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Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

we are peaceful ,until somebody think he can attack us .
when they attack us ,its not important they are Muslim or they are not Muslim , we will fight them. we always said that we are ready to solve the problem peacefully but Every time we had international problem UAE tried to get these Islands from us .

about these Islands ,there is no discussion about Greater and Lesser Tombs they are Iranian and they will always be Iranian . about AbuMusa we always said we are ready to discuss these Islands but UAE don't agree to it and say the matter must be brought to ICJ .well we see no reason for that. you see when English pulled back Iran and Sheikh of Sharejeh reached an agreement that the administration of Abumusa will be held in Iran hand but the money from it's resources will be divided between two country and till today we gave half the money from the oil around these Island to UAE but now they are unreasonable and want to take away the administration of these Island which is something we can't agree .

by the way its Iran counterclaim to UAE Claim

If you guys are already sharing the wealth what is the argument about?? what does it matter which country own it??
Yeah. In Islamic prophecies, Gog (NATO) is trying to actively encircle Magog (Russian led alliance). According to prophecy this will end up in a big nuclear holocaust.

The alternate is Gog = Chinese and Magog = Indian
Emarat wont be fighting by it self. We have a defence agreement. We are more than capable of taking the 3 islands by ourselves.
I wonder ,you have a defense agreement or offense agreement ?
you all supported Saddam in all way but didn't manage to take a centimeter of Iranian Land .
by the way one of the reson that Saddam Attacked Iran was to claims the ownership of these Islands for UAE m have you forgot that ?
Isn't Gog and Magog those beings that will appear during time of Prophet Esa (AS)??? They will shoot their arrows in the air due to their arrogance but they will be punished by a calamity involving parasitical insects???

Gog and Magog are short ugly beings who Zulqarnyen placed a wall of copper and steal around them of which they will never break free until God says so. Man's sins fasten the destruction of the walls and in a day of God's choosing he will send them on the people and they will kill everyone and eat the green and pale, they will dry the rivers and burn the cities.

I personally do not like the twisting the of the exact texts to to fit a political agenda at all. Everyone a long time ago did the same thing regarding the Mongol invasion. People who believe they are at the edge of end times I personally do not like this thought for no one knows when Judgement day will come. Maybe it is tomorrow maybe it is 1000 yeas from now. We as Muslims only work and worship God as if everyday is the last.
Isn't Gog and Magog those beings that will appear during time of Prophet Esa (AS)??? They will shoot their arrows in the air due to their arrogance but they will be punished by a calamity involving parasitical insects???

Yeah,that is an explanation too, endorsed by some scholars. But I tend to subscribe the explanation offered by Sheikh imran hosein as he connects with many hadiths and quranic verses. You can check them in this short lecture:

KN-OW *•* Watch - 20120212-Imran-Nazar-Hosein-Gog-And-Magog

You can view this book. Here he explains in detail how he came to the conclusion.

who care about the Oil , Strait of Hormuz is the gate into Persian Gulf and these 3 Island are the Keys for this Gate

So do you think this UAE moves have been they must be I think instigated by Americans??
Right now there is NO US bases in KSA. Some American troops are stationed in Eskan Village which is an apartment complex who is in the American training mission see only 258 American soldiers are in KSA:

Nice, that clears it up.:tup:
The UAE never said it would launch attacks. This is silly and irresponsible.

It seems Jordan want to do that attack ,after all they 3 time attacked Israel just because Egypt told them to do so and this time the victory is certain .
The alternate is Gog = Chinese and Magog = Indian

Dhul Qarnayn (Cyrus the Great)'s Archemeid empire extended from middle east to central Asia (His eastern and western invasion, as described in the Quran).The resistance he met from Gog and Magog(northern invasion) was in the Russian Caucasus mountains.

An expedition was sent during Ummayyads time to find the barrier of Gog and Magog to Caucasus mountains. Umayaads identified this barrier to be located in Russian Caucasus mountains. The expedition came with the news that the "barrier built by Dhul Qarnayn is in ruins".

Gog and magog were the Russian Khazars who lived in Russian Caucasus mountains and defeated the Muslims when the Muslims just conquered Sassanid and Byzantine empires (who were superpowers). Otherwise, muslims were on their way to conquer Europe and noone could have stopped them.
The thing is, even the map of Iran was drawn by USSR and British. More accurately, USSR invaded Iran after Nazi Germany invaded USSR. British also did. Outcome was that Britain occupied southern Iran and USSR occupied Northern Iran.

British withdrew first,followed by USSR. if they wished, they could have drawn the map of Iran differently isn't it? Just like USSR did with Azerbaijan which was once Iranian territory? They could have balkanized Iran into several countries if USSR and British wished to.

My point is, no need to threaten UAE. It is a fact that the map of the Arab world was drawn after WWI and Iran's was drawn after WWII. No need to fight over these islands. I am sure a solution of joint-administration can be reached.:tup:

No need to destroy UAE which will eventually gather the whole GCC against Iran. No need for this to become full blown arab persian conflict which will result in millions killed from both sides and total destruction.
incidentally the map of Iran didn't change by war since more than Fath-Ali Shah of Qajar. we just get some land from King of Oman. by the way don't you think this logic is more suitable for UAE as the Island right now are under Iran Control?
I wonder ,you have a defense agreement or offense agreement ?
you all supported Saddam in all way but didn't manage to take a centimeter of Iranian Land .
by the way one of the reson that Saddam Attacked Iran was to claims the ownership of these Islands for UAE m have you forgot that ?

Guys even the thought of war would be stupid
Yeah,that is an explanation too, endorsed by some scholars. But I tend to subscribe the explanation offered by Sheikh imran hosein as he connects with many hadiths and quranic verses. You can check them in this short lecture:

KN-OW *•* Watch - 20120212-Imran-Nazar-Hosein-Gog-And-Magog

You can view this book. Here he explains in detail how he came to the conclusion.

An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age

Yeah i watched his lecture regarding Gog and Magog but i disagree with him on this subject. Gog and Magog are described as not being human, so they can't be Russians or NATO.

No one knows where they are since they have been locked away behind a impenetrable wall (which also no one knows where it is) built by Zulqarneyn, they will only be unleashed during time of Prophet Esa (AS), i read this quite a long time ago so i don't have reference but i do think it was authentic and reliable.
incidentally the map of Iran didn't change by war since more than Fath-Ali Shah of Qajar. we just get some land from King of Oman. by the way don't you think this logic is more suitable for UAE as the Island right now are under Iran Control?

My analogy was directed to the quoted post, which argued that Iran doesn't care about what British did. When in fact Iran was shaped by USSR and British itself.
UAE has nice advanced jets.. they're F-16's are absolutely ruthless. With future Eurofighter or Rafale coming soon.
Iran needs to increase they're air power. UAE has advantage there.. but besides that iran wins in practically every case.

if it come to war those jets need vacuum cleaned airfield to operate and I wonder how long their Airfield remain operational against Iranian Missile ,don't forget our ballistic missiles are precise enough to hit a ship and a runway is far easier target. also our shahab-1 and shahab-2 missile have warhead that is consisted of more than 1000 bomblet
Yeah i watched his lecture regarding Gog and Magog but i disagree with him on this subject. Gog and Magog are described as not being human, so they can't be Russians or NATO.

No one knows where they are since they have been locked away behind a impenetrable wall (which also no one knows where it is) built by Zulqarneyn, they will only be unleashed during time of Prophet Esa (AS), i read this quite a long time ago so i don't have reference but i do think it was authentic and reliable.

Yes I do respect your point of view. But what do you have to say about the expedition sent by Umayyads around 705 AD to Caucasus mountains in order to locate the barrier built by Dhul Qarnayn, and they came with the news "barrier is in ruins"?
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