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Iran science output in future

I do get your point my friend, but if that's the case, then no future prediction is possible. It's impossible to predict the future, so what you're saying is more than obvious, but if the situation remains the same, mathematically they predict that this will happen. Because they predict it it doesn't mean that this will happen, but if everything remains fine or close to the current situation, then with a reasonable error, this prediction will happen. Now if something happens that totally changes the hypotheses used in these predictions, no one expects these predictions to come out true.

I disagree with you. While USA, UK, Germany, France, and many other European countries are way ahead of us in quality of research and production, I disagree that all of them are ahead of us by a huge margin. You could simply compare Iran by a country like Belgium, as someone pointed out, and see that Iran is ahead of Belgium in almost all areas. Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, etc. The problem is that some people are conditioned to reject any progress of Iran as propaganda, like even in this case where the reports have been published by independent researchers. When a scientific progress is claimed by Iran, it's automatically rejected by many pro-West people as state propaganda for local consumption, with this mentality you'll always underestimate Iran while in fact Iran is doing pretty well now. We're sanctioned like hell, almost every high-tech piece is not sent to Iran because they label it 'dual purpose' (see how unfair it is because many things could be considered dual purpose even if they are not), yet we're growing pretty well. We're already ahead of many, I repeat, many European states both in quality and quantity, you could not believe it if you don't want, but then it's your opinion and you could keep it to your own instead of insisting on it with no evidence to back up your opinion.

Also, many of them sanctions have actually helped Iran. Iranians produced STM on their own around 5-10 years ago because no one else sold it to us and we needed them badly for our nanotechnology.

I am strongly warning for that bold part you insulting whole scientific community. Do you have evidence for that ? have u worked in any paper? you knw the procedure to publish? stop your crap here.
I do get your point my friend, but if that's the case, then no future prediction is possible. It's impossible to predict the future, so what you're saying is more than obvious, but if the situation remains the same, mathematically they predict that this will happen. Because they predict it it doesn't mean that this will happen, but if everything remains fine or close to the current situation, then with a reasonable error, this prediction will happen. Now if something happens that totally changes the hypotheses used in these predictions, no one expects these predictions to come out true.

I disagree with you. While USA, UK, Germany, France, and many other European countries are way ahead of us in quality of research and production, I disagree that all of them are ahead of us by a huge margin. You could simply compare Iran by a country like Belgium, as someone pointed out, and see that Iran is ahead of Belgium in almost all areas. Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, etc. The problem is that some people are conditioned to reject any progress of Iran as propaganda, like even in this case where the reports have been published by independent researchers. When a scientific progress is claimed by Iran, it's automatically rejected by many pro-West people as state propaganda for local consumption, with this mentality you'll always underestimate Iran while in fact Iran is doing pretty well now. We're sanctioned like hell, almost every high-tech piece is not sent to Iran because they label it 'dual purpose' (see how unfair it is because many things could be considered dual purpose even if they are not), yet we're growing pretty well. We're already ahead of many, I repeat, many European states both in quality and quantity, you could not believe it if you don't want, but then it's your opinion and you could keep it to your own instead of insisting on it with no evidence to back up your opinion.

Also, many of these sanctions have actually helped Iran. Iranians produced STM on their own around 5-10 years ago because no one else sold it to us and we needed them badly for our nanotechnology. If they remove these sanctions surely it'll be better for us, because we can do more cooperation with foreign universities and that would also have an impact on our citation and H-Index, but even if they don't, we won't give up, we'll try harder to compensate.

Agree with this statement of yours, and if you follow this thread from post 1 you'll see i even questioned India's ranking above France/Germany. Mainly because most of our research lacks commercialization and media coverage and common people don't even know about it. While their research attracts huge media attention private investments and government funding.

I guess we have to change our attitude towards Science/Research and development.
I am strongly warning for that bold part you insulting whole scientific community. Do you have evidence for that ? have u worked in any paper? you knw the procedure to publish? stop your crap here.

Wait wait, it's becoming fun. Why Am I insulting the whole scientific community? LOL :lol::lol::lol:

Agree with this statement of yours, and if you follow this thread from post 1 you'll see i even questioned India's ranking above France/Germany. Mainly because most of our research lacks commercialization and media coverage and common people don't even know about it. While their research attracts huge media attention private investments and government funding.

I guess we have to change our attitude towards Science/Research and development.

France, Germany and countries like them are industrialized and well-developed, their population literacy is over 98-99% and they have been great powers (especially Germany) in the last decade. So it's unreasonable to expect Iran to compete with them, but just compare Iran to new-comers like Brazil which is, in my opinion, one of the future world-powers in the next 2 decades and will have a hegemony in Latin America. Then you'll see that Iran is really advancing well. Unlike Germany, which was solely winning the WWII, Iran hasn't been a power in the last century. In fact we were invaded by Russia and British Empire in WWII, so if you want to see Iran's progress, you should compare Iran to a country that belongs to the same group. Like Brazil, like Turkey, etc...
Wait wait, it's becoming fun. Why Am I insulting the whole scientific community? LOL :lol::lol::lol:

The problem is that some people are conditioned to reject any progress of Iran as propaganda, like even in this case where the reports have been published by independent researchers. Wat its mean ???
The problem is that some people are conditioned to reject any progress of Iran as propaganda, like even in this case where the reports have been published by independent researchers. Wat its mean ???

I mean no offense but maybe it's because you don't comprehend English well?
It means some people are conditioned (it's a psychological term, you could read it in topics related to behaviorism, actually we have two types of conditioning, in this case I mean the classical conditioning that was first studied in Pavlov's experiment) to believe that whatever Iran claims as progress is state propaganda to fool gullible Iranians. With that mentality, when something positive is attributed to Iran, these conditioned people, automatically and mindlessly reject it even if they don't know why they should reject it.

Do you understand me better now? If not, try to read what I said again. I can't repeat myself 100 times amigo.
Iran's achievement should be appreciated by everyone because of the sanctions it faces. I'm sure no other country would be able to pull this feat if they are under sanctions.

Hmmm, so they are superior?
Where you people frm? hw current sanctions and pressure affect (previous) research?:hitwall:

Have a little think - Iran has historically been put under direct and "indirect sanctions" over the last decade. Look at the tremendous pressures and strains their economy has constantly been put under - do you think its a recent occurance? Come come have a look at the stats - they are constantly under strains and pressures from the west and zionists.
Have a little think - Iran has historically been put under direct and "indirect sanctions" over the last decade. Look at the tremendous pressures and strains their economy has constantly been put under - do you think its a recent occurance? Come come have a look at the stats - they are constantly under strains and pressures from the west and zionists.

Also don't forget that we had a bloody war with Saddam which caused us more than 500 Billion US dollars at that time (which is more than 2 Trillion US dollars now if you compare the value of dollar at that time with the value of dollar to this time by taking oil or gold as your measure). Our oil production was cut to 2.1 million barrels per day from 4.5 million barrels per day before the war and even up to this day our oil production hasn't recovered to its peak during the Pahlavi era and the first year of the revolution. the Iraq-Iran war was one of the most destructive wars of the century and that had a very important impact on Iran's economic growth after the war.
I mean no offense but maybe it's because you don't comprehend English well?
It means some people are conditioned (it's a psychological term, you could read it in topics related to behaviorism, actually we have two types of conditioning, in this case I mean the classical conditioning that was first studied in Pavlov's experiment) to believe that whatever Iran claims as progress is state propaganda to fool gullible Iranians. With that mentality, when something positive is attributed to Iran, these conditioned people, automatically and mindlessly reject it even if they don't know why they should reject it.

Do you understand me better now? If not, try to read what I said again. I can't repeat myself 100 times amigo.

Don't try to cover up ur mistake , some people rejects Iranian published research paper even it frm independent researcher.

You mentioned some people it should be definitely researcher(other people can't read research article) ryt , then hw come he/she rejects work wic is published in reputed journal? he can point out flaws but he can't reject that work. Some people rejection means it should be occurred either at scientific conference/ symposium/meeting , such rejection hw it would be possible there? its bringing bad reputation for scientists ryt. May be you used the word rejection in wrong place.

Have a little think - Iran has historically been put under direct and "indirect sanctions" over the last decade. Look at the tremendous pressures and strains their economy has constantly been put under - do you think its a recent occurance? Come come have a look at the stats - they are constantly under strains and pressures from the west and zionists.

You first think , if scientist want to work on a topic means he suppose to submit proposal for grants usually 5yrs and it can extended. Once they got full grants(5yrs) then only they start to work so watever happens to his country it won't affect him for 5yrs happily he will do the work.

Don't try to cover up ur mistake , some people rejects Iranian published research paper even it frm independent researcher.

You mentioned some people it should be definitely researcher(other people can't read research article) ryt , then hw come he/she rejects work wic is published in reputed journal? he can point out flaws but he can't reject that work. Some people rejection means it should be occurred either at scientific conference/ symposium/meeting , such rejection hw it would be possible there? its bringing bad reputation for scientists ryt. May be you used the word rejection in wrong place.

I'm not trying to cover anything up, it's your English comprehension problem my friend. If you don't believe me, ask someone else to interpret what I said. I used the word reject where I must've used it. It fits well in my sentence. Please read my post again or ask someone else to interpret it for you.

And your second sentence in the first paragraph makes zero sense in my humble opinion. Only the papers are counted that have been accepted, citation is another issue, but once a paper is accepted then it's counted, it may never get cited or it may get cited many times, but that doesn't change the whole matter anyway.
Dude, you're talking with someone who's doing research in Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics (Nanofabrication) for almost 2 years, and have seen many research laboratories in Europe and Asia.

So don't give me that verbal bullshit, it stinks.
So, how come dude your country still strugling with its kaviri engine while you talk about nano fabrications isn't jet engines made of material not even nano fabricated?.
whats this chinese guys are boasting about ????????????
out 0f all the patents filled by china 80% is filled by taiwan mainland china only filled like 3000 patents.

Taiwanese do not want to be a part of china so stop counting taiwan achivements a s china's achivement.
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