator Saleh and the Bahrain caliph. But why the dictator of Yemen is given amnesty and the Bahraini dictator is supported?
read my post again. The main point wasn't Kashmir, the point was this: " Talking about supporting the rebels is as ridiculous as asking Pakistan to give up on Kashmiris and instead support the Indians who insult Pakistan.". You can't ask Iran to support rebels while from the very beginning they have been accusing Iran of supporting Assad (from the very first days) and have been burning the Iranian flag and insulting the Iranian nation and have kidnapped our tourists in there too.

Assad has supporters too. Do not tell me that everyone is against him because he surely has many supporters as well.

Syria is divided now, but I'm uncertain which side is the majority to be honest. We've seen the western scenario for several times that first they demonize a regime and then they invade that country and after stealing their wealth and establishing the regime they want they leave that country weak and war torn. We've seen Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and I feel we don't want to see any more examples to get sure that they are our enemies, not our friends.

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

I don't check the news, you have said something, you must back it up or stay silent. I backed up my claim, now it's your turn friend.

Iran is the biggest source of dictatorship in the Middle East. Look at who you are supporting for God's sakes. Syria: Thousands of people are dying for daring to stand up to Assad who is played as a hero in Iranian Media and is supported by weapons and money.
Houthis: Who executed our border guards and killed Saudi civilians in Southern border villages they were also played as a hero fighting Saudi oppression in Iranian media and were supplied with Katyushas and State of the art weaponry, Practically same gear as Hezbollah.
Muqtada Assader: Who massacred Iraqi sunnis is played as a Hero in Iranian media as well and groomed Nouri Maliki for a Shia dictatorship rule.
Lebanon: Hezbollah who assassinated Rafiq Harriri because they couldn't win the elections fair and square and thus eliminated they opposition and paved the way for a new dictatorship there. Fighting Israel sure that is a thumbs up but two wrongs don't make a right.

Should I go on?? And don't even dare and say "Saudis support terrorists" crap because nothing could be further from the truth. If it was true then we wouldn't have been a terrorist target as well.
He will be having supporters, but just to remind you that the majority of the people in his country are not from his sect and have suffered a lot under him, even many people of his own sect are against him now.

People protesting on streets and then you see soldiers in the city backed up with tanks and snipers and rockets. Are they trying to negotiate peacefully with the protestors or killing the people of their country. Well if this is how the negotiations are going then do you think that the protestors will protest un-armed?

let's cut the crap here. Look at everyone Iran is supporting. Iran is only supporting Shias and that's it. Iran is by far the MOST sectarian country in the Middle East. We are a little bit guilty of that ourselves but the level of sectarianism in Iran is through the roof. No matter how much they try to show propaganda against us the truth is for everyone to know here. Point me at one group Iran supports that is not Shia?? Point me at one political part Iran supports that is not Shia.. No matter how much we try to dodge this fact in this forum because of the forum's "Sectarian sensitivity" This is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ----------

I understand if you can't voice your opinion here over fear of your own life I completely Understand that. We were like that once, Yeah you know how you are afraid to say something against the government. Always whispering when you voice your opinion having to look over your shoulder?? So I completely understand if you are unable to present a full hearted opinion over fear for your own life.
He will be having supporters, but just to remind you that the majority of the people in his country are not from his sect and have suffered a lot under him, even many people of his own sect are against him now.

People protesting on streets and then you see soldiers in the city backed up with tanks and snipers and rockets. Are they trying to negotiate peacefully with the protestors or killing the people of their country. Well if this is how the negotiations are going then do you think that the protestors will protest un-armed?
I don't think It's about sect or other things. Assad is from the Baath party which is a secular party indeed. Some groups, with certain intentions, are turning this into a sectarian issue.

About the second paragraph, doesn't that remind you of same situations? Bahrain? Egypt? Tunisia? Yemen? Do I need to continue?

Iran is the biggest source of dictatorship in the Middle East. Look at who you are supporting for God's sakes. Syria: Thousands of people are dying for daring to stand up to Assad who is played as a hero in Iranian Media and is supported by weapons and money.
Houthis: Who executed our border guards and killed Saudi civilians in Southern border villages they were also played as a hero fighting Saudi oppression in Iranian media and were supplied with Katyushas and State of the art weaponry, Practically same gear as Hezbollah.
Muqtada Assader: Who massacred Iraqi sunnis is played as a Hero in Iranian media as well and groomed Nouri Maliki for a Shia dictatorship rule.
Lebanon: Hezbollah who assassinated Rafiq Harriri because they couldn't win the elections fair and square and thus eliminated they opposition and paved the way for a new dictatorship there. Fighting Israel sure that is a thumbs up but two wrongs don't make a right.

Should I go on?? And don't even dare and say "Saudis support terrorists" crap because nothing could be further from the truth. If it was true then we wouldn't have been a terrorist target as well.

Lol. I'm laughing so hard.
Your country has turned into a heaven for dictators. You offer amnesty to any ousted dictator. Husni Mobarak, Ben Ali, Saleh, do I need to continue? The House of Saud is the safe house for ousted dictators of the region.
Your troops have the blood of innocent Bahrainis on their hands. Your troops have been active in Yemen too. Wherever that there is an anti-American popular revolution you guys go there and kill innocent people. You guys are the source of discord and dictatorship in the region.

Houthis: Iran has never publicly supported Hoothis. You claim Iran was supporting them, but there's no evidence to back it up. But on the other hand, There are many evidences that Saudi Arabia has been supporting Jundullah.

Muqtada Alsadr: He's a politician and I checked on the internet now, no reputable source says that he has been active in killing Sunnis, maybe you say that, why should I believe you? In fact Saddam was so keen on killing Kurds and Shi3a people and your regime used to be a mad fan of him before he occupies you. Also, you support Wahhabi/Salafi terrorists who blow themselves up in Iraq among Iraqi people during their religious ceremonies.

Hizbullah: Everyone knows that Hizbullah is a pride for all muslims, everyone admires them and respects them. You've lost the competition in Lebanon to Iran, It's just as simple as that. The USA power and Israeli influence in Lebanon didn't help you either. Now you can accuse Hizbullah as much as you like, while Hizbullah denies any involvement in the incident and also have provided documents that Israel has been behind Hariri's assassination.

Saudis not only support terrorists, but some famous terrorists are Saudi too. It's just a simple fact, your words can't distort it.
let's cut the crap here. Look at everyone Iran is supporting. Iran is only supporting Shias and that's it. Iran is by far the MOST sectarian country in the Middle East. We are a little bit guilty of that ourselves but the level of sectarianism in Iran is through the roof. No matter how much they try to show propaganda against us the truth is for everyone to know here. Point me at one group Iran supports that is not Shia?? Point me at one political part Iran supports that is not Shia.. No matter how much we try to dodge this fact in this forum because of the forum's "Sectarian sensitivity" This is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ----------

I understand if you can't voice your opinion here over fear of your own life I completely Understand that. We were like that once, Yeah you know how you are afraid to say something against the government. Always whispering when you voice your opinion having to look over your shoulder?? So I completely understand if you are unable to present a full hearted opinion over fear for your own life.

Epic failed. Iran supports Hamas. Is Hamas Shi3a too?
We support anyone who stands against the western interference in our region. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, sleeps with anyone who brings western influence in our region.
I don't think It's about sect or other things. Assad is from the Baath party which is a secular party indeed. Some groups, with certain intentions, are turning this into a sectarian issue.

About the second paragraph, doesn't that remind you of same situations? Bahrain? Egypt? Tunisia? Yemen? Do I need to continue?

Lol. I'm laughing so hard.
Your country has turned into a heaven for dictators. You offer amnesty to any ousted dictator. Husni Mobarak, Ben Ali, Saleh, do I need to continue? The House of Saud is the safe house for ousted dictators of the region.
Your troops have the blood of innocent Bahrainis on their hands. Your troops have been active in Yemen too. Wherever that there is an anti-American popular revolution you guys go there and kill innocent people. You guys are the source of discord and dictatorship in the region.

Houthis: Iran has never publicly supported Hoothis. You claim Iran was supporting them, but there's no evidence to back it up. But on the other hand, There are many evidences that Saudi Arabia has been supporting Jundullah.

Muqtada Alsadr: He's a politician and I checked on the internet now, no reputable source says that he has been active in killing Sunnis, maybe you say that, why should I believe you? In fact Saddam was so keen on killing Kurds and Shi3a people and your regime used to be a mad fan of him before he occupies you. Also, you support Wahhabi/Salafi terrorists who blow themselves up in Iraq among Iraqi people during their religious ceremonies.

Hizbullah: Everyone knows that Hizbullah is a pride for all muslims, everyone admires them and respects them. You've lost the competition in Lebanon to Iran, It's just as simple as that. The USA power and Israeli influence in Lebanon didn't help you either. Now you can accuse Hizbullah as much as you like, while Hizbullah denies any involvement in the incident and also have provided documents that Israel has been behind Hariri's assassination.

Saudis not only support terrorists, but some famous terrorists are Saudi too. It's just a simple fact, your words can't distort it.

This is exactly the reply I thought you would give pint for point because I am so sick of your country's propaganda:

Okay let's see: One "And if any one of the disbelievers seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah . Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know." Al-Tawbah

2-Just look at his sickening remarks Tehran: the killing of Shi'ites in Saudi Arabia Yemen "terrorism and Happy!"

Three: Muqtada Al-Sadr has carried out systemic massacres of Sunnis in Iraq by making the bulk of the new Iraqi Army and Mahdi Army of course as well as Police from Shia who see "They have beef" with Sunnis. They would kill a girl just because her name is Ayesha and I am sure you know why. 41 Iraqi Sunni Pedestrians Massacred in a Baghdad Street, 17 Shi'is Killed in Car Bombs, Interior Ministry Death Squads are Blamed ٍso I ask you who is really fueling sectarianism? It is none other than Iran.

And I already replied to your "Saudis support terrorists" argument you only make yourself look stupid.
Epic failed. Iran supports Hamas. Is Hamas Shi3a too?
We support anyone who stands against the western interference in our region. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, sleeps with anyone who brings western influence in our region.

Hamas is led by a Shia elite everyone knows this. And right now a hell of a preaching is going for them. There is no one on this earth that supported Hamas more than we did and continue to do so till today. The largest Donor of Palestinian people is Saudi Arabia. And supporting Hezbollah and Hamas shows the hypocritical nature of Iranian regime. Will Hezboullah and Hamas defeat Israel and drive them out of Palestine?? Answer me this will Hezboullah and Hamas ever be able to completely defeat Israel and drive them out of Palestine or at least impose surrender terms on them?? Short Answer no they can't the only thing they are doing is give Israel Cassus belli to start other wars and kill more people. So far the most successful campaigns against Israel was lead by Gulf countries. The establishment of Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiyah which brought down Israeli popularity to an all time low in the world to influence elections but to only have it surge right back up with Iran in the scene. So yeah maybe your regime can fool the masses but it can't fool us.
This is exactly the reply I thought you would give pint for point because I am so sick of your country's propaganda:

Okay let's see: One "And if any one of the disbelievers seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah . Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know." Al-Tawbah
Really? So you believe dictators that have killed thousands of people should be given amnesty because of this verse? Tawbah? :lol: I'm laughing so hard again. Then why this verse can't apply to Assad?
You offered amnesty to Husni Mobarak, Ben Ali and Saleh. Was what Saleh did to Yemenis less horrible than what is happening in Syria now? So you support giving amnesty to these dictators? really?

2-Just look at his sickening remarks Tehran: the killing of Shi'ites in Saudi Arabia Yemen "terrorism and Happy!"

Three: Muqtada Al-Sadr has carried out systemic massacres of Sunnis in Iraq by making the bulk of the new Iraqi Army and Mahdi Army of course as well as Police from Shia who see "They have beef" with Sunnis. They would kill a girl just because her name is Ayesha and I am sure you know why. 41 Iraqi Sunni Pedestrians Massacred in a Baghdad Street, 17 Shi'is Killed in Car Bombs, Interior Ministry Death Squads are Blamed ٍso I ask you who is really fueling sectarianism? It is none other than Iran.
The first two links aren't reputable news sources. About the third one, I'm not sure if Aljazeera.info belongs to Aljazeera, and at the end of the page it clearly says "Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they may not represent Al-Jazeerah's." Epic failed again. I can show you millions of blogs with counterfeited or fake information in them, especially when it comes to conspiracy theorists.

And I already replied to your "Saudis support terrorists" argument you only make yourself look stupid.
Everyone knows that Osama Ben Laden was a Saudi terrorist. Denying this will make yourself look stupid Mosa. There are many internationally famous Saudi terrorists and you know that well.

You said you liked to know one group that is not Shi3a and Iran has supported it. I named Hamas, I can also name Yaser Arafat that Khomeini supported him financially and morally. I can also name Ghadhafi when he stood against the west and he hadn't returned his nuclear equipments to the west. I can name Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro who are Christians as well. Epic failed.

Iran's stance is clear. Iran supports any country that stands against the USA and their interference in our region.
Hamas is led by a Shia elite everyone knows this. And right now a hell of a preaching is going for them. There is no one on this earth that supported Hamas more than we did and continue to do so till today. The largest Donor of Palestinian people is Saudi Arabia. And supporting Hezbollah and Hamas shows the hypocritical nature of Iranian regime. Will Hezboullah and Hamas defeat Israel and drive them out of Palestine?? Answer me this will Hezboullah and Hamas ever be able to completely defeat Israel and drive them out of Palestine or at least impose surrender terms on them?? Short Answer no they can't the only thing they are doing is give Israel Cassus belli to start other wars and kill more people. So far the most successful campaigns against Israel was lead by Gulf countries. The establishment of Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiyah which brought down Israeli popularity to an all time low in the world to influence elections but to only have it surge right back up with Iran in the scene. So yeah maybe you Iran can fool the masses but it can't fool us.

lol. From the very beginning is a joke. Hamas is a Sunni militant group. and also, It was only Iran that stood by the Palestinian people during the Gaza raids. Saudi Arabia only condemned Israel, while Iran publicly supported Hamas. Here's the map:

[video]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/International_reaction_to_the_2008%E2%80%932009_Is rael%E2%80%93Gaza_conflict.png[/video]

It might be in Saudi Arabian mind set to give up and surrender, but Iran thinks differently, we fight and resist for our cause. And as far as I know, Hizbullah did pretty well in 2006 war, but Saudi Arabia condemned Hizbullah. Saudi Arabia is a betrayer to our region, no need to discuss it any further.
Really? So you believe dictators that have killed thousands of people should be given amnesty because of this verse? Tawbah? :lol: I'm laughing so hard again. Then why this verse can't apply to Assad?
You offered amnesty to Husni Mobarak, Ben Ali and Saleh. Was what Saleh did to Yemenis less horrible than what is happening in Syria now? So you support giving amnesty to these dictators? really?

The first two links aren't reputable news sources. About the third one, I'm not sure if Aljazeera.info belongs to Aljazeera, and at the end of the page it clearly says "Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they may not represent Al-Jazeerah's." Epic failed again. I can show you millions of blogs with counterfeited or fake information in them, especially when it comes to conspiracy theorists.

Everyone knows that Osama Ben Laden was a Saudi terrorist. Denying this will make yourself look stupid Mosa. There are many internationally famous Saudi terrorists and you know that well.

You said you liked to know one group that is not Shi3a and Iran has supported it. I named Hamas, I can also name Yaser Arafat that Khomeini supported him financially and morally. I can also name Ghadhafi when he stood against the west and he hadn't returned his nuclear equipments to the west. I can name Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro who are Christians as well. Epic failed.

Iran's stance is clear. Iran supports any country that stands against the USA and their interference in our region.

Yeah sure laugh at the Quran this seems to be your favorite pass time for you lot.
IRAQ Sunnis call for UN intervention after massacre in Baghdad - Asia News
NEWS: Moqtada al-Sadr returns to Iraq after four years
Shiite gunmen in Baghdad massacre 41 Sunnis - Africa & Middle East - International Herald Tribune - The New York Times
Shia massacre revives fears of civil war | World news | The Guardian

Okay since Bin Laden is supposed to represent all Saudis in your eyes then Hekmati represents all Iranians right?? The terrorist Muqtada Al-Sader too since he is home grown in Iran. (Like most Iraqi "Politicians" as you called it. Funny Iraq was given to Iran in a silver platter by the US, I love the Iranians argument on this one "Because it was a free election" yeah right so America given free elections when it suits you and it doesn't when it does not huh?). Oh so Hugo Chevaz is protected by Iran? And also Ghadaffi? Fidel Castro runs to Iran for protection as well?? Hahahaha don't make me laugh, it is true Iranian ego knows no bounds. They made a couple of refurbished Scuds and now they think they are a super power.
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