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Iran successfully produces a new generation of the Tomcat F-14

if iran makes missiles it may be just a sufficient reason for u.s to invade.remember iraq??

I'm doubtful if the US would attack Iran directly. Likely scenario would be through a third party. Similar to the Iraq-Iran war. It's politically too sensitive for the US to assault Iran under the current conditions.

Rest be assured, most of America's interests are secured in the Middle East (more or less).
I'm doubtful if the US would attack Iran directly. Likely scenario would be through a third party. Similar to the Iraq-Iran war. It's politically too sensitive for the US to assault Iran under the current conditions.

Rest be assured, most of America's interests are secured in the Middle East (more or less).

u may be correct iran is backed by russia and china also india might favor iran diplomatically as its one of the largest oil supplier to india..but if any such thing happens its gonna hit hard to the worlds economy..oil rates will jump high
I'm doubtful if the US would attack Iran directly. Likely scenario would be through a third party. Similar to the Iraq-Iran war. It's politically too sensitive for the US to assault Iran under the current conditions.

Rest be assured, most of America's interests are secured in the Middle East (more or less).

The US war machine is exhausted after two campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Even a very fine war machine like the US one could not win a war in Iraq or Afghanistan; that means that the US war machine is fine as long as it is fighting a just cause -and I should add from history- but not by itself, the US needs allies and bases to conduct a war, but since most US allies as well as the American people found out that those recent wars like the Vietnam and Korean wars before, were fought for the political and financial benefit of others namely Israel for the recent huge conflicts that have exhausted the US war machine and its economy as well and led to almost a million deaths , they are not keen anymore for lending the authorisations for war, since it is their own lands and not the American land that are threatened directly by war and destruction.
So the American war machine can still be fine, it is not potent anymore for offensive purposes overseas against powerful and well armed nations or for asymmetric warfare.
They still have the nuclear option for overseas wars, but new technologies can threaten the very existence of the US in that case, like a nuclear response or at least an EMP , so that is not a very wise option either.
If the US or the pro-US people think defence of American soil and interests that do not conflict with the interest of others, I will sincerely be the first one to say that the American war machine is very well and deserves a lot of appreciation, And that is my ideal US war machine.
The truth of the matter is that The US could not manage in the creation of a fifth generation fighter even with almost a trillion dollar invested in the programs; the F-22 is very restricted in flight, it can not go to high nor too low, so it became a sitting -or flying duck should I say-, and the f-35 has serious engine problems as I have expected since day one of the show, since its design did not look sound to me; there are just too many parts and hydro-mechanical or electrical parts in the engine alone and, and the whole plane was designed around that engine!. So for the moment I can say that it looks fine but new aviation technologies wise it is not, and the whole doctrine of the US for war is air dominance!!!
first picture of F-14AM!


Yes. Fortunately, we were able to install the F-14 missiles on the eastern Missile,Today. F-14 and F-4 radars have the ability to shoot R 27 and ....Also important is the ability to attack ground targets have increased
lol you compare iran - iraq war like a world war?:rofl: Then world wars must be a mars wars . You fought against 1 country with old weapons and little history of warfare and less oil and gas than iran and less population than iran , and worse weapons then iran , as iran got f-14 tomcats themdays which was much better than iraqi weapons , so infact you was more in advantage. Iraq just had mass mostly junk things and nothign else lol , irans popualtion is like 3,4 times now and even has more resources and iran-iraq war it was a stalemate so iran never even won so whats the hype.

Please learn some English first, it may cover up some of the nonsensical aspects of your posts. There are so many rubbish that I can't be bothered to point out each and every one of them! It would cost me my precious time and at the end of the day its my valuable time that is wasted not yours.
I agree, the F-14 is indeed a very beautiful plane. A very iconic one for me during my childhood. The F-22 and F-14 are my favorite birds.

And no doubt, Iranian Tomcat pilots are good. In fact, the Tomcat pilot with the highest killing blows was an Iranian.

Hmm...designing and manufacturing stealth materials is not that hard to be honest. I'm pretty sure even India and China can do it. Though, unlikely to be as advanced as the ones used on the US's F-35.

However, developing a radar, state-of-the-art avionics and a particular shape that'd make the aircraft 'stealthy' is a whole different matter. One need pretty advanced computers do develop such technology.

Manufacturing them is also a matter as well. One cannot produce such advanced weapons like candies in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

Oh, and I forgot the engine part, which is by far the hardest part of any aircraft design.

Anyhow, if it weren't for those sanctions, Iran would have become a full-fledged industrialized nation by now.

Emotions can be good for a start. But in the end, or late phases, they do not lead to anything good. And the costs great (not in terms of money).

The F-14 Tomcat has a geometric wing design. Though, it may look cool and all, the design is outdated by today's standards.

That design would allow limited opportunities to reduce its RCS signature compared to that of the F-15 Eagle.

You want to sound like an expert by personifying others.
Where do you see emotions in what I wrote, these might be your own emotions you are talking about; they are like your wannabe logic or you are just a kid quoting others to sew a discussion; this is not a sewing factory. do you understand.
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