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Iran successfully produces a new generation of the Tomcat F-14

obsolete against who? Afghan drug lords and PKK guerrillas? The difference between banana republics and real countries are their foresight, independence and strategies. Iran will never be able to compete with the like of the US, nobody in the region can. With limited funds and a need for deterrents, that means airforce will have to take a back seat. However it doesn't mean it should be scrapped and it will have a great role to play against dangers like the PKK, Afghan drug lords and generally neighboring countries without a top notch military. Iran spends more money on its navy, missile forces (that includes anti ship missiles), nuclear sector etc... Who cares how many F16s you have when you don't have a strong vision and strategy to defend your nation against external and internal threats. If warfare was this easy, than Somalia would be a super power. We see today that Pakistan is at war with its own provinces and American drones are flying over the country. Having newer fighter jets will never take the place of a strong vision and strategy.

Small correction, we are not at war with any of our provinces, we are at war with a domestic threat that has settled among our neighbourhoods.
truth hurt :)

PS: Iran is just a land full of lunatics... They can't do anything. Its the oil importers who are saving iran from US attack...

U are a DumbA**, especially coming from an Indian. Their Human Development is ranked 88th where India is 134th. That s all i am gonna say. But yes you are right, that other big dawgs are keeping US out of Iran and i am glad that there are countries out there checking US this time. Because obviously war on Iraq was a disaster. People here in US are very against war with Iran.
well , soon , we would unveile our turbofan engine .... even though it has 20-25 KN thrust ( based on J-85 !!!! ) but is good for first step ....

with that we can make and mass produce light fighter jet and protect our air space till we make better turbo fan engine .... (2020-2025 ) >>>> for offensive purpose , we can use ballistic missiles .... any way , our military doctrine is defensive so we don't need super advance fighter ....

well , some people saying in 2020-2030 the armed drone will rule the sky and fighters would lose their place ....

and we are spending on drone and artificial intelligence as well
well , soon , we would unveil our turbofan engine .... even though it has 20-25 KN thrust ( based on J-85 !!!! ) but is good for first step

J-85 is 13-14 kN Thrust, Why would Iran work on such a low powered Engine unless it is for some UAV.

The right candidate to be studied is WP-13/F that of F-7M.

WP/F 44.1 kN [some places mentioned 42kN] At Military Thrust and 66.7kN with after burner.
J-85 is 13-14 kN Thrust, Why would Iran work on such a low powered Engine unless it is for some UAV.

The right candidate to be studied is WP-13/F that of F-7M.

WS-13/F 44.1 kN [some places mentioned 42kN] At Military Thrust and 66.7kN with after burner.

it has 3 reason :

1- we already made most part of J85 and upgrade it ( and upgraded J85 turbojet engines have more thrust ... 16-18 KN , some source saying those have 18-20 KN thrust ) so for our first try , J85 is better option ... maybe in talk we aim most unreachable goals but in action , we aim most reachable goals ... ( our airforce have more than 40 years experience with J85 ... )

2- we have a turbo fan engine for our UAV as well .... Sofreh Mahi need a turbofan engine ...

3- we need to decrease the costs , so J85 is better option .... any way , we have some parallel research on Metallurgy and if these research have successful then we would have mean to make better engine as well ...

haha. Can you explain please ?

Iran is not a signatory of WTO copyright laws.


Blue countries are not members and hence do not recognize US copyrights.
Isn't it requires US approval? I mean producing F-14s ?

US should pay a lot of copyrights to old civilisations.:smitten:

If Iran can overhaul the F-14 it can reproduce it, it depends on its will; Iran has the capabilities and the capacity to make a similar plane as they have proven with other sophisticated systems.
Iran seems to go for efficiency rather than show, its philosophy is based on pragmatism, they study their needs and act on them, since they are not after foreign markets, its defence is based on deterrence rather than hegemony or market tendencies. Iran knows its place as a regional superpower and is not looking for more than that.
So when it comes to the region, not even a world superpower can take on Iran and win. The only way of winning against Iran in its neighbourhood is by mean of nuclear war, than nothing will be left for the wannabe invader to put his hands on. So at the end war against Iran is not feasible in reality and the Us think tanks have come to the same conclusion.
Iran successfully produce a new generation of the globally known version of F14

An Iranian Air Force commander announced here on Tuesday that the country overhauls and optimizes different types of military aircraft, mentioning that Air Force has even installed Iran-made radar systems on the sophisticated F14 fighter jets.

"Indeed, it can be said that most airplanes have the previous designs but all of their components, including systems and parts, are being optimized and upgraded on a continued and regular basis," Iranian Air Force Lieutenant Commander for Coordination General Aziz Nasirzadeh said in an interview with FNA on Tuesday.

The commander stated that mounting optimized home-made 2,000-pound (900-kilogram) smart bombs, Qassed (Messenger), on Iranian bombers is an instance of the country's capability to upgrade its fighter jets.

The Iranian Army's Air Force announced in September that it has successfully test-fired Qassed (Messenger) 1and 2, in aerial drills over the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman.

Referring to the promotion of the systems and capabilities of F14 fighter jets, Nasirzadeh said, "…today we have a new generation of F14 fighters at our service, and its radar system has been upgraded by our local experts."

Reiterating that the new radar system has been built and installed on the F14 fighter jets by the Iranian personnel, the General added, "Therefore, we can enhance and upgrade it (radar) continuously.

The commander also pointed out that his forces have even upgraded the jet engines of F14, and said considering the numerous alterations that Iran has made to the radar system and the engines of F14, it can be said that what Iranian Air Force now has is a new generation of the globally known version of F14.

He further announced that Iran has already started a move to manufacture aircraft engines and has achieved acceptable results in this regard.

Iran has recently made good progress in the air industry and succeeded in gaining the technical know-how for producing stealth aircraft and drones.

In September 2009, Iran displayed the first squadron of Saeqeh (Thunderbolt) fighter jets produced by its defense industries in an air show staged during military parades at the beginning of the Week of Sacred Defense, marking Iranians' sacrifices during the 8 years of Iraqi imposed war on Iran in 1980s.

Arabian Defense: Iran successfully produce a new generation of the globally known version of F14

Congratulations to all Irani Brothers....
Keep going Iran....
well iran is producing these aircrafts or it's just an overhall facility???
Congratulations to all Irani Brothers....
Keep going Iran....
well iran is producing these aircrafts or it's just an overhall facility???

iran can overhall all her airplanes and choppers and is producing many spare parts for them. for example, iran can produce whole F-5 and most parts of it's engine. also many percent of F-14 and same story for F-4. not just producing many parts for them, also upgraded their avionic and radars. for example the iranian f-4 and F-5 only had AGM-65 Maverick as Air to surface missile. the range of AGM-65 Maverick is around 28 KM. in lately 80's iran trying to develope The arsenal of air force and improve the ability of her fighters for new war methods in 90's like smart and guided bombs.
nowadays iranian f-4 and f-5 can lunch smart and long range armament beside AGM-65 Maverick like : Ghassed smart bombs , long anti ship cruise missile( ghaem with 180 km range) and other air to surface missile like ZOOBIN,ghadr,sattar1,2,3 and ...
lunching these iranian armament beside american armament need to upgrade and change the radars and electronic systems.
It was just an example. we had same story for our F-14s. cause of sanctions even russia dont support our MIG-29s and iran began to produce Most-used parts (til now 60 parts) of it.

it's a Huge pressure.

now by looking at civil airplanes. not only we produce many spare parts of Boeing Air planes, even today we are building many spare parts of Air-bus planes by our companies and Air lines. it's illegal but we have no choice! They sanctioned us then we are trying to produce most important parts by ourselves.
It's a big problem. we have many kind of airplanes,fighters,choppers,Their armament and we should consider all of them. just imagine how much it's extended.
J-85 is 13-14 kN Thrust, Why would Iran work on such a low powered Engine unless it is for some UAV.

The right candidate to be studied is WP-13/F that of F-7M.

WP/F 44.1 kN [some places mentioned 42kN] At Military Thrust and 66.7kN with after burner.

Military versions produce up to 2,950 lbf (13.1 kN) of thrust dry, after-burning variants can reach up to 5,000 lbf (22 kN)

General Electric J85

Can anyone make it super-cruise? Qaher-313!

Most military aircraft use afterburners (or reheat) to travel at supersonic speeds. Afterburners are inefficient compared to conventional jet engine operation due to the low pressures typically found in the exhaust section. Therefore an aircraft that can supercruise has generally greater endurance at supersonic speeds than one which cannot. Supercruise is also an advantage for stealth aircraft, as an afterburner plume both reflects radar signals and creates a significant infrared signature.

Tomcat is a real beauty.Still I think F-14 is the most beautiful jet-fighter in the world on par with F-22.Only with these Tomcats,Iran shot down 197 Iraqi jets according to a French magazine,however,number vary between 140 and 200.

I agree, the F-14 is indeed a very beautiful plane. A very iconic one for me during my childhood. The F-22 and F-14 are my favorite birds.

And no doubt, Iranian Tomcat pilots are good. In fact, the Tomcat pilot with the highest killing blows was an Iranian.

You know what I am talking about, when I say composite materials for stealth ? I do not think you know, apart from wood and (water).

Hmm...designing and manufacturing stealth materials is not that hard to be honest. I'm pretty sure even India and China can do it. Though, unlikely to be as advanced as the ones used on the US's F-35.

However, developing a radar, state-of-the-art avionics and a particular shape that'd make the aircraft 'stealthy' is a whole different matter. One need pretty advanced computers do develop such technology.

Manufacturing them is also a matter as well. One cannot produce such advanced weapons like candies in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

Oh, and I forgot the engine part, which is by far the hardest part of any aircraft design.

Anyhow, if it weren't for those sanctions, Iran would have become a full-fledged industrialized nation by now.

Even the F-5 is a potent fighter today if you use or lose all your missiles from your top notch fighter plane you still can be downed very easily by it intercepting you and putting its primitive missiles in your ars. let alone the F-14 by any of "your world" standards.

Emotions can be good for a start. But in the end, or late phases, they do not lead to anything good. And the costs great (not in terms of money).

without saying whether iran's technical and engineering capabilities could or could not, the fact that the f-15 can be modified to be semi steathy tells us that it is possible to modify the f-14 in a similar manner

thus "It is not possible to make a 'stealth' version of the F-14" is a flat out lie.

The F-14 Tomcat has a geometric wing design. Though, it may look cool and all, the design is outdated by today's standards.

That design would allow limited opportunities to reduce its RCS signature compared to that of the F-15 Eagle.
"put you in a position" - me? :undecided: :) I dont know why Iran havent bought Su-27, probably because Russians havent sold them? They sold MIG-29, which Iran did bought.

What concerns Iran's indigenous efforts, lets say they went full-out on developing 4-5 gen. fighters, they would still be behind US in technology, they would still have vastly lesser numbers than US with NATO.

So what do Iran gains from focusing on the losing air battle? Almost nothing, while they would miss out on all the other areas, where resources would be actually well spend.

Common sense. If fighter costs hundreds of millions, while missile to destroy them - hundreds of thousands, whats better defensive measure? It makes vastly more sense to focus on Bavar-373 and all other technologies (anti-ship, Sejil, etc), than on half-baked 5th gen. fighter. USAF would have air superiority either way, but with SAMs Iran could actually do something about it.

if iran makes missiles it may be just a sufficient reason for u.s to invade.remember iraq??
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