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What is up with this ambulance?

What is this medical aid in 1950?

Just 4 beds and oxygen tanks? No advanced life support systems to display? No advanced medicinal cabinet for administering critical time sensitive medication en route to medivac helicopter or field hospital?

Not even sure why they even unveiled this. It’s an APC with 4 beds inside. And by beds I mean 4 stretchers.

بخش‌های مختلف بیمارستان سیار شامل آزمایشگاه، اتاق عمل، رادیولوژی،‌ آی.سی.یو و آمبولانس زرهی با قابلیت حمل شش مصدوم صبح امروز (چهارشنبه) با حضور امیر سرلشکر «سید عبدالرحیم موسوی» فرمانده کل ارتش در ستاد فرماندهی نیروی زمینی ارتش رونمایی شد.​

These are different parts of a mobile hospital. ambulance and lab can be seen as armored ones.

بخش‌های مختلف بیمارستان سیار شامل آزمایشگاه، اتاق عمل، رادیولوژی،‌ آی.سی.یو و آمبولانس زرهی با قابلیت حمل شش مصدوم صبح امروز (چهارشنبه) با حضور امیر سرلشکر «سید عبدالرحیم موسوی» فرمانده کل ارتش در ستاد فرماندهی نیروی زمینی ارتش رونمایی شد.​

These are different parts of a mobile hospital. ambulance and lab can be seen as armored ones.

Is this picture from inside the APC?
no they promised national helicopter till the end of the year , after we unveiled it and showed its capabilities then Russia consider selling us Mi-28 or Mi-35 or Ka-52
IRI official are professional liers and their words have no value specially when their audiance are Iranians ...

Heres a great close up view of the new long range shafagh air to ground missile being carried by an upgraded AH-1.
these 2 flash light have serious negative aerodynamic impact on helicopters ...
IRI official are professional liers and their words have no value specially when their audiance are Iranians ...

You have to remember IRI officials have “jobs” and like any person with a “job” they have a “boss” and need to be seen making “progress” or at the very least a false facade of “progress” to keep their job.

Hence why IRI officials make repeated statements that never come true. Like 100 satellite launch announcements that have come and gone.
Few more photos not seen before in here:
that armored truck first time in a parade.

View attachment 836349

Iranian Howitzer ..maybe!.View attachment 836351View attachment 836352View attachment 836353View attachment 836355
View attachment 836357
Notice that "Kowsar" is leading the formation..:azn::azn:
View attachment 836354
I don't really understand the IQ of a person who decides to put a technical in a parade. It's obvious not alot of serious effort was put together for this "parade" because I know much better presentation could've been done, but stuff like that shouldn't even be there.

Cool to see Routin there though.
What is up with this ambulance?

What is this medical aid in 1950?

Just 4 beds and oxygen tanks? No advanced life support systems to display? No advanced medicinal cabinet for administering critical time sensitive medication en route to medivac helicopter or field hospital?

Not even sure why they even unveiled this. It’s an APC with 4 beds inside. And by beds I mean 4 stretchers.

As if the lamented equipment, which is either mobile by essence or quickly installed, is lacking in Iran. As if in a situation of war, it won't be added to the ambulance APC.

Extraneous comment that doesn't add anything useful to the thread, part of a misplaced habit to split hair in order to find fault with Islamic Iran's achievements.
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You have to remember IRI officials have “jobs” and like any person with a “job” they have a “boss” and need to be seen making “progress” or at the very least a false facade of “progress” to keep their job.

Hence why IRI officials make repeated statements that never come true. Like 100 satellite launch announcements that have come and gone.
If you say so Suzie. Everyone let’s dance! 🕺

Almas-1 (ground-launched variant)

Range: 200 m - 4000 m
Length (missile): 1100 mm
Diameter (missile): 130 mm
Weight (missile): 11.5 kg
Weight (missile + launcher): 15 kg
Warheard: Tandem-charge, 600 mm armor penetration
Ability to switch to another target after launch
Ability to self-destruct
Ability to fly a straight or top-down (top-attack) flight path

I suppose Safir type vehicles will be phased out for Aras vehicles as they can perform all the same functions, but is more all terrain friendly and "tactical"

M101 105mm artillery mounted on Aras. Probably with auto-loader.
Is that based on the T-90M?

More or less.

Some speculate that the Karrar has TOT from Russia incorporated within the design although the Karrar tanks themselves are a mix of upgraded domestically built T-72s brought up to a Karrar standard mixed with smaller batches of Karrars produced from scratch.

They're pretty good tanks by the looks of it but not that many will be built I don't think. Iran's current mass-production focus lies elsewhere.
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