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Iran science output in future

So many papers and so little innovation, Iran between Morocco and Nigeria wow...
lets see who else is ahead Iran in innovation
not in any particular order, South Africa-Ecuador-Jamaica-Kenya-Egypt-Namibia-Kyrgyzstan-Albania-Tunisia-Oman-Saudi Arabia....

Global Innovation Index (INSEAD) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what good for all the papers if their quality is practically worthless?
AAAAA i get! it is that we could open threads like this and laugh a bit :lol:
So many papers and so little innovation, Iran between Morocco and Nigeria wow...
lets see who else is ahead Iran in innovation
not in any particular order, South Africa-Ecuador-Jamaica-Kenya-Egypt-Namibia-Kyrgyzstan-Albania-Tunisia-Oman-Saudi Arabia....

Global Innovation Index (INSEAD) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what good for all the papers if their quality is practically worthless?
AAAAA i get! it is that we could open threads like this and laugh a bit :lol:

It's the growth rate that counts.

A few decades ago, nobody believed that China's economy would be able to continue our growth for three whole decades. They thought that our 10% growth rate was just an anomaly that would disappear after a few years, but it didn't.

Also, nice to see Hong Kong is at #4 on the above ranking. :D
So this wikipedia ranking based on what I see countries like Algeria ranked 125 which is rich in comparison Ghana or Sudan while Iraq is never mentioned at all are we that fucked to be neglected at all it just made me wonder all that based on what.
I am not sure that all the scientific papers produced worldwide are being submitted for contribution and evaluation due to the current mistrust between East and West or North and South, and the fact that the West and has the means to take advantage of every major discovery.
Look I have no problem with predictions but this hardly qualifies as a prediction.

All they have done is that ok Iran's output grew by 574.5% between 2003-2010(over 8 years), so it will also grow by 574.5% between 2011-2018(over 8 years). When in reality Iran's growth rate has already started to taper off.


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Its intellectual dishonesty at best.

thats what i have been trying to make them understand but they fail to do so. the bigger the iranian scientific base becomes the slower it will expand. it means if iran continuous this 574% rate it will produce prolly 10 million papers by 2050. :cheesy: iran will not produce more than 60000 papers by 2018.
thats what i have been trying to make them understand but they fail to do so. the bigger the iranian scientific base becomes the slower it will expand. it means if iran continuous this 574% rate it will produce prolly 10 million papers by 2050. :cheesy: iran will not produce more than 60000 papers by 2018.

This is what i said in the beginning of this discussion:

So you're saying moving up places is linear, and not Logarithmic? So by 2020 Iran will be in the top position, according to your logic?

If life could be as simple as linear calculations. :lol:
A nation that has great science capabilities,indeed controls the future.no matter how powerful it's military is.
This applies to countries like China,which has the best education system in the world.It's going to have a very bright future.
I hope all Muslim nations do the same.western countries have tried to infuse this idea that Muslims are backward people.it's our own fault.we gave them excuses to do this.
However scientific achievments in Iran is great and promising,but it's not enough.we have a long road ahead.
Iran alongside with Pakistan,Malaysia and Indonesia have great potential to reach the furthest point in science.we just need to believe in ourselves.
That is certainly the case.
Sanctions do not help. They might teach a nation a thing or two about self-sufficiency but this is it. And tough sanctions can destroy economies. Case in point: Iraq.

China used to be under sanctions and threats by west and they improved massively.
China did not grew under sanctions. China grew due to massive international investment in the country. The 'developed nations' saw potential in China and took the opportunity.

Now it is Iran that is moving up. Even we were doing much better in 1990's when some sanctions had been placed on us. So certainly the push coming from sanctions can be helpful.
Iran is not under tough economic sanctions. Sanctions on Iran are mainly restricted to military related deals.

Get your facts straight.
Iranians will soon start claiming super power status..no wonder..sanctions can take real toll one person IQ.
Nope. I don't hate Russia either, but generally I've seen many Israelis bad mouthing Russia.
Here is my recent message about Russia:


Does it look like someone who hates Russia?

Where did he post that link?
Its very first message of this thread :D

Moreover, If Taiwan could be ranked over Russia (it's currently one rank above Russia), why Romania can't be above Russia in future?
Both is silly but second is very obviously silly.
PLZ stop this BS/useless Fight !

just wait for future ... :coffee:
This is not the only source reporting Iran's scientific growth. Thomson Reuters as one of the most internationally trusted sources in scientific evaluations considers all high impact publications around the world and this report from Thomson Reuters shows the Arabian, Persian and Turkish Middle East' output is growing rapidly, exceeding Asia and Latin America in rate of increase. Among them Iran have had the highest rate of scientific growth during current years.


Why can some people not just congratulate celebrate a state in our region doing well.
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