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‘Iran to hit 32 US bases and destroy Israel, if attacked’

Well, certainly the American public wants no part of an attack on Iran. Also, most Americans who pay any attention don't want to have anything to do with an Israeli attack on Iran either. OTOH, the strength of the Israeli lobby in the US may be strong enough to get the US Government to "acquiesce" to an Israeli strike. If that happens, and Iran attacks US bases or territories, then all bets are off. The American public will swing 180 degrees around to viewing Iran as an enemy that needs to be destroyed, the sooner the better. Iran may think that the USA is responsible for everything that Israel does, but the American people do not see it that way. Iran should really think twice about retaliating against the USA for something that Israel does to it. If Iran does that, it will take a place alongside al Qaeda as our most hated enemies.

then don't you think American public with their rational ignorance should argue for a non-interventionist foreign policy, but that’s not the way it’s worked out. Instead US has an aggressively interventionist foreign policy based on slogans and widespread ignorance which is quite ironic.

US and Israel both know it won’t be easy launching an attack on Iran like the attack on the Iraqi reactor in 1981. Apart from the arsenal that Iran possesses, Iran can engage Israel and US both by opening multiple fronts nearby, through Hezbollah from Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza and Shia insurgency in US occupied Iraq.
‘Iran to hit 32 US bases and destroy Israel, if attacked’

Basically we are talking about a second strike capability. Iran currently is in no position to launch such a second strike once it has suffered severe losses in the surprise offensive. 6 day war is an example and plus now, Israel has techsar in space which can zero-in even on anything as small as a coconut, day and night.
Basically we are talking about a second strike capability. Iran currently is in no position to launch such a second strike once it has suffered severe losses in the surprise offensive. 6 day war is an example and plus now, Israel has techsar in space which can zero-in even on anything as small as a coconut, day and night.

Iran has more then 1000 nuke missiles of different ranges , could Israel destroy all at first strike:D
Sir, I said former republics of Soviet such as Mr. "U" and Mr. "K" They were part of Soviet and they had 500kt warheads up to 4mt, Mr. "U" suddenly failed to deliver it's 250 nuclear warheads to Russia! Mr. "U" has tendency of selling high-tech stuff to other countries under the low-profile! Now whos Mr. "U"? :D

How come only you and Mr. "U" know about this stuff?? Any source for claim?
It will be interesting to see how Afghan and Iraqi shia close to US now , will react to US attack on Iran.
The pro US government in Iraq will be weaken etc

This is one reason which prevents US and Israel from attacking iran.
Whole world has been made fool by this covert alliance, which is infact a cover for US and co. to hatch conspiracies against every weaker middleeastern state, one by one.
If US use Iraq land to launch attack on iran it risk involvement of Turkey and retaliation from iran risk a much bigger human catastroph and media attention. where as in Afghanistan US need to establish basis closer to Iran border before launching attack and also need to secure its supply lines.
I believe it will be stupid for US to launch any attack on iran without securing Balauchistan and i think the operation is already underway.
Funny part is when US and Indians launch a joint attack on Pakistan Iran will support them as usual.
How come only you and Mr. "U" know about this stuff?? Any source for claim?

Nuke teft is well known story

Russia's Loose Nukes a Serious Threat to US - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Russia's Loose Nukes a Serious Threat to US
Op-Ed, The Houston Chronicle, page A19

April 1, 1996

Author: Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Douglas Dillon Professor of Government; Faculty Chair, Dubai Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School

Belfer Center Programs or Projects: International Security; Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project

The Houston Chronicle
April 1, 1996, Monday

SECTION: a; Outlook; Pg. 19
HEADLINE: Russia's loose nukes a serious threat to U.S.

BODY: The greatest single threat to the security of America today, and indeed the world, is the threat from loose nuclear weapons and weapons-usable material from Russia.

"Loose nukes' - the loss, theft or sale of weapons-usable nuclear materials or nuclear weapons themselves from the former Soviet arsenal - is not a hypothetical threat; it is a brute fact. Since the disappearance of the Soviet Union, the number of reported, suspected and documented cases of diversion of weapons-usable nuclear material has been increasing steadily. Ominously, we have been able to document six cases in which weapons-grade material has been stolen and nearly 1,000 instances involving the theft of lower-grade material.

If a rogue actor - a state like Iran, Iraq, Libya or Cuba, or a terrorist group like Hamas or Japan's Aum Shinrikyo - obtained as little as 30 pounds of highly-enriched uranium, or less than half that weight in plutonium, they could produce a nuclear device in a matter of a month or two with design information that is publicly available, equipment that can be readily purchased in the commercial market and modest levels of technical competence found in graduates of any respectable engineering program.

If the terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center in New York or the Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City had used the same truck they drove, filled not with the explosives they used, but rather with a weapon that started with a softball-sized lump of uranium, what would have been the consequences? They could have created an explosion equal to 10,000 to 20,000 tons of TNT, which would demolish an area of about three square miles. Oklahoma City would have disappeared.

As the most open society in the world, the United States is also most vulnerable to nuclear terrorist attack. Literally millions of uninspected packages arrive in this country every day.

This problem arises now because Russia is in a state of revolution, a sinew-shaking transformation in every aspect of life - its economy, its government, its society. This revolution is shredding the fabric of a command-and-control society, in a state that houses a superpower nuclear arsenal and a superpower nuclear enterprise. As a consequence, nothing in Russia today is secure from theft or seizure.

The Russian nuclear weapons archipelago includes hundreds of sites over one-seventh of the Earth's land mass, sites at which 1,000 tons of highly enriched uranium, 100 tons of plutonium and some 30,000 nuclear warheads are at risk.

If loose nukes from Russia are the single greatest threat to security today, the question, in the classic Russian refrain, is shto delat? What is to be done?

First, the United States, as the leading power, must publicly recognize this threat as the No. 1 threat and, second, must mobilize a top-priority, all-out strategy that commands attention, money, energy and imagination commensurate with the scale of the threat.

For America, making containment of loose nukes an absolute priority means thinking of this operational objective of American policy first when considering every other objective (save the continuing stake in avoiding global nuclear war).

Containing loose nukes deserves higher priority in America's relationship with Russia than many other very important interests, including condemning Russia's beastly action toward the Chechens, constraining Russian sales of nuclear reactors to Iran, supporting stabilization and privatization of Russia's economy through a $ 10 billion International Monetary Fund loan or promoting Russian democratization.

Bilateral initiatives are an essential key to a winning strategy, with 90 percent of the actions required being taken by Russians, not Americans.

America's principal lever in the relationship is to buy and take away 500 tons of Russia's highly enriched uranium under the terms of a contract already signed at the end of the Bush administration.

Russia's principle task is to concentrate and control the loose nukes. The nuclear weapons and weapons-usable material that remain in Russia must be concentrated in the smallest number of locations and those few sites need to be controlled in the same way that a serious enterprise attempts to protect any item of great value from theft under the extraordinary conditions in Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union today.

Russian bankers prevent theft of equally small packages of great value - gold - by using a vault surrounded by a foot of steel, monitored by an electronic alarm system and video monitors, private guards and police. With all that, gold is still stolen.

In contrast, the security systems at nuclear storage facilities across Russia are abysmal. Eighty percent have no simple electronic monitoring system. One recent case of nuclear theft was detected only because the thief left the door open as he departed.

Like the World Trade Center bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing and the Tokyo subway attacks in recent years, the Hamas suicide-bombings remind us all that the security we once took for granted is a condition of the past. We are living on borrowed time.

This year, or next year, or the year after, when we find ourselves victims of a nuclear terrorist incident, how will we account for our behavior if we don't act urgently now? In the face of this frightening new reality, we must act - before the morning after.

NOTES: Allison, director of the Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, is co-author of a study released in March, 'Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy: Containing the Threat of Loose Russian Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Material."
Basically we are talking about a second strike capability. Iran currently is in no position to launch such a second strike once it has suffered severe losses in the surprise offensive. 6 day war is an example and plus now, Israel has techsar in space which can zero-in even on anything as small as a coconut, day and night.

Yeah, Saddam wanted to do the same, but thanks to our American friends he couldn't because americans build several underground aircraft bunkers for Iran, in fact it's like some kind of garage, after the revolution Iranians also copy what has been done by U.S engineers, actually it was the Shah's idea to do this, because he seen what happend to Arab's air forces in 6 days war!

And BTW Iran is very huge, I don't know if you are aware or no but they are using something called "Padafand-e Gheyr-e Amel" to hide the facilities and launchers from the eyes of the spy satellites! I try to get a picture of this!

How come only you and Mr. "U" know about this stuff?? Any source for claim?

Read this please!

Russian military stalls on reports Ukraine sold warheads to Iran | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Thanks to our friends in Russia, there is no evidence about this trade! :D

However, It won't change any balance in the region, U.S has more than 2 thousand nuke! We are not a threat! We are very peaceful people, now if you lift the sanctions both sides can rip the benefits! :D
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Fundamentalist those 2 hits they talk about they forget to mention Both of them had Homing beacons on them :rofl:
You guys are laughing at a failure that occurred over 10 yrs ago?

Missile Defense System Fails Fourth Test Lockheed Martin Stock Falls Amid Doubts About $17 Billion Project
By John Mintz Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 7 1997; Page G01 The Washington Post

Obviously neither of you gents have been involved in any sort of testing and development programs. So what if the target has homing beacons? In weapons testing, and I have been in a lot of them in the field, you try to take control of as many variables as possible. That is why initial testings are always done in clear weather, for example, if the system is going to be influenced by weather. As time goes by, you INCREMENTALLY relinquish control of those variables. If at any time you have a failure, the time require to troubleshoot the failure will not be so considerable since you know what variables you released. So homing beacons on those descending warheads could have been to test the sensitivity of the radar system. You are laughing at something you know nothing about. In the end, it is you who will end up looking foolish.
Thanks to our friends in Russia, there is no evidence about this trade! :D

However, It won't change any balance in the region, U.S has more than 2 thousand nuke! We are not a threat! We are very peaceful people, now if you lift the sanctions both sides can rip the benefits! :D

Destruct Lord, Thanks for the links!!

Meanwhile, r u suggesting that the Ahmadenijad's whole hype of Irans Nuclear programme being intented-for-peaceful-purposes-only is False then?? That means US, NATO and Israel are doing the right thing by pressuring Iran to abandon its quests for nuclear weapons as Iran is a signitory to the NPT and cannot possess nuclear weapons.
You guys are laughing at a failure that occurred over 10 yrs ago?

Missile Defense System Fails Fourth Test Lockheed Martin Stock Falls Amid Doubts About $17 Billion Project


Obviously neither of you gents have been involved in any sort of testing and development programs. So what if the target has homing beacons? In weapons testing, and I have been in a lot of them in the field, you try to take control of as many variables as possible. That is why initial testings are always done in clear weather, for example, if the system is going to be influenced by weather. As time goes by, you INCREMENTALLY relinquish control of those variables. If at any time you have a failure, the time require to troubleshoot the failure will not be so considerable since you know what variables you released. So homing beacons on those descending warheads could have been to test the sensitivity of the radar system. You are laughing at something you know nothing about. In the end, it is you who will end up looking foolish.

Less then 15% accuracy is after all utilization of all best possible options available in system (worst case senario).
Any how US is making UAE and other buyers big fool spending billion of dollars for THAAD system with less then 15% accuracy level.:lol:
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Less then 15% accuracy is after all utilization of all possible options available in system , definately they had not tried 14 tests at same settings and weather condition .

Any how US is making UAE and other buyers big fool spending billion of dollars for THAAD system with less then 15% accuracy level.:lol:
Yer just jealous because you got nothing that come even halfway close so the only thing you can do is rejoice at the failures of those who are making progress.

Yer just jealous because you got nothing that come even halfway close so the only thing you can do is rejoice at the failures of those who are making progress.


Without opportunity there is no success and without money there is no opportunity.
Pakistan is loosing billions and spending billions to fight foreign meddling and still it is not enough to control sneaking of foreigners into our borders.
When we corner the terrorist some mysterious helicopters shift terrorist back to their training grounds in norht afghanistan.
Please excuse my knowledge, but what kind of Anti-missile system is Israel using and how accurate is that ?

Yer just jealous because you got nothing that come even halfway close so the only thing you can do is rejoice at the failures of those who are making progress.


We are ready to appreciate US efforts but you should provide any record of test results :D
Destruct Lord, Thanks for the links!!

Meanwhile, r u suggesting that the Ahmadenijad's whole hype of Irans Nuclear programme being intented-for-peaceful-purposes-only is False then?? That means US, NATO and Israel are doing the right thing by pressuring Iran to abandon its quests for nuclear weapons as Iran is a signitory to the NPT and cannot possess nuclear weapons.

You're welcome Sir.

No Sir, in fact they have made Iran to follow these steps after invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, leaders of Iran only want to make a deterrence. I also agree that 100 nuclear warheads are more than enough, to make a such deterrence.

BTW Ahmadinijad is not in charge here, there is someone in the background who run this country and he is not Khamenei either.

However, I don't think if Iran need any more nuclear bomb, because it will take us a long way to build the warheads as powerful as we already bought and it's also very costly!
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