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Iran, Saudi Arabia plan to clear up misunderstandings


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
TEHRAN – Iran and Saudi Arabia plan to strengthen their relations and clear up misunderstandings, Tehran’s ambassador to Riyadh has said.

Mohammad Javad Rasouli Mahallati told Saudi newspaper Al-Watan that Iran and Saudi Arabia should make efforts to clear up misunderstandings in order help promote their relations.

Mahallati added current policies adopted by the officials of the two countries show that there is a positive tendency to resolve current disagreements.

He went on to say certain countries are trying to fan the flames of current disagreements between Tehran and Riyadh.

The ambassador also pointed to Iran’s transparent nuclear program, saying Tehran is ready to show its nuclear facilities to the Saudi experts in order to prove that Western allegations against the Islamic Republic are baseless.

Based on its political and religious principles, Iran never seeks to build nuclear bombs, he noted.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he described Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz’s message, which was read out during a conference of heads of Persian Gulf littoral states in Abu Dhabi, as important.

In the message, the Saudi king called for holding transparent talks with Tehran over its nuclear program in order to clear up any misunderstandings, Mahallati said.

The king also said that disputes between Iran and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council should be resolved through talks in order to protect the interests of the Islamic Ummah, he added

tehran times : Iran, Saudi Arabia plan to clear up misunderstandings: envoy

This is great news, Maybe this whole sibling rivalry can be put to an end once and for all.
Assalam alaikum

Well it is a gr8 news.

On a side note is this result of zardari visits to the both countries

Assalam alaikum

Well it is a gr8 news.

On a side note is this result of zardari visits to the both countries


You do realize this is a very smart play by Saudi politicians to further pressure the US not to veto the Palastenian government in September. When Saudis say they are willing to be friends with Iran Israel and the US are going to jump.

Anyways knowing my country the whole Saudi-Iran thing was a ploy by us to get the West to sell us the newest hardware they have and not only that it came with a huuuuuge amount of ToT and Saudi defense industries investments.
Iranian saudi rivalry is largely fueled by the Amerobritish propaganda machine and divide & rule tactics. It is totally nonsensical to see iran and saudi arabia confronting each other , its the last thing we need !

We need more unity , and take inspiration from the west , get our powers together for the good of our people rather than fighting for some assholic propagandist who goes to UAE or Saudi and tells them "how fast their air force can wipe out Iranian air force".

All of this goes back to the "protection of Israel" strategy , the best way to do it is to keep Muslims fighting or confronting each other , so there would be no one standing up to their zionist state and they can carry their viscous activities in Palestine unchallenged .
TEHRAN – Iran and Saudi Arabia plan to strengthen their relations and clear up misunderstandings, Tehran’s ambassador to Riyadh has said.

Mohammad Javad Rasouli Mahallati told Saudi newspaper Al-Watan that Iran and Saudi Arabia should make efforts to clear up misunderstandings in order help promote their relations.

Mahallati added current policies adopted by the officials of the two countries show that there is a positive tendency to resolve current disagreements.

He went on to say certain countries are trying to fan the flames of current disagreements between Tehran and Riyadh.

The ambassador also pointed to Iran’s transparent nuclear program, saying Tehran is ready to show its nuclear facilities to the Saudi experts in order to prove that Western allegations against the Islamic Republic are baseless.

Based on its political and religious principles, Iran never seeks to build nuclear bombs, he noted.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he described Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz’s message, which was read out during a conference of heads of Persian Gulf littoral states in Abu Dhabi, as important.

In the message, the Saudi king called for holding transparent talks with Tehran over its nuclear program in order to clear up any misunderstandings, Mahallati said.

The king also said that disputes between Iran and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council should be resolved through talks in order to protect the interests of the Islamic Ummah, he added

tehran times : Iran, Saudi Arabia plan to clear up misunderstandings: envoy

This is great news, Maybe this whole sibling rivalry can be put to an end once and for all.

This is good thinking on Iran's part. If we can reduce the divide between our countries then it would be a Bit more difficult for Israel and USA to hit Iran. Esp from their bases in Saudi Arabia.

Btw Mosamania, I once read that Israel was planning an air attack on Iranian nuclear reactors and KSA was ready to grant them permission to fly through their airspace. Was it true?
This is good thinking on Iran's part. If we can reduce the divide between our countries then it would be a Bit more difficult for Israel and USA to hit Iran. Esp from their bases in Saudi Arabia.

Btw Mosamania, I once read that Israel was planning an air attack on Iranian nuclear reactors and KSA was ready to grant them permission to fly through their airspace. Was it true?

No it is not true Debka reported it to further the divide between Saudi Arabia and Iran and unfortunately almost ALL Iranians swallowed the bait.
And again there are no American bases in Saudi Arabia capable of lunching even an Air strike only one remains and they will get out from it very very soon. It is Eskan village they control the air and missile defense but we threaten America to go for the S-400 if they did not offer to teach Saudi nationals how to do it and get their base out it scared them and they agreed to do it.
No it is not true Debka reported it to further the divide between Saudi Arabia and Iran and unfortunately almost ALL Iranians swallowed the bait.
And again there are no American bases in Saudi Arabia capable of lunching even an Air strike only one remains and they will get out from it very very soon. It is Eskan village they control the air and missile defense but we threaten America to go for the S-400 if they did not offer to teach Saudi nationals how to do it and get their base out it scared them and they agreed to do it.

That is good news indeed as long as you get the 'know-how' of advanced technology. But for some reason I find it hard to believe America would quite KSA that easily. The Japanese are still lodging 'protests' to get the Americans out of their territory.

Good to know the reports were false. But does KSA have the power to refuse such 'request' if it were ever asked?
That is good news indeed as long as you get the 'know-how' of advanced technology. But for some reason I find it hard to believe America would quite KSA that easily. The Japanese are still lodging 'protests' to get the Americans out of their territory.

Good to know the reports were false. But does KSA have the power to refuse such 'request' if it were ever asked?

It refused the US to use its land for the invasion of Iraq what makes you think we wont refuse it that time?
Saudis 'refuse to let America use bases for attacks on Iraq' - Telegraph
some resource says that zardari plays an important role
i heard this news at dunya tv
what misunderstandings? Iran is making it seem like they like saudi arabia whilst the saudi hates them. but the truth is the iranina regime dislike saudi arabia like hell. this is simply a move by them to make the saudi seem like trouble causer and iran peacelover.
 îòëè÷èå îò Õðóñòàëüíîãî ÷åðåïà, ýòà èãðà ñâåòëàÿ è ÿðêàÿ, â íåé ìû äàæå èãðàåì çà Äæåññ. Âìåñòå ñî çíàêîìûìè è ëþáèìûìè ïåðñîíàæàìè ïîïóëÿðíîãî ñåðèàëà âàì ïðåäñòîèò ðàñïóòàòü ñëîæíûå ñëó÷àè èç ìåäèöèíñêîé ïðàêòèêè. Ïîäåëèñü ñâîèìè âïå÷àòëåíèÿìè î Lost Planet è óçíàé î ñêðûòûõ âîçìîæíîñòÿõ, àëüòåðíàòèâíûõ ñöåíàðèÿõ, òàéíèêàõ, è ñïîñîáàõ ïðîõîæäåíèÿ â èãðå Lost Planet. Òåïåðü è ó ïðîñòûõ ñìåðòíûõ ïîÿâèëàñü âîçìîæíîñòü óâèäåòü òî, ÷òî City Interactive äåìîíñòðèðîâàëà íà E3 2011.
what misunderstandings? Iran is making it seem like they like saudi arabia whilst the saudi hates them. but the truth is the iranina regime dislike saudi arabia like hell. this is simply a move by them to make the saudi seem like trouble causer and iran peacelover.

We know the Iranian regime and how hated Saudi Arabia but none the less if an opportunity presents itself for peace and understanding we should take it.
Thats is one of best things a have seen from muslim world for long long time ago.... Alle muslims countries must sort out what difference they have and live togheter. Americans and west will always try to divide them since its not in there intersset.

Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arab ++++ Malayisa, Indonasia. All should work toghter to make muslim world better in every feild.
Pakistan will play a very big role in normalizing the Iran-SA relations.. Rumor is that the work is already being done behind the doors..
Pakistan will play a very big role in normalizing the Iran-SA relations.. Rumor is that the work is already being done behind the doors..

Another reason why Pakistan is so great. Holding the Muslim ummah together, this is truly something to be proud of.
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