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IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

Iranian Drone finally find its place in the Turkish Press.

ABD'den süper teknolojik insans?z uçak en son haber

Do you remember the hard time !?

Yabhoon United-40 was revealed in 2009, and since then, it has been being tested and developed, so, there are differences in specs of it since there have been changes on it, see the difference:

This UAV is designed and manufactured completely by Adcom which is a +20 years old specialized UAE private company specialized in UAVs and their systems.


Iran maybe need decades with foreign help to be able to make such state of the art UAVs.

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Do you remember the hard time !?

Mate, give me a months time. I can produce the same model that you posted.. it won't fly. :) but we haven't seen yours to fly... Make it fly, then we would have much more things to talk about. :)
Mate, give me a months time. I can produce the same model that you posted.. it won't fly. :) but we haven't seen yours to fly... Make it fly, then we would have much more things to talk about. :)

Ok ... i have a strong memory !

I have a strong patience !

Let's wait a little more ...
Shahed129 is nothing but tiny RC toy that looks like Hermes 450. Look how they film it: never people near it, because otherwise everyone would see how tiny and ridiculous it is.

May 11, 2013

This thread is a real gold mine !!!


You just unveiled Fotros a couple months ago and allready working on Fotros 2?
C'mon man where are the test flight results of Fotros 1?

Is this a good reason for resist !?
Saudis Wont understand use of DRONES
they will use them as Flying Machines (with Camera) ....most probably for Peeping neighbour ladies :lol:
Dude i just dont undestand you.

People said the same thing about RQ-170 & ScanEagle !

It's not too early for this ... It's not too early for that !

But you can see the result very clear !!!

Saudis Wont understand use of DRONES
they will use them as Flying Machines (with Camera) ....most probably for Peeping neighbour ladies :lol:

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