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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

I am utterly against the association of Mohammad pbuh name with war and conflict.

name it "Difa-e-Iran" (defense of Iran) or something.

Why drag a prophet into petty squabbles of today.

But then

what else we should expect from bunch of mad mullahs and Ayatullahs.

What the heck else.
You are ignorant who doesn't know anything
The Muslims during the war used the prophet muhammad name especially at Yamama battle
Iran Readying to Launch Home-Made Fateh Submarine (DURIN THIS WARGAME)

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Navy is due to launch its new home-made submarine, 'Fateh', in the coming stages of the Mohammad Rasoulallah (PBUH) wargames underway in the Southern waters of the country.
"The Fateh submarine will go under operational testing during the present drills by the Navy," Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habobollah Sayyari told reporters on Saturday.

Noting that Fateh which is the new generation of Iran's submarines has not been launched officially yet, he said, the vessel will be tested in operation during the current exercises.

Elsewhere, Sayyari announced Iran's preparedness to stage joint drills with the neighboring countries.

The Iranian Navy commander had said in August that Iran would unveil 'Fateh' soon.

Iran announced in April 2013 that it had increased the power and efficiency of the missiles and torpedoes mounted on its newly-made Fateh submarines.

"Naturally, the power of Fateh's missiles and torpedoes are more than Qadir (class) submarines (which are equipped with sonar-evading technology and can fire missiles and torpedoes simultaneously)," Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Gholam Reza Khadem Biqam told FNA at the time.

Different units of the Iranian Army's Ground Force, Navy, Air Force and Air Defense started six days of massive joint military drills along the country's Southern and Southeastern coasts on Thursday.

The military exercises codenamed Mohammad Rasoulallah (PBUH) cover an area of 2.2 million square kilometers from the East of the Strait of Hormuz to the Southern parts of the Gulf of Aden.

They have said during the exercises that the Fateh submarine was tested. Maybe it needs more tests before unveiling.
Since a submarine is one of the most complex systems one has to deal with in design and integration of new sub-systems but mostly automation now a days. The Fateh incorporates fuel-cells for propulsion, about 12 sensor sonars and is capable of firing missiles and torpedoes. All these technologies have to be tested thoroughly before any official induction. What we know for now is that it is operational, but we are all eager to see it...and in numbers.

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They have said during the exercises that the Fateh submarine was tested. Maybe it needs more tests before unveiling.
how long do you think it will take for submarine to be tested ??
2 years 3 years ?? 4 years ??

can please let us know how many Fateh submraine Iran has ?? and which one is doing test on ??
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how long do you think it will take for submarine to be tested ??
2 years 3 years ?? 4 years ??

can please let us know how many Fateh submraine Iran has ?? and which one is doing test on ??
It takes about a year for tested submarines to conduct sea trials and to be inducted in navies, you can deduce that it takes more time for a new untested submarine...and first time training crews.
As far as I know Iran has one or maybe two.
The Main thing is that it is operational and going through more trials.
It takes about a year for tested submarines to conduct sea trials and to be inducted in navies, you can deduce that it takes more time for a new untested submarine...and first time training crews.
As far as I know Iran has one or maybe two.
The Main thing is that it is operational and going through more trials.

Makes sense. Especially when you count in the time it takes to write the manuals and procedures for the very first time.

Fateh is the first of its kind, all the protocols and procedures need to be produced from scratch. I think we should at least give it till the end of Persian new year. I also have a feeling that Iran is no longer willing to show off its equipment. Maybe because of the negotiations?
Does anybody know how many Zolfaqars are operational? Is Iran mass producing them? I saw a short clip of A Zolfaqar III in the war game but have never seen a number of them operating together.
Iran Depicts American Navy as Weak, Cowardly
Iran’s Fars News Agency has released footage of an Iranian plane buzzing the USS Gridley, an American destroyer, apparently in the Persian Gulf. The video depicts de-conflicting communication between the Iranian Air Force and the U.S. ship, and concludes with the USS Gridley acceding to the Iranian aircraft’s demands.

Now, the Gridley may have acted normally given its location but, even if not, it is the policy of the Obama administration to seek to de-escalate conflict by withdrawing from confrontation (in sharp contrast to Ronald Reagan, for example, who in both the Gulf of Sitra and the Persian Gulf used the U.S. Navy to confirm the sanctity of international waters).

But it does say a lot about Iranian cockiness and how they wish to depict their strength relative to the United States Navy that the Iranian Air Force would offer Iranian journalists a ride essentially to seek out an American ship and depict it following Iranian orders and “fleeing.”

President Obama may believe concession shows sincerity and provides a path to peace but, alas, to many states in the Middle East, compromise is a sign of weakness. Regardless, as optimistic as Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry may be about bringing Iran in from the cold, the Iranian press—strictly controlled by the Iranian leadership—appears not to have gotten the message; quite the contrary, it seems prepared to ramp up its efforts to humiliate rather than seek partnership with America. If Obama is truly interested in bringing peace and security to the region, he might reflect on his instincts and do the exact opposite. Sometimes, standing one’s ground, abiding by red lines, and showing seriousness of purpose sends a message that even Tehran cannot ignore.

Iran Depicts American Navy as Weak, Cowardly - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine
I like math, and pie 3.14159
So lets do the math on this one .

Think of a clock face with all the numbers being 1400 meters from the central point, and or the numbers being 12 men armed with the 2 0 mm A.H.

If a chopper is at the center point 12 rifles could hit it from 12 differt sides.

But heres the fun part. With a 1400 m radioud and a 4396 m circurinced , being a man every 366 m. You could cove a area 5600 m in.dianmentor.

With 12 men you could cover 24630100 meters square or about 5000 football feilds.

I dont know about you but thats is some cheap and eassy Anti Air cover.

And thats without S.A.M.s or veichle mounted 40 mm or portable 12.7 mm

Throw a few of them in and you got your self a party.

This is not a one on one wepon is not a quick draw chopper vs man, its a support wepon uesd to cover 100 200 300 soilders in the feild.

It a portable A.A that can be loaded on a motor bike and race forward to cover a advance of mass troops.

10 rounds of 20 mm take up a lot less space and weight and cost then one S.A.M rocket.

I would wager that it would be cheaper and better to put out 24 men with 12 20 mm A.H rifles on motor cycles then it would be to have 24 S.A.M launchers at $40 000 per each or $9200 000 just for the rockets.
Oh and heres a crazy idea you could alway use the 20 mm A.H along side S.A.M.s

S.A.M.s with the long rang (5km give or take) for fast moving attack choppers


20 mm A.H for slow moveing transports.

Im thinking two man team hide somewhere ( space blanket traps 99% of
. I.R )

Shoot down a troop transport and ohh shit a attack chopper shows up, pull out the S.A.M.s bam hes dead to.

Know run like **** and repeat.

Just a idea not the best, I still think it would work.
According to latest news , after testing by various Special Forces , Fateh was given to MOD ( Ministry of defense) for mass-production !

The 5.56 caliber rifle is the latest Achievement of IRGC in field of Small-arms . its so accurate and it has such a low recoil that it actually has a Sniper version !

This beauty will Replace other rifles (either AK-47 or G3 rifles) gradually as it enters service .





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