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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

Iraq’s fight against the fighters of the Islamic State is one not only fought by Iraq’s Armed Forces and the Peshmerga, but also by an increasing number of Shiite militias, most of which receive extensive support from Iran. Iraq’s equivalent of the Lebanese Hizbullah movement, Kata’ib Hizbullah, is without a doubt the strongest and most influential of all Shiite militias currently present in Iraq. This has come to be so mostly thanks to Iranian funding, lethal aid and the presence of Iranian advisors on the ground.

Iran has supplied these militias with anything from 12.7mm AM.50 anti-materiel rifles, 40mm Nasir grenade launchers, Safir jeeps equipped with 107mm multiple rocket launchers (MRLs), recoilless rifles and even 122mm HM-20 MRLs, all of which produced in Iran. The amount and type of weaponry supplied depends on the size of the militias in question.

However, the rumoured presence of Iranian tanks with militias in Iraq could until now not be confirmed. These rumours quickly made their way around the world each time any vehicle with tracks on a tank transporter driving close to the Western border of Iran was sighted. Now photograpic evidence has finally arisen of Iranian tanks that have joined the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq, and are busy driving their fighters out of the town of Tikrit.

Seen above is an Iranian T-72S, clearly distinguishable from Iraq’s own T-72 ‘Urals’ and T-72M1s by the presence of attachments allowing for the installment of 155 Kontakt-1 explosive reactive armour blocks (ERA), all surprisingly missing on this example, and the smoke grenade launchers on the side of the turret instead on the front as seen with the T-72M1.

While one could argue that this particular T-72S could have been part of a recently struck arms deal between Iraq and Russia that has not been uncovered, yet the Iranian camouflage pattern on the tank leaves no doubt about the true origin of the tank. For comparison, an Iranian T-72S (with ERA titles) during a parade can be seen below.

It is currently unknown if the T-72S pictured near Tikrit is crewed by Iranians and part of Kata’ib Hizbullah’s arsenal, or if it is actually in service with the Iraqi Army. Kata’ib Hizbullah is known to operate just one tank, an M1 Abrams which was left behind by the Iraqi Army, and thus lacks the heavy fire-support essential for close combat fighting in towns such as Tikrit. Iran supplying a limited amount of T-72s drawn from Iranian army or Revolutionary Guard stocks makes perfect sense in this light.

Whatever effect they may have on the ultimate course of the war, it is certain that the influence of the Iran on conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere is not to be underestimated. With Iran now using its military industry to exert influence in a host of Middle Eastern nations ranging from Iraq, Syria and Yemen to even Libya, its intentions of expanding its sphere of influence become ever more clear, and it’s certain Iran is not to be underestimated when devising policies on the Middle East.
Iran's expanding sphere of influence: Iranian T-72 tanks in Iraq (2)

More photograpic evidence revealing the presence of Iranian tanks in Iraq has emerged. Newly released images show what is believed to be the same T-72S as the one seen near Tikrit, while arriving in the town of Samarra, South of Tikrit. The new images come just a day after the first confirmed sighting of an Iranian T-72S tank in Iraq.

The T-72S is inspected by Qassem al-Araji (standing in the middle), the right hand of Hadi al-Amiri, head of the Badr Organization. When asked about who was to help Iraq in its fight against the Islamic State Qassem al-Araji previously stated ''We Want Help from Iran, Not U.S., in our fight against ISIS'' and that Iran has played "a major role in supporting our military forces,''.

This support now clearly also includes the transfer of Iranian T-72S tanks, at least one of which entered Samarra on an Iraqi Army tank trailer escorted by fighters of the Badr Organization.

But contrary to what was first believed, the tank is operated by the Iraqi Army, not by Kata'ib Hizbullah or the Badr Organization, which are the most influencialof the many Shiite militias currently fighting in Iraq. A source within the Badr Organization close to Qassem al-Araji says that ''Badr doesn't have a mechanized unit. Tanks are operated by Iraqi ISF (Iraqi Security Forces) but operators may be Badr sympathizers.''

As the T-72S is more advanced than the Iraq's older T-72 'Ural' and T-72M1 variants, it seems plausible that Iraqi personnel received training on the T-72S in Iran, once more indicating the strong bond that has come into being between the two nations.

Iranian T-72C seen in the battle for Iraq Tikrit

This week, there were rumors that the battles in the Iraqi city of Tikrit participated in appearance, species, Iranian tanks T-72, says Defence Blog March 13. The photos were published agency Reuters, which, in all probability seen the T-72S, put the Iranian Revolutionary Guards 'Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC).

Tanks are markedly different from the Iraqi T-72M1 on the location of elements of active armor "Kontakt-1" (pictured without tank containers), smoke grenades on the tower and camouflage IRGC.
If this is confirmed, the Iraqi Shiite militia forces such as "Kataib Hezbollah» (Kata'ib Hizbullah), now have posed by Iran main battle tanks T-72, that Iran trains and significantly increased combat power pro-Iranian Shiite forces to combat armed groups IG and "Al Qaeda."

just wondering , why are the ERA blocks removed, transportation?
just wondering , why are the ERA blocks removed, transportation?

In some battle tactics, infantry move too close along the Tank, If the Tank get hit and ERA blocks explode, it would damage infantry men around the tank badly. That's the reason why they removed ERA blocks.
Last edited:
In some battle tactics, infantry move too close along the Tank, If the Tank get hit and ERA blocks explode, it would damage infantry men around the tank badly. That's the reason why they removed ERA blocks.

I hope this is the last time , we have to answer this question !!!
So let me start this way : there are 3 different 12.7 mm Gatling Guns in the world ;

1- Muharram 2- USA's GAU-19 3- Russian YAK-B model for Hind heli

Muharram , The only 6-barreled 12.7 mm Gatling Gun in the world , has the following characteristics :

Rate of fire : 2500 bullets per min

Range : like other 50 caliber guns , it has an optimum range of 1600-2000 meters and final range of up to 5000 .




Wouldn't wanna be on the other end of that thing!
Economic development of the state is evaluated on various parameters. And one of these indicators is the country's ability to conduct independent development and production of the main tanks. If you count all the countries that are able to solve such problems, then typed barely two dozen such states. These include Iran. Engineers of the State were able to develop and create a 90-ies of the last century, the main tank "Zulfikar" ( Zulfiqar ). Despite the fact that it has been twenty years since there was a first prototype of the machine, information about Iranian tank can find the minimum.


Iran's main "Zulfikar» (Zulfiqar, or Zolfaghar, or Zolfaqar) can be attributed to the tanks of the second post-war generation. The car was designed by engineers «Construction Crusade» under the leadership of Brigadier General Mir Masoom Yunus-Zadeh, at that time occupied the post of deputy commander of land forces for Science and Research. To develop and further serial production of the tank is the implementation of the directive leadership of the Iranian National Guard to ensure the independence of the national armed forces from the supply of armored vehicles from abroad. The tank was named "Zulfikar" after the legendary sword of the first Shiite Imam Hazrat Ali.

The first serial Iranian tank "Zulfiqar-1"

Iranian tank "Zulfiqar-1" exercises

Iranian tank "Zulfiqar-1" in the parade

Modification of the tank "Zulfikar"
Iranian engineers have worked not from scratch. They carefully studied the experience of tank leading world powers, primarily the Soviet Union (Russia) and Germany, as well as other countries such as USA, UK. Many samples of armored these countries were either armed Iran, or were in single copies, entered the country in various ways, including during the Iran-Iraq war.

Considerable help Iranian engineers had Russian specialists. In the early 90s, Iran purchased from Russia party, brand new at that time, the main tanks T-72S.Along with tanks to Iran passed separate technologies for the production of spare parts and some accessories. Planned well and transfer the license for the production of military vehicles in the country.

Not less than 200 specialists tank engineers were trained in Russia at the courses "The Shot". We must pay tribute, arrived in Solnechnogorsk Iranian tankers to the training very seriously, trying to soak up even the smallest detail.

The first prototype of the main tank "Zulfikar" was created in 1993. In 1994 the public display of the machine. By 1997, were prepared for six pre-production samples of the tank, which had been referred to the extensive tests, including the army.

Many experts do not doubt that the final assembly of the tank is carried out on Iranian facilities. However, they express doubts about the fact that all the systems and components used in the design of the tank "Zulfikar", produced in Iran. Most likely, some of the key subsystems are imported from abroad.

Serial production of tanks "Zulfikar" adjusted at industrial complex «Shahid Kolah Dooz», which at the end of July 1997, Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani has officially opened a new production line of the main tanks and tracked armored personnel carriers «Boragh». Prior to this, the factory covers license issue infantry fighting vehicles BMP-2.


The layout of the main tank "Zulfikar" performed by the classical scheme: with the Department of Management at the bow, the crew compartment with a tower in the center and the engine compartment in the rear of the machine. The crew consists of three people. The workplace of the driver is located on the longitudinal axis of the machine body. For embarkation and disembarkation it has its own hatch, armored cover which offers the right and is shaped like a manhole cover major US M60 tank. Ahead of the driver's hatch installed three prism unit of observation. The central unit can be replaced by a passive night vision device for driving at night.

The main tank "Zulfikar" is welded from sheets of rolled steel armor casing.Despite the use of a machine design many solutions borrowed from the construction of the Soviet T-72 tank, configuration and design of the hull and turret "Zulfikar", which is also made of welded, have their own Iranian development.Frontal armor body parts have large angles to the normal, which provides sufficient ballistic protection. On the upper front part installed daytime (white) light and infrared radiation. The design of the hull and turret "Zulfikar" allows you to set the curtain dynamic protection.

Frontal armor parts of the tower also have a large tilt angle to ensure the highest possible level of protection. In the roof of the tower on the right side with a fan, private bookings dome-shaped, similar to those that are installed on the American tanks M48 and M60.

The tower and the housing is located beneath the fighting compartment of the tank. It is located jobs commander and gunner. The commander is seated to the right of the gun and gunner - the left. The samples of the tank "Zulfikar" of different years of release, there are slight differences in the design of the commander's cupola. On some tanks it similar to that used on the T-72 tanks, and on the other - a commander's cupola similar to those used by Israeli tank "Merkava" and have a mount for mounting 12.7 mm DShK that produced the Iranian industry.

The main weapon of the tank "Zulfikar" is a 125-mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading. The gun is a replica tank gun 2A46 Soviet design, which is produced in Iran. Automatic loader is similar to that used in the complex arms of the T-72 and is also available under license from the Iranian industry. The gun is mounted in a fairly narrow embrasure tower and is paired with a machine gun.

Ammunition for the gun utilized in the production of the defense industry of Iran.In addition to using local industry produced 125-mm mortar ammunition in tanks "Zulfikar", they are also used in ammunition Iranian T-72 tanks.

The complex includes the main tank weapons "Zulfikar" used fire control system (FCS) EFCS-3 combined (day / night IR) gunner's sight, production Slovenia. SLAs with automated ballistic computer and a set of sensors firing conditions, including weather conditions and with the sensor works in conjunction with the two-plane stabilizer arms, providing, according to Iranian experts, high accuracy on the move.

On the frontal armor parts tower installed 8 launchers smoke grenade (4 on each side of the gun) for setting smoke (aerosol) screens. Experts suggest that in the turret of a tank "Zulfikar" system installed laser warning.

High mobility of the 40-ton machine provides a powerplant with a V-diesel engine (according to other sources used 780-horsepower V-84MS, manufactured in Iran under license). With the engine is connected to the transmission SPAT 1200, is a localized version of the transmission mounted on the M60 tank. The power plant and transmission provide tank "Zulfikar" maximum road speed of 65 km / h.

The design of the suspension and running gear of the tank is designed based on the running gear of the American M60 tank. These machines are in operation in the Iranian army for many years.

Chassis machine has an independent torsion bar suspension and includes on each side by six double rubber road wheels, the steering wheel in the bow, stern drive wheel and five support rollers. Power reserve cars on the highway is not less than 450 km.

The machine is equipped with a system of collective defense against weapons of mass destruction.


At present there are three versions of the main tank "Zulfikar", "Zulfiqar-1", "Zulfikar-2" and "Zulfiqar-3."

Tank "Zulfiqar-1" was the post-test series of tanks and entered service the Iranian army. Was released more than 100 units.

Tank "Zulfikar-2" has been equipped with upgraded engines and chassis. Was built only one prototype was used as a test platform. Then it continued improvement.

The main tank "Zulfiqar-3" was a further development of the machine. It differs from its predecessors the new chassis, which received the seventh support roller on board, the new tower, improved SLAs with a thermal imager and laser rangefinder, a perfect stabilizer arms. On the car was also a more powerful diesel engine.

The successes of Iranian designers were demonstrated at the parade in Tehran, February 5, 2013 at the celebration of the anniversary of the Islamic revolution.

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