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‘Iran to hit 32 US bases and destroy Israel, if attacked’

I beg to differ Sir,

Fajr-3 is a MIRV missile, here is the launch video.

GO35aZcgT64[/media] - Fajr-3 MIRV missile test

Please listen carefully to what the guy says!

Sorry don't speak Persian or Arabic. also look at the missile itself. The nose cone is not right for a 3 warhead MIRV.

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Iran at the moment does not have the capability to carry out what is claimed in the article. They are in the process of upgrading their defense forces however this does not mean they have achieved what is claimed.

One possible threat to the US shall be if Iranian ground forces invade Iraq. Then US shall be in a difficult situation.

I also have doubt if Israel shall be abale to achieve success without the active support of US. Countries around Israel have the capability to not only check any potential Israeli intrusion of their air space but also challenge it. It will be a very difficult mission if Israel choose to attempt it.
In some ways it seems that Ahmedinejad is goading the Israelis into attacking. The Iranians may have calculated that Israel cannot seriously damage their nuclear capability development, only set it back for a year or two. Iran would proclaim those who died as the purest martyrs of the Islamic world for the last two centuries. In the meantime such an Israeli attack would give license to Iran to cause tremendous trouble in the Persian Gulf and in supplying heavy weapons to Hamas. At the end of the process, Iran's power and say over Middle Eastern affairs would have been increased. Israel might even be charged with war crimes, for real, by the ICC, leading to its further isolation from all European nations, and even the alienation of the American non-Jewish public.
Iran at the moment does not have the capability to carry out what is claimed in the article. They are in the process of upgrading their defense forces however this does not mean they have achieved what is claimed.

One possible threat to the US shall be if Iranian ground forces invade Iraq. Then US shall be in a difficult situation.

I also have doubt if Israel shall be abale to achieve success without the active support of US. Countries around Israel have the capability to not only check any potential Israeli intrusion of their air space but also challenge it. It will be a very difficult mission if Israel choose to attempt it.

I doubt Syria poses much of a problem. They couldn't do much when Israel took out their nuke reactor being constructed.
I doubt Syria poses much of a problem. They couldn't do much when Israel took out their nuke reactor being constructed.

You have to take into account all Israels neighbours. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia. Egypt and Saudi Arabia have to capability to detect Israels planes heading out of Israel. Egypt and Jordan can pose a challenge even perhaps inform Iran.
US trainers say Iraqi military lacks resources for Iran frontier

AL-SHIB PORT: Iraq’s border forces lack the resources to properly police the country’s long frontier with Iran and keep out insurgents and smugglers, US soldiers engaged in training them say. The soldiers say their Iraqi counterparts securing the 1,458-kilometre dividing line between the two countries face in particular a lack of fuel for vehicles and a dearth of parts for maintenance. “The bordering countries of Iraq are ... responsible for a great deal of internal strife,” said Colonel Peter Newell, who leads the 4th Brigade, 1st Armoured Division, whose area of operations includes the southern provinces of Maysan, Dhi Qar and Muthanna. “You can look at what the Iranians do here, in terms of providing money, front businesses and other things, their impact on the political scene and politics is not in the best interests of Iraq,” the 47-year-old added. “The big thing is the budget,” said Major Daniel Dorado, who leads a team of 11 other officers and non-commissioned officers helping train Iraqi border security teams at the port, in Maysan province. “They need money for infrastructure and they need money for servicing,” the 34-year-old from Milalani, Hawaii, added. afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
You have to take into account all Israels neighbours. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia. Egypt and Saudi Arabia have to capability to detect Israels planes heading out of Israel. Egypt and Jordan can pose a challenge even perhaps inform Iran.

Yes but many of the Arab countries or at least their leaders. despise the Iranians as much if not more then they hate the Israeli's. Iran's wish to become the dominate Geo political power scares them. Iran can count on Syria most likely and Lebanon since Hezbollah is the main power there. Jordan, Egypt, and Gulf States will sit on the side lines for a period of time most likely 30 - 60 days. Unless Iran does try to shut all gulf shipping and attacks U.S. bases in the Gulf. Then they may join the U.S. in any attack on Iran. They wouldn't let Iran send missiles their way.

Look at the short war Israel had with Hezbollah in 1986. Did you see the Arab league coming to the defense of Lebanon? Why? I will wager it was becuase they knew that it was Iran that was pulling the strings with Hezbollah. They knew Hezbollah would never have done what they did and provoked Israel with out Iran's permission first. It's that type of power Iran wields that scares them.

And even if Iran knows they are coming what are they going to do? their air force is no match for Israels.
Sorry don't speak Persian or Arabic. also look at the missile itself. The nose cone is not right for a 3 MIRV warhead.



On the contrary it's MIRV, and BTW I don't care what U.S officials are saying, 99% of what they're claiming has internal use for the U.S itself.
However, I think you are talking about the cluster warheads, which they didn't claim Fajr-3 to be!

Here is a picture of a MIRV warhead (Nuclear armed)

I'm doing research about variety of missiles for 5 years now, and I know a MIRV when I see it.



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Yes but many of the Arab countries or at least their leaders. despise the Iranians as much if not more then they hate the Israeli's. Iran's wish to become the dominate Geo political power scares them. Iran can count on Syria most likely and Lebanon since Hezbollah is the main power there. Jordan, Egypt, and Gulf States will sit on the side lines for a period of time most likely 30 - 60 days. Unless Iran does try to shut all gulf shipping and attacks U.S. bases in the Gulf. Then they may join the U.S. in any attack on Iran. They wouldn't let Iran send missiles their way.

Look at the short war Israel had with Hezbollah in 1986. Did you see the Arab league coming to the defense of Lebanon? Why? I will wager it was becuase they knew that it was Iran that was pulling the strings with Hezbollah. They knew Hezbollah would never have done what they did and provoked Israel with out Iran's permission first. It's that type of power Iran wields that scares them.

And even if Iran knows they are coming what are they going to do? their air force is no match for Israels.

An Israeli think tank claimed that Iran will install an advanced air defense system the country bought from Russia next year. The report said the S-300PMU-2 air defense system will be deployed in 2009 and it will be operational by the middle of the next year.

The report by the Institute for Contemporary Affairs said the S-300 would complement other Russian air defense systems in Iran, particularly the TOR-M1.

"The S-300 system, which has a radius of over 90 miles and effective altitudes of about 90,000 feet, is capable of tracking up to 100 targets simultaneously," the World Tribune quoted the report as saying on Wednesday.

"It is considered one of the best in the world and is amazingly versatile. It is capable of shooting down aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic missile warheads," it added.

The report said the deployment of the defense system in Iran will hamper any US and Israeli plans to launch an attack against the country.

"The deployment of the anti-aircraft shield next spring, if it occurs, effectively limits the window in which Israel or the United States could conduct an effective aerial campaign aimed at destroying, delaying or crippling the Iranian nuclear program," the report added.

"Many of the Iranian targets are fortified, and will require bunker busters," the report said.

"Operational challenges abound. Israel's EW planes, needed to suppress anti-aircraft batteries, are slow and unarmed, and could become a target for Iranian anti-aircraft missiles or even fighter sorties," Ariel Cohen, a senior researcher at the Washington-based Heritage Foundation, said.

S300 system is enough to defend IAF or US possible missiles(C&B) or F16/F15 etc attack:D


Which in combination with the TOR-1 (29 batteries operational), Chinese HQ2(Sayyed 1 & 2) as well as upgraded HAWKS and HQ7 (Chinese made mobile CROTALE)will offer Iran excellent point and over the horizon defence capablity.


Reports say Tehran is negotiating with Moscow and Beijing to buy 250 Su30s and 40 J-10s

BRUSSELS: Iran, seeking to bolster its air defences amid rising tensions over its nuclear programme, is likely to turn to Russia and China for the warplanes needed to replace its obsolete US jets, analysts say.

Both Moscow and Beijing refuse to comment on reports in the Israeli and Russian media, along with Western aviation publications, that Iran aims to order Russian Sukhoi Su-30 and Chinese Chengdu J-10 combat aircraft. But analysts note that Tehran is already committed to a sweeping modernizing programme for the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) and that Tehran cannot obtain top-of-the-line jets from any other source due to a Western arms embargo. They also say that all three nations are very secretive when it comes to defence sales.

“It is clear that Iran has been trying for some time now to buy the last generation of jet fighters,” said Claude Moniquet, president of the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center, a Brussels-based think-tank. “Most of their equipment is from the 1970s, so they cannot confront a modern air force.” The Su-30 - a highly capable multi-role fighter-bomber - has been widely exported. Hundreds have been ordered by India, Malaysia, Algeria, China, Venezuela, Indonesia and Vietnam.

“Iran has got to get an air defence capability somewhere, and China and Russia are the best sources to get it from,” said Steven Trimble, Washington correspondent for the trade magazine Flight International. The magazine reported that Iran was negotiating to buy 250 Su30s and about 40 J-10s. Paradoxically, if Tehran succeeds in upgrading its air force, it may end up with technology from archenemy Israel. The J-10 is strikingly similar to Israel’s defunct Lavi fighter project. There has long been speculation that the Lavi’s technology somehow found its way to China.

“If reports (that Israel provided the technology to China) turned out to be true, it wouldn’t be particularly surprising or unexpected,” said Prof Gerald Steinberg, chairman of political sciences at Bar Ilan University, in Tel Aviv. “For Israel the international arms market is quite limited, and its only real customers are China, India and Turkey.” Mark Ayton, editor of Air Forces Monthly, said there have been a flurry of reports in recent months suggesting that IRIAF is close to signing a huge order with Rosoboronexport, Russia’s state arms trader.

“This would be the largest single order ever placed for the (Su-30),” Ayton said. Russia has previously sold other advanced weaponry to Iran, including 24 MiG-29 interceptors, a dozen Su-24 attack jets, and several dozen short-range Tor-M1 anti-aircraft missile systems. Iran’s Foreign Ministry would neither confirm nor deny on reports that Iran was seeking to purchase jets from Russia and China. “Cooperation between Iran, Russia and China is within the framework of international regulations,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said.
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On the contrary it's MIRV, and BTW I don't care what U.S officials are saying, 99% of what they're claiming has internal use for the U.S itself.
However, I think you are talking about the cluster warheads, which they didn't claim Fajr-3 to be!

Here is a picture of a MIRV warhead (Nuclear armed)

I'm doing research about variety of missiles for 5 years now, and I know a MIRV when I see it.


Yes I know how big a single MIRV warhead itself is. Which is the diagram you posted. But now add 3 of them into a missile nose cone. Look at the minuteman III pictures below. it uses a 3 MIRV warhead.



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An Israeli think tank claimed that Iran will install an advanced air defense system the country bought from Russia next year. The report said the S-300PMU-2 air defense system will be deployed in 2009 and it will be operational by the middle of the next year.

The report by the Institute for Contemporary Affairs said the S-300 would complement other Russian air defense systems in Iran, particularly the TOR-M1.

"The S-300 system, which has a radius of over 90 miles and effective altitudes of about 90,000 feet, is capable of tracking up to 100 targets simultaneously," the World Tribune quoted the report as saying on Wednesday.

"It is considered one of the best in the world and is amazingly versatile. It is capable of shooting down aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic missile warheads," it added.

The report said the deployment of the defense system in Iran will hamper any US and Israeli plans to launch an attack against the country.

"The deployment of the anti-aircraft shield next spring, if it occurs, effectively limits the window in which Israel or the United States could conduct an effective aerial campaign aimed at destroying, delaying or crippling the Iranian nuclear program," the report added.

"Many of the Iranian targets are fortified, and will require bunker busters," the report said.

"Operational challenges abound. Israel's EW planes, needed to suppress anti-aircraft batteries, are slow and unarmed, and could become a target for Iranian anti-aircraft missiles or even fighter sorties," Ariel Cohen, a senior researcher at the Washington-based Heritage Foundation, said.

S300 system is enough to defend IAF or US possible missiles(C&B) or F16/F15 etc attack:D


Which in combination with the TOR-1 (29 batteries operational), Chinese HQ2(Sayyed 1 & 2) as well as upgraded HAWKS and HQ7 (Chinese made mobile CROTALE)will offer Iran excellent point and over the horizon defence capablity.


Reports say Tehran is negotiating with Moscow and Beijing to buy 250 Su30s and 40 J-10s

BRUSSELS: Iran, seeking to bolster its air defences amid rising tensions over its nuclear programme, is likely to turn to Russia and China for the warplanes needed to replace its obsolete US jets, analysts say.

Both Moscow and Beijing refuse to comment on reports in the Israeli and Russian media, along with Western aviation publications, that Iran aims to order Russian Sukhoi Su-30 and Chinese Chengdu J-10 combat aircraft. But analysts note that Tehran is already committed to a sweeping modernizing programme for the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) and that Tehran cannot obtain top-of-the-line jets from any other source due to a Western arms embargo. They also say that all three nations are very secretive when it comes to defence sales.

“It is clear that Iran has been trying for some time now to buy the last generation of jet fighters,” said Claude Moniquet, president of the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center, a Brussels-based think-tank. “Most of their equipment is from the 1970s, so they cannot confront a modern air force.” The Su-30 - a highly capable multi-role fighter-bomber - has been widely exported. Hundreds have been ordered by India, Malaysia, Algeria, China, Venezuela, Indonesia and Vietnam.

“Iran has got to get an air defence capability somewhere, and China and Russia are the best sources to get it from,” said Steven Trimble, Washington correspondent for the trade magazine Flight International. The magazine reported that Iran was negotiating to buy 250 Su30s and about 40 J-10s. Paradoxically, if Tehran succeeds in upgrading its air force, it may end up with technology from archenemy Israel. The J-10 is strikingly similar to Israel’s defunct Lavi fighter project. There has long been speculation that the Lavi’s technology somehow found its way to China.

“If reports (that Israel provided the technology to China) turned out to be true, it wouldn’t be particularly surprising or unexpected,” said Prof Gerald Steinberg, chairman of political sciences at Bar Ilan University, in Tel Aviv. “For Israel the international arms market is quite limited, and its only real customers are China, India and Turkey.” Mark Ayton, editor of Air Forces Monthly, said there have been a flurry of reports in recent months suggesting that IRIAF is close to signing a huge order with Rosoboronexport, Russia’s state arms trader.

“This would be the largest single order ever placed for the (Su-30),” Ayton said. Russia has previously sold other advanced weaponry to Iran, including 24 MiG-29 interceptors, a dozen Su-24 attack jets, and several dozen short-range Tor-M1 anti-aircraft missile systems. Iran’s Foreign Ministry would neither confirm nor deny on reports that Iran was seeking to purchase jets from Russia and China. “Cooperation between Iran, Russia and China is within the framework of international regulations,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said.

No doubt they have been trying to get advanced weapons and aircraft. But so far they do not have the S300 or the Su-30. And they way it is looking something will most likely happen before they get them. Of course Chavez could always loan them his.
On the contrary it's MIRV, and BTW I don't care what U.S officials are saying, 99% of what they're claiming has internal use for the U.S itself.
However, I think you are talking about the cluster warheads, which they didn't claim Fajr-3 to be!

Fajr-3 (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps unveiled the missile during the Holy Prophet wargames on March 31, 2006. Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force commander Gen. Hossein Salami announced on television "the successful test-firing of a new missile with greater technical and tactical capabilities than those previously produced." He also said that the missile would carry three warheads, and that each warhead would be capable of hitting its target precisely. He did not specify the missile's range, which can vary with the payload.

MIRV stands for Multiple (more then one) Independently-targetable Re-entry Vehicle


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I doubt Syria poses much of a problem. They couldn't do much when Israel took out their nuke reactor being constructed.

could be a fake target just to see how Israel reacts and attack

I wouldn't put Syria as the country that can not defend itself.
If it would it will harshly.
Yes but many of the Arab countries or at least their leaders. despise the Iranians as much if not more then they hate the Israeli's. Iran's wish to become the dominate Geo political power scares them. Iran can count on Syria most likely and Lebanon since Hezbollah is the main power there. Jordan, Egypt, and Gulf States will sit on the side lines for a period of time most likely 30 - 60 days. Unless Iran does try to shut all gulf shipping and attacks U.S. bases in the Gulf. Then they may join the U.S. in any attack on Iran. They wouldn't let Iran send missiles their way.

Look at the short war Israel had with Hezbollah in 1986. Did you see the Arab league coming to the defense of Lebanon? Why? I will wager it was becuase they knew that it was Iran that was pulling the strings with Hezbollah. They knew Hezbollah would never have done what they did and provoked Israel with out Iran's permission first. It's that type of power Iran wields that scares them.

And even if Iran knows they are coming what are they going to do? their air force is no match for Israels.

That war also made Arabs realize that Israeli's can be defeated on the battle ground. So what will happen when they attack an arab nation next time is difficult to explain.

Iranian air force has lots of war experience and do not write them off. They are a pretty descent force.
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