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Iranian envoy opposes Turkmen gas delivery to Turkey via Caspian Sea

My claims are true don't worry.

Yeah sure they are. Everything you have said you have pulled straight out of your aśs. No proofs or sources at all.

If you change religion to get asylum you will also bend over to get asylum or to go on your knees to have bread

Only if religion is important to you. If you don't give a sh1t about religion then it's fine.

You still don't understand, do you?
Why do they become Christian if they don't care about religion? LOL and are you even are aware that Iran is heavy Islamic country. You don't make sense.

Most Iranians do not give a crap about religion, but sadly their secular revolution was hijacked by religious clerks , they had armed militia that defeated the shah's imperial army and took over the country.
Out of all middle eastern countries, Iran has one of the lowest asylum rates.

Are you Joking I never heard of a Saudi or Gulf immigrant , please spare us the laugh , Iraq only had assylum seekers after their country was occupied , but iran is the second because its a s-hit-hole and people there are treated like dogs.

you have no value inside your own country and clerks are raping your women and people, you cant do anything about it but you know your no more than a slave in iran .

you will only have value when you get rid of the islamic occupation over iran by khomeny and his thugs.

cyrus is moving in his grave right now , imagine if he appears what would he say about the iran of today .
Are you Joking I never heard of a Saudi or Gulf immigrant , please spare us the laugh , Iraq only had assylum seekers after their country was occupied , but iran is the second because its a s-hit-hole and people there are treated like dogs.

you have no value inside your own country and clerks are raping your women and people, you cant do anything about it but you know your no more than a slave in iran.

You live in lala-land.

IRAN Documentary Yesterday and Today : Rick Steves - YouTube
Yeah sure they are. Everything you have said you have pulled straight out of your aśs. No proofs or sources at all.

Only if religion is important to you. If you don't give a sh1t about religion then it's fine.

You still don't understand, do you?

Iraniërs verlaten de islam in Nederland | Mens en Samenleving: Religie

Here's a link. It's dutch though

To make it simple here's the conclusion.

Uitgaande van een relatief grote groep Iraniërs die zich in Nederland bekeert, kan worden gesteld dat de crises voortvloeiend uit langdurige en onduidelijke asielprocedures de voedingsbodem zijn van de religieuze conversies onder deze groep. Een klein deel hoopt door een bekering tot het christendom deze crisis te beëindigen en een verblijfsvergunning te verkrijgen. De meerderheid van de Iraniërs in Nederland ervaart de revolutie van 1979 als een mislukking. Zij geven de islam daarvan de schuld en staan open voor nieuwe systemen. Nederlandse evangelisten spelen in op deze dubbele crisissituatie (spanning gerelateerd aan de asielprocedure en een falend ervaren islamitisch geloof). Veel evangelisten hebben zich ontwikkeld tot intercultural speakers die intensief communiceren met de Iraniërs en openstaan voor hun (Perzische) identiteit. De zendelingen benadrukken de parallellen tussen beide geloven om de religieuze kloof te verkleinen. Ook laten zij veel ruimte voor bovenzinnelijke Iraanse dromen. Deze christenen zijn op de hoogte van hun rol, ze zijn rolmodellen en zullen de dromen voor potentiële bekeerlingen moeten verklaren. Ten slotte geven de evangelisten de Iraanse moslims die wankel in hun geloof staan, een prachtige Perzische kapstok waaraan de meeste Iraniërs bij voorkeur hun identiteit aan ophangen. Zo kunnen de Iraniërs geloven dat God hen heeft geroepen, bijvoorbeeld in een droom, om tot het ware monotheïstische geloof te komen zoals koning Cyrus het ook al voor stond. De bekeerling, in crisis, kan voor zichzelf én anderen uitleggen dat God hem heeft uitgenodigd tot het christendom en dat hij zeker, juist meer, zijn Perzische identiteit zal blijven behouden.


And here's a link of a individual.

They are visited by christan missionaris in their asylum centre.

baptising them and giving them instructions what to say to the assylum officer :omghaha:

Please Iranians go get a pride.
Are you Joking I never heard of a Saudi or Gulf immigrant , please spare us the laugh , Iraq only had assylum seekers after their country was occupied , but iran is the second because its a s-hit-hole and people there are treated like dogs.

you have no value inside your own country and clerks are raping your women and people, you cant do anything about it but you know your no more than a slave in iran .

you will only have value when you get rid of the islamic occupation over iran by khomeny and his thugs.

cyrus is moving in his grave right now , imagine if he appears what would he say about the iran of today .

Arabian peninsula oil sheikhdoms aside, I didn't include them because they escaped my mind. We are lower then all the countries highlighted. Lower then Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, Egypt, Syria and many others. We are also lower then all the other middle eastern nations on the map if population size is accounted for.

Asylum seekers mapped: where did they come from where are they going? | News | guardian.co.uk
Iraniërs verlaten de islam in Nederland | Mens en Samenleving: Religie

Here's a link. It's dutch though

To make it simple here's the conclusion.

Uitgaande van een relatief grote groep Iraniërs die zich in Nederland bekeert, kan worden gesteld dat de crises voortvloeiend uit langdurige en onduidelijke asielprocedures de voedingsbodem zijn van de religieuze conversies onder deze groep. Een klein deel hoopt door een bekering tot het christendom deze crisis te beëindigen en een verblijfsvergunning te verkrijgen. De meerderheid van de Iraniërs in Nederland ervaart de revolutie van 1979 als een mislukking. Zij geven de islam daarvan de schuld en staan open voor nieuwe systemen. Nederlandse evangelisten spelen in op deze dubbele crisissituatie (spanning gerelateerd aan de asielprocedure en een falend ervaren islamitisch geloof). Veel evangelisten hebben zich ontwikkeld tot intercultural speakers die intensief communiceren met de Iraniërs en openstaan voor hun (Perzische) identiteit. De zendelingen benadrukken de parallellen tussen beide geloven om de religieuze kloof te verkleinen. Ook laten zij veel ruimte voor bovenzinnelijke Iraanse dromen. Deze christenen zijn op de hoogte van hun rol, ze zijn rolmodellen en zullen de dromen voor potentiële bekeerlingen moeten verklaren. Ten slotte geven de evangelisten de Iraanse moslims die wankel in hun geloof staan, een prachtige Perzische kapstok waaraan de meeste Iraniërs bij voorkeur hun identiteit aan ophangen. Zo kunnen de Iraniërs geloven dat God hen heeft geroepen, bijvoorbeeld in een droom, om tot het ware monotheïstische geloof te komen zoals koning Cyrus het ook al voor stond. De bekeerling, in crisis, kan voor zichzelf én anderen uitleggen dat God hem heeft uitgenodigd tot het christendom en dat hij zeker, juist meer, zijn Perzische identiteit zal blijven behouden.

I don't read Dutch, also for the last time I don't give a flying elephant sh1t about religion. You have to use some other tactic if you want me to care.
LoL Iranians who dont care about religion according to Iranians here, become Christian to be accepted. Would they also bend to get a job? I think people should their remain honor. Not be sellouts.
I don't read Dutch, also for the last time I don't give a flying elephant sh1t about religion. You have to use some other tactic if you want me to care.

You wanted source. I delivered it.

Like I said they also curse on Iran in it's self. It's not just religion. Also nationality.
Arabian peninsula oil sheikhdoms aside, I didn't include them because they escaped my mind. We are lower then all the countries highlighted. Lower then Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, Egypt, Syria and many others. We are also lower then all the other middle eastern nations on the map if population size is accounted for.

Asylum seekers mapped: where did they come from where are they going? | News | guardian.co.uk

You actually proofed to be a stupid person , your people simply escape on boats, remember that your an isolated country that hides statistics and its own news from the world.

Iran neither has free media or transparency to show what is happening there, apart from the fact any sane person would not visit a terrorist country like iran .
You wanted source. I delivered it.

Like I said they also curse on Iran in it's self. It's not just religion. Also nationality.

I wanted source for all the other elephant dung you said, not religion. Source they curse Iran (not Islamic Republic) would be a good place to start. Also make it English. Since this is, you know, an English forum.

You actually proofed to be a stupid person , your people simply escape on boats, remember that your an isolated country that hides statistics and its own news from the world.

Iran neither has free media or transparency to show what is happening there, apart from the fact any sane person would not visit a terrorist country like iran .

You are a world class idiot. These statistics aren't given by Iran, they are given by the countries who receive the refugees. Nothing to do with Iran hiding statistics. Lmao nice try but you failed very hard.

@MertKaan is here. He is now going to say a few words in his broken English and post a youtube video then leave.
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example of iranian refugees hiding in Turkey inorder to get into Europe escaping from the oppression and poverty in iran .

Iran has the second largest reserve of oil and gas around the world and half the side of Europe yet its people are despart to leave.

The map in the link I sent you proves we have quite low refugee stats compared to our neighbours. I owned you on this, yet you continue to try to weasel your way out of it you desperate monkey.
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