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Iranian envoy opposes Turkmen gas delivery to Turkey via Caspian Sea

iranians are killed like ants by other iranians to , simply iran is a s-hit-hole, no sane person would live there.

I can post millions of pics of dead Arabs. Literally for every one pic/video of an Iranian you show I can bring you 100 from Syria alone. 100,000 dead in a few years and all you Arabs gloat like you achieved something against Iran. :lol:

I bet you will stab your brother to death then call it a personal victory against Iran!
Question to Iranians here: why do you care so much about Iran, a country who rejected you and threw you out? You guys should be on our side actually
Unlike in the rest of the region, there is no violence in Iran between various groups deriving from the society. In Turkey, Kurdish communities have regularly clashed with Turkish communities, while Turkish fascists have killed Armenian journalists too.
More than 10000? Don't make me laugh. Source please.

120 AFAIK, with clashes continuing for weeks. Quite low don't you think? How many in Egypt, Libya and Syria?

People in Syria are killed by Iran " Assad and Hizbullah " your allies remember .

how many iranians were killed during Iran revolution and how many were executed by khomeny after revolution ?

you know what happened stop lying

more than 3000 demonstators were killed during your so called revolution , Egypt was far less than that in a normal revolution without foreign interference.

Now after your revolution how many seculars and liberals were killed by khomeny regime ?

Libya was a civil war involving foreign countries, cannot ever compare this to iran .

Tunisia and Egypt are more of a sensible comparison , during your revolution your population was less than 40 million , Egypt has today 85 million and only a few hundred were killed mostly they were thieves and criminals who tried to escape from jail , the actual number of protestors killed was below 100 .
Question to Iranians here: why do you care so much about Iran, a country who rejected you and threw you out? You guys should be on our side actually

Lmao who threw me out doner slicer number 2? You where dirt poor in Turkey and now you are dirt poor in Europe, what's the difference? Why do you care about Turkey that you had to escape from?
Now is it ?

Care to explain this chart to the forum members?


Talk with facts not hot air.

Do you want me to explain İranians converting to christianity for the sake of a asylum?
They would do any shamefull act just to get a asylum. Scums.

@Surenas be nice and explain this chart to @Shahin Vatani
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I read on facebook that Azeri Turks in Iran are going to take this opportunity when Iran war starts. Iran is walking on thin ice.
Question to Iranians here: why do you care so much about Iran, a country who rejected you and threw you out? You guys should be on our side actually

They know their country is a piece of s-hit but after all nationalism keeps you defending your country , imagine if a guy's mother is a w-hore , still most probably he would defend her , same goes with iranians , even though khomeny is humilating and pissing on them daily.
They know their country is a piece of s-hit but after all nationalism keeps you defending your country , imagine if a guy's mother is a w-hore , still most probably he would defend her , same goes with iranians , even though khomeny is humilating and pissing on them daily.

Man they even sell their a$$ out, so that their asylum request gets accepted.

You know how many Iranians changed religion here in the Nethlerands , so that the government wouldn't kick them out.
Man they even sell their a$$ out, so that their asylum request gets accepted.

You know how many Iranians changed religion here in the Nethlerands , so that the government wouldn't kick them out.

Because Iranians don't give a sh1t about religion. None of them cared about Islam in the first place.

PS you still haven't fixed the chart.

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