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Iran science output in future

whats this chinese guys are boasting about ????????????
out 0f all the patents filled by china 80% is filled by taiwan mainland china only filled like 3000 patents.

Taiwanese do not want to be a part of china so stop counting taiwan achivements a s china's achivement.

Would you please not bring in your China phobia in this thread? The title of the thread is about a totally different matter my friend. Please don't derail the topic.
You first think , if scientist want to work on a topic means he suppose to submit proposal for grants usually 5yrs and it can extended. Once they got full grants(5yrs) then only they start to work so watever happens to his country it won't affect him for 5yrs happily he will do the work.


Mate i dont know what your intention is with your post - maybe im missing something that you are trying to say in this post.
Lets stick to the topic - considering the strains and pressures Iran are constantly put under by the west and our zionist friends, i am pleasantly surprised at the way they defy all the odds and shine so well at numerous activities. Thier scientists do a fantastic job and show great results year after year. If you want to nitpick and be critical about the stats - thats fine because i know most people like yourself find it difficult to accept or give credit to Irans development. I dont have a problem with that because its people like you that gives Iran the energy and mindset to be even more stronger and self reliant in the future.
Mate i dont know what your intention is with your post - maybe im missing something that you are trying to say in this post.
Lets stick to the topic - considering the strains and pressures Iran are constantly put under by the west and our zionist friends, i am pleasantly surprised at the way they defy all the odds and shine so well at numerous activities. Thier scientists do a fantastic job and show great results year after year. If you want to nitpick and be critical about the stats - thats fine because i know most people like yourself find it difficult to accept or give credit to Irans development. I dont have a problem with that because its people like you that gives Iran the energy and mindset to be even more stronger and self reliant in the future.

Well-said. It's exactly because of sanctions and these people that Iranians are working harder and harder to stand strong and stronger as time passes.
Also don't forget that we had a bloody war with Saddam which caused us more than 500 Billion US dollars at that time (which is more than 2 Trillion US dollars now if you compare the value of dollar at that time with the value of dollar to this time by taking oil or gold as your measure). Our oil production was cut to 2.1 million barrels per day from 4.5 million barrels per day before the war and even up to this day our oil production hasn't recovered to its peak during the Pahlavi era and the first year of the revolution. the Iraq-Iran war was one of the most destructive wars of the century and that had a very important impact on Iran's economic growth after the war.
Unfortunetly, it affected both countries its the dirtiest war ever if you people recovered and rebuilding your country we still struggling to put the wheels on tracks! I believe Allah's punishment to us so obvious.
Unfortunetly, it affected both countries its the dirtiest war ever if you people recovered and rebuilding your country we still struggling to put the wheels on tracks! I believe Allah's punishment to us so obvious.

Iranians have nothing against you guys my brother. We consider our war with Iraq as the Iran-Saddam war. It was more than obvious that most Iraqis were unwilling to fight with Iran after the second year of the war. Saddam promised them that defeating Iran was like a piece of cake while after the second year, when war had become too long and Iran had liberated its occupied territories and had set an offensive mindset, most Iraqis lost faith in Saddam's war. Iranians too were tired of the war, both people felt this war was unnecessary and had got tired of it becoming too long. Today Iraqis are our closest friends in the region in our neighborhood and the only guys that bad mouth each other are pan-Arabs and pan-Persians that are few in number, while both countries respect each other and have become good friends after the fall of Saddam.
Whats the point to talk about rating, where Romania has more science than Russia?
Whats the point to talk about rating, where Romania has more science than Russia?

One point about this part. Do you know why Israelis hate Russia? Even though that many of Israelis are in fact Jews that lived in Soviet Russia and have Slavic blood too? It's because Russia doesn't dance with their tune like the USA does. That's why they like to underestimate Russia even though everyone knows Russia has been the birth place or host of many of the finest scientists in history.
whats this chinese guys are boasting about ????????????
out 0f all the patents filled by china 80% is filled by taiwan mainland china only filled like 3000 patents.

Taiwanese do not want to be a part of china so stop counting taiwan achivements a s china's achivement.

That's US patents, not WIPO patents. I think you would know the difference between a WIPO patent and a US patent, no? In case you forgot, here's a refresher: WIPO patents are international. US patents are, unsurprisingly, US.

Taiwan has 0 WIPO patents because they are not a WIPO member, so they must file all patents in the US.

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

International Patent Filings Set New Record in 2011
That's US patents, not WIPO patents. I think you would know the difference between a WIPO patent and a US patent, no? In case you forgot, here's a refresher: WIPO patents are international. US patents are, unsurprisingly, US.

Taiwan has 0 WIPO patents because they are not a WIPO member, so they must file all patents in the US.

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

International Patent Filings Set New Record in 2011

Forget him he obviously didnt know what he is talking about
Iranians have nothing against you guys my brother. We consider our war with Iraq as the Iran-Saddam war. It was more than obvious that most Iraqis were unwilling to fight with Iran after the second year of the war. Saddam promised them that defeating Iran was like a piece of cake while after the second year, when war had become too long and Iran had liberated its occupied territories and had set an offensive mindset, most Iraqis lost faith in Saddam's war. Iranians too were tired of the war, both people felt this war was unnecessary and had got tired of it becoming too long. Today Iraqis are our closest friends in the region in our neighborhood and the only guys that bad mouth each other are pan-Arabs and pan-Persians that are few in number, while both countries respect each other and have become good friends after the fall of Saddam.
But the reality is as I saw it was that Iraqis pushed to it by force not by hope they going to occupy Iran we had and still nothing against Iran, Turkey or Saudi Arabia we just hate unholy wars that's it. Believe it or not the regime was execute people every Wednesday just because they were refusing go to war.
But the reality is as I saw it was that Iraqis pushed to it by force not by hope they going to occupy Iran we had and still nothing against Iran, Turkey or Saudi Arabia we just hate unholy wars that's it. Believe it or not the regime was execute people every Wednesday just because they were refusing go to war.

My brother, I said the same thing as you did. I said Iraqis were pushed by the regime to fight, while they were unwilling to go to war because everyone, both Iraqis and Iranians were exhausted and tired of the unnecessarily long war.
Superiority is in Israel's mind-set I guess, nowhere in his post he claimed Iranian superiority, all nations perform well in some period of history and time, it doesn't mean they are superior and others are inferior ;)

What other conclusion can be drawn from his syntax? no other except Iran, therefore Iran is the only one, is it so hard to comprehend? you are Iranian after all aren't you? you should be superior in your cognitive abilities, that is by S-19 of course... :)

Iran's achievement should be appreciated by everyone because of the sanctions it faces. I'm sure no other country would be able to pull this feat if they are under sanctions.
What other conclusion can be drawn from his syntax? no other except Iran, therefore Iran is the only one, is it so hard to comprehend? you are Iranian after all aren't you? you should be superior in your cognitive abilities, that is by S-19 of course... :)

Now that was a relative comparison. You are drawing extrapolations based on your irrational whims and assumptions. Now, can you state an example of one country here who has progressed as much in the field of science, defence, technology etc. under sanctions as Iran did?

Venezuela, NK, Cuba, Zimbabewe, Iraq, Myanmar, South Africa.....? Many of them don't even appear on the list.
What other conclusion can be drawn from his syntax? no other except Iran, therefore Iran is the only one, is it so hard to comprehend? you are Iranian after all aren't you? you should be superior in your cognitive abilities, that is by S-19 of course... :)

Wrong. Just because a country has done something that others can't do it doesn't mean they are superior in the general sense you mean. If you mean in a particular subject, then yea, superiority could be defined for that particular subject. Also, the status of superiority could change by time. For example, at the moment, Iran is a superior nation in scientific growth, but when you humorously asked "so Iran is superior?" you wanted to catch him like he had said Iran was superior in every field. We know what you wanna say and what your aim was, so why are we discussing this? Yea, Arnold Schwarzeneggar was superior in body building backing when, Gauss was superior in mathematics and later astronomy backing 19th century, Avicenna was superior in medicine during the Islamic golden age and Greg owned a superior note from the boss in Dharma and Greg sitcom, does it make these people superior to others in general? Nope. Don't troll please.
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