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‘Iran to hit 32 US bases and destroy Israel, if attacked’

"That war also made Arabs realize that Israeli's can be defeated on the battle ground."

My guess is that the IDF learned more from that experience than did POG (Party of God) or arab militaries. Southern Lebanon offers some unique operating characteristics that can't be easily replicated elsewhere.

So too does fighting a militia rather than a conventional armed force. The rules of engagement invariably change-even for the IDF. Lebanon 2006, in short, wasn't the Golan nor the Chinese Farm in 1973.

It wasn't a conventional battle and didn't even approach the intensity of Israel's 1982 incursion to Lebanon. A few battalions made a limited incursion with ill-defined objectives, poor intelligence preparation of the battlefield, and little mission preparation.

In many respects, the results were predictable.
"The S-300 system, which has a radius of over 90 miles and effective altitudes of about 90,000 feet, is capable of tracking up to 100 targets simultaneously," the World Tribune quoted the report as saying on Wednesday.

"It is considered one of the best in the world and is amazingly versatile. It is capable of shooting down aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic missile warheads," it added.
My sources told me that this was the weapon system the Rebel Alliance adapted to attack the Death Star's small thermal exhaust port. They admitted unable to confirm this.
My sources told me that this was the weapon system the Rebel Alliance adapted to attack the Death Star's small thermal exhaust port. They admitted unable to confirm this.

I think you and i get our sources from the same place; the American military. According the the US the F-22 is impossible to beat, and here's why, F-22 was built by the American super-race, which are descendents of an advanced alien civilization. Currently, no one can match the F-22 because the Americans are just too smart, The F-22 uses exotic alloy from another galaxy, and rumor has it, alien engineers from Alpha Centauri helped with the initial design. The F-22's performance is as followed: It can track and engage 1000 targets simultaneously! Its radar has a range of 10,000 miles, it can pull atleast 20 G's, it can travel thru time, and no other radar on earth can even track the F-22 because it simply disapears. Lastly, it is the pilots that make the difference. Thankfully, IceMan and Maverick are F-22 instructors.

To the original topic, Iran is simply delusional if it thinks it can hit the US and Israel.
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I think you and i get our sources from the same place; the American military. According the the US the F-22 is impossible to beat, and here's why, F-22 was built by the American super-race, which are descendents of an advanced alien civilization. Currently, no one can match the F-22 because the Americans are just too smart, The F-22 uses exotic alloy from another galaxy, and rumor has it, alien engineers from Alpha Centauri helped with the initial design. The F-22's performance is as followed: It can track and engage 1000 targets simultaneously! Its radar has a range of 10,000 miles, it can pull atleast 20 G's, it can travel thru time, and no other radar on earth can even track the F-22 because it simply disapears. Lastly, it is the pilots that make the difference. Thankfully, IceMan and Maverick are F-22 instructors.

To the original topic, Iran is simply delusional if it thinks it can hit the US and Israel.

Actually, besides a few much publicized tactical exercise results, the US military has had very little to official say about the F-22's capabilities. They think it is sexier if they keep a little bit mystery surrounding the craft.

Most of the reports have been leaked by congress over the years in funding battles. That, and later reports on an unofficial basis by various air force pilots.

Look at the references on the wikipedia article, most of them are not official Pentagon press releases.

I suppose that all of this data does in a way come from the US military second hand, but since the craft has no other users, where else would the information come from precisely besides the USAF...?
Err yeah, original topic...Iran state media delusional...Opinion Seconded, the motion is set to vote. ....The aye's have it, the motion passes...
Actually, besides a few much publicized tactical exercise results, the US military has had very little to official say about the F-22's capabilities. They think it is sexier if they keep a little bit mystery surrounding the craft.

Most of the reports have been leaked by congress over the years in funding battles. That, and later reports on an unofficial basis by various air force pilots.

Look at the references on the wikipedia article, most of them are not official Pentagon press releases.

I suppose that all of this data does in a way come from the US military second hand, but since the craft has no other users, where else would the information come from precisely besides the USAF...?

It was meant as a joke. Very little information is know about the F-22. However, the Americans claim it can pull 12+ G's, and no one will be able to match it for atleast 20-30 years :lol: The 12+ G's is somewhat believable, but claiming the F-22 can't ever be matched is just plain arrogant and down right insulting to every other aircraft manufacturer. Do i beleive all hype over the F-22? No. Is it currently the best fighter on earth? Yes. Do i want to disscuss this issue any further? No.
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It was meant as a joke. Very little information is know about the F-22. However, the Americans claim it can pull 12+ G's, and no one will be able to match it for atleast 20-30 years :lol: The 12+ G's is somewhat believable, but claiming the F-22 can't ever be matched is just plain arrogant and down right insulting to every other aircraft manufacturer. Do i believe all hype over the F-22? No. Is it currently the best fighter on earth? Yes. Do i want to discuss this issue any further? No.

While the F-22 is capable of a 12 G turn. The human body is not so forgiving. The F-22 test aircraft that crashed in March was due to a high G-force's which caused the pilot to partially black out. This is one reason you will see future generation aircraft become unmanned. They will perform maneuvers that no manned aircraft will be able to match.

I'm sure we we will see Iran making claims to have advanced in this area in the not to distant future.
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You think you don't need any help.... but it is geographical compulsion of your neighbours to not let any one mess in the internal affairs of Iran, using their teritory. choice of passing returning thanks to them is yours.
On the other hand i would urge you to get real about iran's defence.
One squarden of F-16 can paralyse all of your airforce.
before that stealth missiles can effectively take out your defence batteries.
What will you do? fire back to Kabul? at your friends sitting in afghan parliament?
You just lost your only AWACS and thought it was an accident.

man dont underestimate their capabilities.........US is still getting their a$% whupped in iraq, afghanistan......iranian military's position is much better than those two rite now..
While the F-22 is capable of a 12 G turn. The human body is not so forgiving. The F-22 test aircraft that crashed in March was due to a high G-force's which caused the pilot to partially black out. This is one reason you will see future generation aircraft become unmanned. They will perform maneuvers that no manned aircraft will be able to match.

I'm sure we we will see Iran making claims to have advanced in this area in the not to distant future.

i think the only way to prove f-22s maneuverability is to dog fight against su-35(which i believe is the best russian aircraft)
feel free to correct me...
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