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Iran to build its first nuclear-powered submarine

Iranians have the potential to build one, no doubt about it.
But you have to crawl before you run or walk, right now they are yet kids in the field of controling nuclear energy. they will have to reaserch more to get to the level of putting a reactor to power a sub.
i dont see why they can't build one, china made one(abit crappy one) in 1981, and china back then had only minimum help(do to sino-soviet split) and the US-china honeymoon had only just started. chinese industry back then was certainly not at modern Iranian lvls. the only question really is the how long it'll take to build, cost and how good is it.
^^^ True, but too many "Building this, building that" news are coming out too often, find it hard to believe.

Yes, I don't believe this either in order to build a nuclear powered submarine one has to have mastery of nuclear energy technology and submarine technology neither of which Iran has. Iran can research and develop but it will take many years before one is independently built.

Also any update on Iran's nuclear progress? How their uranium enrichment process is coming along?

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Seriously, my eyes popped out for a moment there...

A country that hasn't crossed the basic threshold of metallurgy / nuclear engineering / tooling / designing is going to make one of the most complex miniaturized nuclear reactors and then 'abra-kadabra' mate it with the most complex of engineering marvels, a submarine?

People for goodness sake..... Try to understand that this is a dud like many other "starting" threads in the archives of PDF.

I fully agree, next we will hear Iran to attempt manned Moon landing. Iran develops inter-galactic space weapons, threatens US...lol
Iranians get serious, till this date all Iran bas built is a small rocket that can take 100kg to space. It is not so sane right now to talk about manned missions and nuclear subs. Get to work and i expect some real results now.

Nxt time i want to hear " Iran test flights its first 4th gen plane". Only then we will :cheers:
It is legal under the NPT rules to enrich to 96% or a 100% for ships and submarines.
So, if a nation has the ability to do that for ships and submarines, it does not necessarily nor forcibly do it for an atomic bomb.

That's an interesting angle, I don't know if that's true or not I haven't read the NPT in it's entirety.

Iran has announced plans to start building its first nuclear submarine—a piece of advanced military technology that only the most powerful nations on earth are even able to construct—and which runs on uranium enriched to such a level that it can double as the fuel source for a nuclear bomb.

Iranian navy personnel aboard a conventionally powered submarine. Experts doubt the country's ability to construct a nuclear submarine, though it claims it will do so.

Olli Heinonen, former chief nuclear inspector for the United Nations, said that “such submarines often use HEU (highly enriched uranium),” yet due to international opposition to Iran’s nuclear program, foreign nations will be reluctant to supply them with the HEU needed. Iran will then be able to “cite the lack of foreign fuel suppliers as further justification for continuing on its uranium enrichment path.”

Any step that Iran takes along such a path will certainly increase global suspicions and destroy any progress made during negotiations that have been taking place with the UN. It could even lead closer to a military confrontation, which could devastate the global oil market.

[Commentary From Oilprice.com: Why the Iran Oil Embargo Is a Big Flop]

Many experts doubt Iran’s capability to build a nuclear submarine. Mark Fitzpatrick, director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, flatly stated that “there is no way that Iran could build a nuclear-powered submarine.”

Shashank Joshi, a Middle East specialist at the Royal United Services Institute, said that “Iran is using this submarine announcement to create bargaining leverage. It can negotiate away these 'plans' for concessions, or use the plans as a useful pretext for its enrichment activity.”

Iran Says Will Build a Nuclear Submarine

Iran is getting ahead of itself, yes they have had success in some fields of technology, but they shouldn't become delusional, this is beyond optimism. At least don't announce this publicly...
IRANIAN MADE Aframax Tanker









Bro , Bangladesh builds many ships like these every year. They have a fair ship building industry. That doesn't mean they are any closer to building a nuclear sub that India is to building a spaceship. No offence.
Wasnt Pakistan Building its own Nuclear Submarine

In 2012, an undisclosed Pakistan navy officials confirmed to media and news channels that the plan of acquiring German submarines has been scrapped, dismissed as the Navy is no longer interested in the German submarines. Instead, the Pakistan Navy has stepped into build the nation's first ingenious and locally built nuclear submarine, which will be built by the Navy's PNEC nuclear engineers, assisted by the civilian PAEC's nuclear engineers and scientists.[62]

Pakistan Navy
If Iran says it will build a nuclear submarine and nuclear powered ships, it means it, no need to underestimate Iran capabilities, it has already built two nuclear reactors on its own, a 40 MW an a 350 MW, it has also built the advanced Qaem Submarine and completely overhauled the Kilo class submarines with hundreds of thousands of locally made components, Iran also can build big ships, so what is remaining is not that much hard to achieve.
Bro , Bangladesh builds many ships like these every year. They have a fair ship building industry. That doesn't mean they are any closer to building a nuclear sub that India is to building a spaceship. No offence.

Ya ! they can , but under license of other countries & they don't have Nuclear technology :coffee:
Pakistan steel Production: 1.1 Million Tonnes

Iran Steel Production: 18 Million Tonnes

Iran has some Decent Industrialization to Speak off, while Pakistan?

Not as powerful as the industrial might of Turkyie.. I believe only we can built a SSN and air independent SSK in the region.
Not as powerful as the industrial might of Turkyie.. I believe only we can built a SSN and air independent SSK in the region.
who is exactly talking about turkey!how can you compare yourself with us we are free nation we decide for ourselves but you have support of US and your allies with their orders ofcourse just look at the zero confilct policy of your country that turn to what 80% conflict policy (iran iraq syria russia ...) just because of US.
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