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Iran, Saudi Arabia plan to clear up misunderstandings

Good news for Saudi Arabia, its nice to know that all that talk about Muslim brotherhood we hear from the Saudis wasn't just worthless talk. I hope that Saudi understands that if Israel/USA succeeds in destroying Iran that they are next in line.

Post 23
There is a difference between living in honour then living on your knees begging to masters
Arabs betrayed Prophet Mohammad. it seems you dont have any honour left in you. But the Persians are there and will make Muslims and Islam proud

Post 10
what misunderstandings? Iran is making it seem like they like saudi arabia whilst the saudi hates them. but the truth is the iranina regime dislike saudi arabia like hell. this is simply a move by them to make the saudi seem like trouble causer and iran peacelover.


Either u forget what u write in ur earlier posts or u think other ppl will not notice. In a post earlier u claimed that iranian regime dont hate saudies ( or making it sounds like ) in this post u claim that arab betrayed Porpphet Mohammad Peace be upon him ( this is ur believe ) and since u love the Porphet u have the right to hate them not only the iranian regime it is also the public sentiments and it is true since we know from where it is coming from.

Arabs r the one who spread islam all over the world and lost their lives, Allah chosen the arabs to spred its final shariah and they didit honestly.

And u ask the saudies to develop with u something well it is easier to do it with pakistan.

First get rid the hate and misconceptions that u have then talk about sitting together and do some developments how can somebody will sit with u while he knows u think of him or his forefathers r traitors?

Thanks for the link Mosamania. While I have heard/read stuff about how the Saudis will be more than thankful to see/help Iran invaded by the US/Israel, I do believe that is not a feeling shared by the general Arabs. I know how fragmented we muslims are and it might be possible that KSA might look at Iran's nuclear ambitions with a bit of mistrust. But will it stoop so low as to let a western power walk/fly over its territory to attack Iran? I believe even if the spineless Arab leadership contemplates giving in to American pressure it won't reflect the opinion of the general public.

I think Saudi Arabia is slowly realising that blindly supporting the west won't get it too many cakes. Everyone can see Iran is rising and it would be far better for us both to work together than to plot each other's demise. If we can dispel even Some of their mistrust about our nuclear aims than I believe we will have the platform for a mutually beneficial relationship. A win-win situation.
Thanks for the link Mosamania. While I have heard/read stuff about how the Saudis will be more than thankful to see/help Iran invaded by the US/Israel, I do believe that is not a feeling shared by the general Arabs. I know how fragmented we muslims are and it might be possible that KSA might look at Iran's nuclear ambitions with a bit of mistrust. But will it stoop so low as to let a western power walk/fly over its territory to attack Iran? I believe even if the spineless Arab leadership contemplates giving in to American pressure it won't reflect the opinion of the general public.

I think Saudi Arabia is slowly realising that blindly supporting the west won't get it too many cakes. Everyone can see Iran is rising and it would be far better for us both to work together than to plot each other's demise. If we can dispel even Some of their mistrust about our nuclear aims than I believe we will have the platform for a mutually beneficial relationship. A win-win situation.

Our main problem with Iran is two:
1- It is trying to spread its revolution which excites unrest in neighboring countries something we do not take lightly.
2- If Iran was attacked by Israel or the US (KSA would never attack Iran first) it will start a missile shower on neighboring GCC countries first, And as long as these plans are in Iran's shelves we will look at Iran with a weary eye. If however as it says here the misunderstandings about these two are resolved I highly doubt the GCC bloc will have anymore problems with Iran or its nuclear ambition.
With the hypocrites incharge of Tehran, there is very little hope. A lot of Persian intelactual cadre has quietly defected to west. Iranian people are large are good and bear no hostility towards SA however the Iranian regime considers SA its arch rival! They are obessed with some kind of safvid doctrine.

There is a difference between living in honour then living on your knees begging to masters
Arabs betrayed Prophet Mohammad. it seems you dont have any honour left in you. But the Persians are there and will make Muslims and Islam proud

Dear it is very well evident by yearly processions of humiliation that who actually betrayed the Prophet and his family. Bibi Zainab cursed the traitors and said May you wail and cry till eternity!

The Ahle Kufa were well known for their treachery and Islam did not spread there for much time after the death of Prophet.
Very good step indeed.
Pakistan, Iran, Saudia and Turkey alliance is need of time, political difference aside all four countries can setup research centers and western standard universities with mutual funding.
lets see whats come our from other side but this cold war harm Muslim unity since 1979 .
Our main problem with Iran is two:
1- It is trying to spread its revolution which excites unrest in neighboring countries something we do not take lightly.
2- If Iran was attacked by Israel or the US (KSA would never attack Iran first) it will start a missile shower on neighboring GCC countries first, And as long as these plans are in Iran's shelves we will look at Iran with a weary eye. If however as it says here the misunderstandings about these two are resolved I highly doubt the GCC bloc will have anymore problems with Iran or its nuclear ambition.

This is absolute rubbish. You are talking nonsense. How on earth will attacking GCC states serve Iran's interests???
If Iran is attacked by Israel, it would seek to get the support of the Arab people, launching a war with GCC states would make no sense. Iran already has close ties with Qatar and Oman.
Assalam alaikum

After syrian demonstrations, Iran and hizb in lebanon r the most hated groups by arab. Arab r watching how the syrians r burning the flags of iran and hizb and chanting against them. No one have any sympathy for iran and hizb also being exposed.

You do realize this is a very smart play by Saudi politicians to further pressure the US not to veto the Palastenian government in September. When Saudis say they are willing to be friends with Iran Israel and the US are going to jump.

Anyways knowing my country the whole Saudi-Iran thing was a ploy by us to get the West to sell us the newest hardware they have and not only that it came with a huuuuuge amount of ToT and Saudi defense industries investments.

In another thread about the IRAN , SAUDI relations I had the very same analysis & views about the persumed friction in their relations & the likelyhood of
it boiling over, some members had taken my analysis as me sucking up to IRAN & some thought of me as naiive. IRAN for SAUDI ARABIA isn't just a regional rival, it's also a great source of leverage for SAUDI in washington, london, paris & vice versa.
You do realize this is a very smart play by Saudi politicians to further pressure the US not to veto the Palastenian government in September. When Saudis say they are willing to be friends with Iran Israel and the US are going to jump.

Anyways knowing my country the whole Saudi-Iran thing was a ploy by us to get the West to sell us the newest hardware they have and not only that it came with a huuuuuge amount of ToT and Saudi defense industries investments.

In another thread about the IRAN , SAUDI relations I had the very same analysis & views about the persumed friction in their relations & the likelyhood of
it boiling over, some members had taken my analysis as me sucking up to IRAN & some thought of me as naiive. IRAN for SAUDI ARABIA isn't just a regional rival, it's also a great source of leverage for SAUDI in washington, london, paris & vice versa.

We would NEVER attack Iran. And I am 90% sure Iran would NEVER attack us. But because of the whole Iran thing we are now more capable to produce our own very advanced weapons than ever before. And it is all thanks to this rivalry. We played the Iran card on the EF-2000 and got our own assembly line along with ToT for the best aircraft flying after the raptor. We played the Iran card for the Saudi-Ukrainian MTCR category 1 deal and many more. Stuff the west would NEVER EVER EVER agree on giving us without this whole sherade. Anyhow this is just my opinion.
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