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Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

To be honest guys sadly we Muslims are living in a time that as a community we are pawns.

Lets face it we have had Pax America for the last 20 years or so. The next power on the horizon would appear to be China. They say that when one empire dips and another empire rises there is always strife. In fact in passing of the baton there has always been a war. the question is can America and China change the baton peacefully??

If they can not our numbers and infrastructure will be decimated. They aint gonna fight in China or American mainland. The war will be well over before that

Correct. :tup:US strategy is basically to use the Muslim world as battlefield to encircle Russia and China. I would say their objective of containing Russia and China is more important than Israel, since they helped Pakistan in the 80s to train Taliban in afghanistan, defying calls of Israeli lobby to put pressure on Pakistan to cease its nuclear program.

The way I see it: These islandswere with iran for the last decades. Sudden arousal of this issue is no coincidence. And this Iranian threat? I think something seems to be cooking up, otherwise countries don't threaten others like that. Maybe something in the background we don't know.

You are right GCC countries have invested too much in their countries and people to see it go away in a threat of war like that. As I said we do NOT want war. However saying "Those puny insignificant Arabs" and underestimating us is not healthy for Iran. We rule the air and land if God forbid a battle would arise, however Iranian missiles which will target cities and infrastructure as main targets is too high a price to pay, again I really do hope UAE will solve its border dispute with Iran peacefully because at the end of the day we are neighbors and will remain so for the next 1000 years provided judgement day won't come so it is better to clear misunderstandings now better than later.

Please tell me where did they say "those puny insignificant arabs"?I didn't read this anywhere. This may be the statement of some fanboys but I'm sure no general of any country is unprofessional to make statements like that.

Otherwise agreed with your post.:tup:
Just like how Axis and Allies took their fight to north Africa and destroyed it in WW2 with them. Better to remain neutral in the whole thing. The swiss is a good example.

Mossa bro i would love for us all to stay neutral but the powers in control even if our leaders agreed with us will not let it be
Correct. :tup:US strategy is basically to use the Muslim world as battlefield to encircle Russia and China. I would say their objective of containing Russia and China is more important than Israel, since they helped Pakistan in the 80s to train Taliban in afghanistan, defying calls of Israeli lobby to put pressure on Pakistan to cease its nuclear program.

The way I see it: These islandswere with iran for the last decades. Sudden arousal of this issue is no coincidence. And this Iranian threat? I think something seems to be cooking up, otherwise countries don't threaten others like that. Maybe something in the background we don't know.

Both KSA and Iran have tasted war and its devastation results. I was born during the Gulf War with sirens whistling and people wearing Gas masks. My aunt's husband died in the war and 3 of my cousins grew up orphans, we are no stranger to wars. Not to mention the crippling debt the US has placed upon us they told us to either pay for the entire cost of the war or allow permanent bases for American troops in our soil we choose to become hungry than to do the latter.

Keep wars out of our region and out of our country and let us build our universities and research centers and factories in peace.
Both KSA and Iran have tasted war and its devastation results. I was born during the Gulf War with sirens whistling and people wearing Gas masks. My aunt's husband died in the war and 3 of my cousins grew up orphans, we are no stranger to wars. Not to mention the crippling debt the US has placed upon us they told us to either pay for the entire cost of the war or allow permanent bases for American troops in our soil we choose to become hungry than to do the latter.

Keep wars out of our region and out of our country and let us build our universities and research centers and factories in peace.

I'm sorry to know about your loss. May God forgive them.

Can you tell me exactly how many US military bases are there in Saudi Arabia right now? I see maps posted here and there, but want to know it from reliable source. Note:Excluding staffs for,say Eurofighters, F 15s etc. Like, how many military bases controlled by US?
Correct. :tup:US strategy is basically to use the Muslim world as battlefield to encircle Russia and China. I would say their objective of containing Russia and China is more important than Israel, since they helped Pakistan in the 80s to train Taliban in afghanistan, defying calls of Israeli lobby to put pressure on Pakistan to cease its nuclear program.

You hit it spot on. So even though Russians do not see eye to eye they are being pushed into it together. That is also what seems to be happening with Iran and Pakistan. Who I think are keys. West's plan's are regime change Iran and destabalise Pakistan to the point the PA is defanged and not a threat.

That is also why Russians are trying to use Sryia as the buffer rather than Pakistan and Iran whose loss would mean the end for Russia China

Both KSA and Iran have tasted war and its devastation results. I was born during the Gulf War with sirens whistling and people wearing Gas masks. My aunt's husband died in the war and 3 of my cousins grew up orphans, we are no stranger to wars. Not to mention the crippling debt the US has placed upon us they told us to either pay for the entire cost of the war or allow permanent bases for American troops in our soil we choose to become hungry than to do the latter.

Keep wars out of our region and out of our country and let us build our universities and research centers and factories in peace.

I am sorry to hear about that Mossa
You hit it spot on. So even though Russians do not see eye to eye they are being pushed into it together. That is also what seems to be happening with Iran and Pakistan. Who I think are keys. West's plan's are regime change Iran and destabalise Pakistan to the point the PA is defanged and not a threat.

That is also why Russians are trying to use Sryia as the buffer rather than Pakistan and Iran whose loss would mean the end for Russia Chinal

Yeah. In Islamic prophecies, Gog (NATO) is trying to actively encircle Magog (Russian led alliance). According to prophecy this will end up in a big nuclear holocaust.
Yeah. In Islamic prophecies, Gog (NATO) is trying to actively encircle Magog (Russian led alliance). According to prophecy this will end up in a nuclear holocaust with both Gog and Magog destroyed.

But tell me what do you think Gog would do if he knew the prophecy? Could he change it? Cos I feel some western leaders eg Bush and Blair will know these and will take them into account. there is a joke in west about these two leaders doing God
But tell me what do you think Gog would do if he knew the prophecy? Could he change it? Cos I feel some western leaders eg Bush and Blair will know these and will take them into account

They already know these. Why do you think they invaded Afghanistan? Among other reasons, remember the hadith of a muslim army coming out of Khorasaan (afghanistan) and conquering Jerusalem? It would be naive to think they don't research in these matters.

And on that Day [i.e. the Day Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and Magog) will come out], We shall leave them to surge like waves on one another, and the Trumpet will be blown, and We shall collect them all together. (18:99)

Combining this prophecy in Quran with hadiths, we know this is going to end in a very big nuclear holocaust.
Just like how Axis and Allies took their fight to north Africa and destroyed it in WW2 with them. Better to remain neutral in the whole thing. The swiss is a good example.

Most likely because North Africa was colonized by European powers (Italy, France, and Britain).
I'm sorry to know about your loss. May God forgive them.

Can you tell me exactly how many US military bases are there in Saudi Arabia right now? I see maps posted here and there, but want to know it from reliable source. Note:Excluding staffs for,say Eurofighters, F 15s etc. Like, how many military bases controlled by US?

Right now there is NO US bases in KSA. Some American troops are stationed in Eskan Village which is an apartment complex who is in the American training mission see only 258 American soldiers are in KSA:
Yeah. In Islamic prophecies, Gog (NATO) is trying to actively encircle Magog (Russian led alliance). According to prophecy this will end up in a big nuclear holocaust.

Isn't Gog and Magog those beings that will appear during time of Prophet Esa (AS)??? They will shoot their arrows in the air due to their arrogance but they will be punished by a calamity involving parasitical insects???
They already know these. Why do you think they invaded Afghanistan? Among other reasons, remember the hadith of a muslim army coming out of Khorasaan (afghanistan) and conquering Jerusalem? It would be naive to think they don't research in these matters.

And on that Day [i.e. the Day Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and Magog) will come out], We shall leave them to surge like waves on one another, and the Trumpet will be blown, and We shall collect them all together. (18:99)

Combining this prophecy in Quran with hadiths, we know this is going to end in a very big nuclear holocaust.

Pak/Iran army?
Ḥashshāshīn;2819208 said:
Iran, this is a way to shift your anger from Israel to another Muslim country, please don't fall for it. How can you even discuss "crushing" another Muslim country? Peacefully resolve this matter with talks or taking this to international court.

we are peaceful ,until somebody think he can attack us .
when they attack us ,its not important they are Muslim or they are not Muslim , we will fight them. we always said that we are ready to solve the problem peacefully but Every time we had international problem UAE tried to get these Islands from us .

about these Islands ,there is no discussion about Greater and Lesser Tombs they are Iranian and they will always be Iranian . about AbuMusa we always said we are ready to discuss these Islands but UAE don't agree to it and say the matter must be brought to ICJ .well we see no reason for that. you see when English pulled back Iran and Sheikh of Sharejeh reached an agreement that the administration of Abumusa will be held in Iran hand but the money from it's resources will be divided between two country and till today we gave half the money from the oil around these Island to UAE but now they are unreasonable and want to take away the administration of these Island which is something we can't agree .

by the way its Iran counterclaim to UAE Claim
In the following decades, the issue remained a source of friction between the Arab states and Iran. Negotiations between the UAE and Iran in 1992 failed. The UAE have attempted to bring the dispute before the International Court of Justice,[3] but Iran refused. Tehran says the islands always belonged to it as it had never renounced possession of the islands, and that they are part of Iranian territory.[4] The United Arab Emirates argue that the islands were under the control of Qasimi sheikhs throughout the 19th century, whose rights were then inherited by the UAE after 1971. Iran counters by stating that the local Qasimi rulers during a crucial part of the 19th century were actually based on the Iranian, not the Arab, coast, and had thus become Persian subjects.[5] In 1980, the UAE took its claim to the United Nations.[6] In 1992, Iran increased its control by expelling foreign workers.
Mossa if you look at the first part of post 55 i wanted add to that the alliance that I talk about as a dream team ie China Russia Iran and Pakistan is not one that I think that is going to be a choice. It is America that will cross red lines of these 4 countries that will force them to work together immaterial of what they want to do
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