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Iranian economist: 'China is the worst business partner Iran ever had'

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

No, this logic is absolutely wrong. thats the logic which led americans support islamist against USSR during russian invasion of afghanistan, but now americans are paying each day for this mistake.

btw, anti-china iranians if they are any of them, or anti regime iranians are not necessarily jewish :) putting label on other people is not right and its also an immoral action.
btw, majority of Iranians have a negative view about Iran's regime, but they don't have any problem with chinese.
No, this logic is absolutely wrong. thats the logic which led americans support islamist against USSR during russian invasion of afghanistan, but now americans are paying each day for this mistake.

btw, anti regime iranians or anti-china iranians are not necessarily jew :) putting label on other people is not right and its also a immoral action.
btw, majority of Iranians have a negative view about Iran's regime, but they don't have any problem with chinese.

Where are the polls to support that?

I posted some global polls to back up my posts in the last page.
Dear xunzi, Iranians very well know how to handle these problems, the problem is about the regime governing Iran.
I think #3 is the key point. #1 can be negotiated. but about #2, as a middle-eastern who knows middle-eastern people very well, I tell you that the best way to deal with arabs is having a strong army, and making them fight with each other. that's exactly what Israel, west and even mullahs do.
I would said the Supreme Leader of Iran must understand the geopolitical complexity and is responsible for guiding Iran back into the global economic trade.

Nobody opposes Iran to build a strong conventional military. In fact, the US cannot make an excuse to sanction a country desire to build a strong conventional army. Since no one, except Israel, has nuclear weapon, there is no immediate threat to Iran. Israel will not used nuke on Iran for fear of US's image and the world will not accept. In fact, if Iran joins SCO, we can guarantee Iran national security.
In fact, if Iran joins SCO, we can guarantee Iran national security.

I think you are mistaken buddy.

The SCO is a "mutual security organization" that deals mostly with border security and energy security in Central Asia.

It is not a Defence pact or a Military alliance, in fact the SCO Charter puts a lot of emphasis on the SCO not being a military alliance in any way.
Where are the polls to support that?

I posted some global polls to back up my posts in the last page.

are you talking about post #119?
anyways, I bring two examples showing this to you. in Iranian presidential election of 2013, people knew that Mr. Jalili is the favored candidate of the government. he ended up by just 11.31% of votes. the other example is Iranian presidential election of 2009's protests, in which millions of people demonstrated their hatred to the regime in streets.
are you talking about post #119?
anyways, I bring two examples showing this to you. in Iranian presidential election of 2013, people knew that Mr. Jalili is the favored candidate of the government. he ended up by just 11.31% of votes. the other example is Iranian presidential election of 2009's protests, in which millions of people demonstrated their hatred to the regime in streets.

But the regime is the same, the power center (Ayatollah and friends) are the same.

And the Iranian Nuclear program is ongoing.

So nothing changed in the end. Which doesn't support the idea that the majority of the population hates the regime.
I would said the Supreme Leader of Iran must understand the geopolitical complexity and is responsible for guiding Iran back into the global economic trade.

Nobody opposes Iran to build a strong conventional military. In fact, the US cannot make an excuse to sanction a country desire to build a strong conventional army. Since no one, except Israel, has nuclear weapon, there is no immediate threat to Iran. Israel will not used nuke on Iran for fear of US's image and the world will not accept. In fact, if Iran joins SCO, we can guarantee Iran national security.

I agree with most of your quote. I would say mullah regime needs to limit its ambitions. National security is a very important issue for a non-arab middle-eastern country like Iran. I think it would be beneficial to Iranians if chinese could help them strengthen their own military.
But the regime is the same, the power center (Ayatollah and friends) are the same.

And the Iranian Nuclear program is ongoing.

So nothing changed in the end. Which doesn't support the idea that the majority of the population hates the regime.

you can see the change when Obama and Rohani had phone talk recently, and when their foreign ministers meet each other after 35 years. In my opinion, these are not enough changes, but I am asking you, what can Iranians do when mullahs have killed thousands of political prisoners and they suppress any opposition?
you can see the change when Obama and Rohani had phone talk recently, and when their foreign ministers meet each other after 35 years. In my opinion, these are not enough changes, but I am asking you, what can Iranians do when mullahs have killed thousands of political prisoners and they suppress any opposition?

The nuclear issue is irrelevant. Look at how they invaded Iraq who had no nukes, and how they didn't invade North Korea even though they have nukes.

The USA has allied with the Israelis and the Arabs in the Middle East, they will not allow Iran to rise as a regional power and disrupt the balance.

Nukes are just an excuse, no one really believed that Iraq had nuclear weapons.
This is a troll thread. The article is mainly about the effect of western sanctions but the thread headline is all about China. But having said that, it is simply true that there are unscrupulous people in China that are taking advantage of Iran's current situation. The main reason for the misery of the Iranian people are the sanctions that the West has imposed on them for a nuclear weapons program that doesn't exist.

Don't take it wrong... even people from other countries are taking Iranians for a ride. There are unscrupulous people everywhere. They are taking advantage of these sanctions to send the products late and some times it is genuine just to avoid the authorities. There is no accountability and international laws does not apply when it comes to Iran. So chill out guys this not specific to China but you will find opportunists everywhere.
The nuclear issue is irrelevant. Look at how they invaded Iraq who had no nukes, and how they didn't invade North Korea even though they have nukes.

The USA has allied with the Israelis and the Arabs in the Middle East, they will not allow Iran to rise as a regional power and disrupt the balance.

Nukes are just an excuse, no one really believed that Iraq had nuclear weapons.

Thats true. but, unfortunately medias like TV channels, ... can make people believe anything.
The main problem is Iran-USA problem which needs to be solved. nukes are just an excuse as you said.
I'd love to know how that comment is somehow not specific to China, or not personally directed towards the Chinese people. :no:

Along with all the other comments from the Iranian OP against Chinese people.
I think you are mistaken buddy.

The SCO is a "mutual security organization" that deals mostly with border security and energy security in Central Asia.

It is not a Defence pact or a Military alliance, in fact the SCO Charter puts a lot of emphasis on the SCO not being a military alliance in any way.
I know, that's why I used "we" as in China, itself. But in my opinion, SCO will develop into a defence pact in case of a world war crisis.
No, the flaming was very specific to China:

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