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Iranian Economy.....news and discussions

That's irrelevant, As it's name suggests, this fund was made to facilitate national development through investing in (profitable) projects, it becomes a debt only when you use it's money for paying the wages, as Rouhani was doing.
رئیسی: درآمد دولت از صندوق توسعه ملی حذف شد/ منابع صندوق باید صرف اهدافش شود- اخبار مجلس و دولت ایران - اخبار سیاسی تسنیم | Tasnim
if so why they didn't pay the amount they must pay to national de development fund from the export?
the money which is taken from the fund (nearly all of it ) when will be returned and who return it , let me guess , the next government ?
and more importantly why there is no accounting on how and in what project it have been spent . isn't according to law the government must be transparent?
if so why they didn't pay the amount they must pay to national de development fund from the export?
the money which is taken from the fund (nearly all of it ) when will be returned and who return it , let me guess , the next government ?
and more importantly why there is no accounting on how and in what project it have been spent . isn't according to law the government must be transparent?
You can add money to the fund when you have the export, Previous government not only didn't add any money, but was using the fund for it's monthly expenses too.

This government stopped using the fund for it's expenses in the first step, the next steep is to increase it, changes don't occur overnight.

Transparency is good for the peace time; during war, transparency means treason.
Economics made in the moon

Read and cry!,,something is really wrong in Iran of mullah economics ...where is all that energy go!!! Astronomical figures of waste ...o_O

سالانه 180 میلیارد دلار انرژی در ایران مصرف می‌شود​

استاد دانشگاه گفت: در ایران روزانه معادل 6.8 میلیون بشکه نفت به ارزش 180 میلیارد دلار در سال، انرژی مصرف شده که این انرژی صرف تولید نمی‌شود و به طور مثال آلمان با همین میزان مصرف انرژی تولید ناخالص داخلی آن 10 برابر ایران است.

شدت مصرف انرژی در کشور، 2 برابر میزان متوسط جهانی است

Enrergy consumption.png

اعطای یارانه انرژی، امروزه خود به معضلی بزرگ‌تر تبدیل شده است. سوخت و خوراک ارزان، باعث شکل نگرفتن زنجیره ارزش محصولات در صنعت و این امر نیز باعث تشدید مشکل خام‌فروشی در صنایع شده است.

ارزش این انرژی مصرف حدود 180 میلیارد دلار در سال است یعنی حدود 40 درصد تولید ناخالص داخلی ایران مربوط به انرژی است. تولید ناخالص داخلی ایران 450 میلیارد دلار است. ارزش انرژی مصرفی در ایران و آلمان تقریبا برابر است اما تولید ناخالص داخلی آلمان 10 برابر ایران است.

دوا داخل ایران متوسط ۲ برابر میزان جهانی هست

بهتره میزان مصرف انرژی در ایران رو با کشورهای حاشیه خلیج فارس و عراق مقایسه کرد

Well, there are a lot of predictions what not come true....ah, its IMF....
very interesting interview in Izvestia (Russia) with the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Russian Federation, Kazem Jalali.
He talks about the many sectors where Iran-Russia cooperation can be expanded, including the automotive and aviation sectors.
The article is in Russian, but with "traslate" or another automatic translator it can be understood very well
Mohammad-Reza Mir-Tajeddini, a member of parliament, told local media this week that fuel subsidies were now three times more than the country’s total development budget, but “nobody dares to speak” about raising the petrol price.

The current situation of low petrol prices is not sustainable, but the government does not have the political courage to increase prices,” said Hamid Hosseini, a petrochemicals trader. “Consumption keeps going up and the government is importing petrol at global rates only to sell at highly subsidised rates. It will be impossible to manage the demand in two years’ time if prices remain the same.

Ali Ziyar, deputy head of the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company, told local reporters this month that consumption had risen 20 per cent since March to 124mn litres a day, but domestic refining capacity was capped at 107mn litres

Ziyar confirmed that Iran had deployed its strategic reserves
, but officials have not confirmed speculation that refined fuels are also being imported for the first time in about a decade.

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this is probably part of the informal quid pro quo the IRI reached with the USA - reduce enrichment at 60%, give us back the American prisoners, and we will let you use $6 billion of your frozen assets to buy non-sanctioned goods and won't aggressively enforce secondary sanctions against third-countries importing your oil
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