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IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

Indeed, it is a trolling but I am not sure which one is responsible
2- Sardar Dr. Prof. Mr. Ms. Ahmad Vahidi

Soheil it was very strange for me. Your first news about this drone:

Please pay attention to the part "wrong picture"

and then after some refreshing, you started supporting it, extensively.
Indeed, it is a trolling but I am not sure which one is responsible
2- Sardar Dr. Prof. Mr. Ms. Ahmad Vahidi

Soheil it was very strange for me. Your first news about this drone:

Please pay attention to the part "wrong picture"

and then after some refreshing, you started supporting it, extensively.

HA HA HA ... yaaaaaa trolling !!! :omghaha:

because they changed the picture after 2 days :rolleyes:

they put this picture before releasing first pictures from hamase:




خبر وزیر دفاع از جدیدترین پهپاد ایران : اخبار نظامي - Page 2 - مرکز انجمنهاي تخصصي

FAILED ! :coffee:
drones like Hamase made for non sensitive missions ...

i accept that the paint job was horrible ... but that thing under drone is not a pizza box !!! :D

man !!!

i think we should stop this troll fest ... both sides ...

your TAI ANKA was a good job ...

but we have better drones which not unveiled yet ...

maybe turkey working on better UAVs than ANKA which not unveiled yet ...

I don't know about Turkey's future programs ... but I know about Iran's ...

kindly asking from Turkish brothers don't make fun of others ... because you don't know what will happen in future !!!

we have 5 new drones under way ... good news for Iranian brothers :)

Believe me, It is your officials making fun with own public and country, not Turks or any others. Such behaviors cause to loose prestige of such a big country like Iran outside of your borders. Repeating same faults again and again will finally make this country called as "Propaganda" for everything you are going to say.

Succesfull achievements always causes to stop the breath of enemies but What you are doing is to put a smile of your enemies' faces at your every attempts. Have you ever think Why Greeks or Armenians or russians can't f@ck with Turkish industral achievements?
Suppose that You unveiled a state of art UAV or a warship which looks modern from outside and great by performance that is able to compete with Western rivals, Anybody from outside could have a bad saying about it ? No.. Only watch the advancements with a big astonishment but you are doing adverse.

About Turkish UAV program,

Not only UAV's but also any other products we can mention. Achievement always bring a new one so If you see a new product which was unveiled initially, It means new variants are on the way because Industry is wrking with a great ambitious to catch our Western friends in a limited time.

Unmanned developments: ANKA-A--)ANKA-B(2013-14)--)5 tonnes SIHA(2016)--)MIHA
Trainer Aircraft: Hurkus-A, Hurkus-B, Hurkus-C
AG Bomb Family: HGK-1, HGK-2, HGK-3, KGK-82, KGK-83, L-KGK, IIR-KGK, NEB, LGK...etc

As you see from above examples, Variants always follow based on first products/technology. With this way, Industry develops not only a product but also product family to reveal for export markets.

Where is Iran's most advanced drone? :butcher:

When can we expect this drone now? :butcher:

Do you have any of your CGI works on it? :butcher:

I cant wait.. :butcher:
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what is the point of building soo many drones..survival of the best strategy?
So, any idea when this new drone is going to be displayed?
You're judging a UAV based on it's shape ?

Well the shape and size does tell a lot about its capabilities (ex. how stealthy it is, can it be armed, how long can it fly, etc...)

From what I can tell this looks like a medium altitude and medium to possibly long range reconnaissance drone though not very stealthy in appearance. It is similar to the FALCO UAV.

Unfortunately some people here haven't learned to respect others' attempt .

LOL! well it is probably because people expected a lot more considering the drone is named "EPIC"

I am guessing people were under the impression that Iran would release some kind of competitor to the predator.

People do tend to forget that an armed long range high altitude combat drones does require a lot of money, time and technical expertise to create particularly when you consider the need to develop sophisticated targeting systems and precision munitions to go along with the drone.

This is a good first step but Iran is most likely going to need to cooperate with another country on this otherwise they are going to have to spend a lot of money trying to do it themselves (we are possibly talking a many billion of dollars to develop each of the various required components assuming it doesn't want to source parts from elsewhere).
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