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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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First of all don't hide yourself behind your bosses (Nato, USA). You would not dare to attack Syria without them, that's a fact. Secondly Iran does not care about arab world except cooperation with Syria, Iraq, Libanon. In these countries Saudi is hated more than Iran.
At last don't tell us stupid things here you can go back to your ancestral lands around congo. Damn al-hassani the clown is back to make us laugh:bounce:

First of all all those countries are Arab countries and many Arabs there have ancestral ties to KSA. Besides sharing cultural things on nearly all levels. Iran is the most hated country in the world. Look at the international statistics on this. A few users even made threads about it on this forum. Your country is recognized as a terror state, under sanctions and isolated. Just like your North Korean friends.

LOL. Syrians don't hate a country more than Iran right now. If you spoke Arabic you would know. Nor do they share anything with you. As much as with Congolese people or Mongols.

Oh, Semitic people, Arabs included, are NATIVE (look that word up in the dictionary) to the MIDDLE EAST. Not Africa.

Genetic evidence confirms this.

Besides all humans are from Africa originally if we believe science and Yemen was the first country inhabited outside of Yemen.

If you are a Persian, which I doubt (probably a Azeri or Kurd as many Iranian users here) then you are from Central Asia originally. That is a FACT. I know it hurts.

You are not native to the Middle East originally.

Oh, why should we attack Syria when we can do it jointly or the others can do the work for us. LOL, your country has not attacked anyone. You have only been at the receiving end since the Azeri Safavids were defeated.

Let's see how much you will defend your Child-Murderer in Syria.

We are waiting for the "Red line".:laughcry::omghaha:

I am sorry, none of your fake paper "fighter jets" can change anything.
The arc of Iranian rafidi terror from Gaza to Damascus and from Beirut to Baghdad is about to come to an end.

The forces are gathering to neuter Iran, the terrorist state.

For too long this terror state was tolerated by the Arabs because of its hostility towards Israel. Now the Arabs have seen what Israelis have been telling them about the rafidis.

This is the region and global powers coming to serve Iran with the kick in the face it's been asking for and deserves.


hahahhah, ahww the juice want to be accepted by arabs. No matter what you do, you will never find rest in that region except in Alaska. Be sure of that.
It depends on the political goals. Of course we want a regime change, but if the political goal is to let the Iranians themselves make that change, then there will be no need for US boots in-country.

The mullahs are not blind to this possibility. The Iranian military have two equally important missions: Defeat of external enemies and suppression of internal opposition. The first is not possible against US. The second...Is up to the Iranian people on how compliant they are.

You went in to Iraq which had no functioning army and came out of there with nearly 4500 dead soldiers, and you are seriously talking about setting foot on Iran's soil?You really think that's a walk in the park?
We despise the freedom that you may want to bring to our country, the same way you brought us 'freedom' in 1953. Keep it to yourself and enjoy it.
It depends on the political goals. Of course we want a regime change, but if the political goal is to let the Iranians themselves make that change, then there will be no need for US boots in-country.

The mullahs are not blind to this possibility. The Iranian military have two equally important missions: Defeat of external enemies and suppression of internal opposition. The first is not possible against US. The second...Is up to the Iranian people on how compliant they are.
that'"s the mistake of yours to believe so

Iranians are peaceful they don't want neither a war or a civil war
they just hope for better days and democracy and individual rights and better economy. but see syria Iraq. we remember as well war and revolution time (which was a hell after). well people are just scared, especially now what can do peaceful people vs army obeying the supreme leader ? nothing

the best would have been to take the money from all the bad guys accounts and avoid them to do any business
like you do well for drug trafic in your country
but instead they are normal people who don't have access to medics , having crazy prices for food

Khamenei is surely the ennemy of Iran but we have no choice than waiting for a change
maybe reason why Iranians are so pessimistic
Al-Sistani is the only genuine Iranian Arab and he does not support your terror government and lives in an Arab country (Iraq) and causes no problem.

I have respect for him.

The 2 Best Nashid Sayyed Al Sistani - YouTube

Your fake Wannae Arab farsi Mullah's in Qom could learn from it.

But your Mullah's are more worried driving in shitty cars in the smog infected Tehran listening to techno music, LOL.

Hillarious, come on.

Techno Mullah - YouTube
hahahhah, ahww the juice want to be accepted by arabs. No matter what you do, you will never find rest in that region except in Alaska. Be sure of that.

It's the Arabs that are in need of the rest.


You're just in need of bread and water, like other tin-pot failed states.
It's the Arabs that are in need of the rest.


You're just in need of bread and water, like other tin-pot failed states.

Cousin you are by no chance my Jewish friend that got banned a few months ago? Your posts are amazingly similar. Just come out of the closest as we say, cousin.

He also lived in the UK.

Cousin you are by no chance my Jewish friend that got banned a few months ago? Your posts are amazingly similar. Just come out of the closest as we say, cousin.

He also lived in the UK.


There are many people in the world, Bedouin cousin.

Sometimes I see someone that reminds me of someone else. It happens to us all.

The only user of body bags will be the Iranian military -- on its own soldiers.

We will have absolute control over Iranian airspace. Not 'can'. But WILL. The Iranian generals probably are done interviewing Iraqi Desert Storm survivors on how they made it through those days and nights of US carpet bombings and you can bet your next year's salary that they are scared. From the air, the US will send the Iranian military back to the 7th century, whether it like it or not.

The US is not capable of starting another serious war while their forces are stuck in sh!t in Afghanistan , their economy is sinking and above all their holly Zionist ally might be in danger of extinction .

There is no doubt about US military power but you need to know that even the US with it's superiority never starts a war against a country that is capable of defending itself and can risk US and their allies' interests in region .

Iran has prepared itself to defend it's territory for almost 4 decades no need to mention the huge amount of budget that IR has spent on it's forces and if that war happens which is more like bragging then you'll see your grave in ME .
There are many people in the world, Bedouin cousin.

Sometimes I see someone that reminds me of someone else. It happens to us all.


Shalom aleichem COUSIN.

That was very funny. 1% of all 400 million Arabs are Bedouins. Besides they are great people. Just look at the Bedouins in Israel. Besides there are more Bedouins in Israel than 90% of all Arab countries, my Jewish, sorry Egyptian cousin.;)

Besides I am a Meccan (Makkawi) Hashemite.

Oldest lineage in the world.

Read about the Hashemites below:


Look what the great King Faisal of Syria and Iraq said about you Jews. Hardly negative.

I know that you are that former member. I can't remember your name. You were a good member but try not to be that obsessed about us Arabs. There are 400 million of us and over 20 Arab countries. Most located far away from Israel and Palestine. The Palestinians just number 11 million.

25% of all Israelis are Palestinian Arabs. 33% of all Israeli Jews are from the Arab world. Hence you often cannot make a distinction.

So take a chill pile, my cousin.

Here are more of my cousins. Arab faces everywhere, man!

Yeah I also recognize your posts. Didnt you use to go by the name conspiracy or conspirator or something like that? :)

I have a 10 year old experience with trolls. Since I first started to use the internet when I was 10 years old 10 years ago. When I say it is the same individual it is. Trust me my Persian friend.

Den er 100% sikker, LOL. Uden tvivl.




Shalom Aleichem Controlled Pair, my cousin.
You went in to Iraq which had no functioning army and came out of there with nearly 4500 dead soldiers, and you are seriously talking about setting foot on Iran's soil?You really think that's a walk in the park?
A 'functional' army is just a label for an organized army. It does not mean there were no fighters. Think about those US casualties. Now think how many Iraqis and may be even Iranians paid with their lives for those 4500 US troops dead.

We despise the freedom that you may want to bring to our country, the same way you brought us 'freedom' in 1953. Keep it to yourself and enjoy it.
This is not 1953. You have no more ties to that era than I do.
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