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Even today Russia is seen by many people as their enemy. Look at those videos I posted.

WoW, What a peice of BS. You do realize that some of Iranians here actually live in this country right? The first clip contains two sound tracks combined and mixed together, the real ones screaming "death to traitors" and "death to Israel" but in some parts you can hear "death to russia", even in 0:37 you hear someone saying "Janam fadaye Iran" :what:, However the editor has forgotten that the Quds day is in fact an Anti-Zionist International day not Anti-Russia LOL.

The rest has been taken from 2009 protests which in fact is an anti-government/Ahmadinejad protest (green wave/party), you hear Freedom, Freedom "Iranian Republic" chants (Azadi , Azadi, jomhoorie Irani), they were chanting anti-Russian slogans because Russia congratulated Ahmadinejad when he won the presidency.
WoW, What a peice of BS. You do realize that some of Iranians here actually live in this country right? The first clip contains two sound tracks combined and mixed together, the real ones screaming "death to traitors" and "death to Israel" but in some parts you can hear "death to russia", even in 0:37 you hear someone saying "Janam fadaye Iran" :what:, However the editor has forgotten that the Quds day is an Anti-Zionist International day not Anti-Russia LOL.

The rest has been taken from 2009 protests which in fact is an anti-government/Ahmadinejad protest (green wave/party), you hear Freedom, Freedom "Iranian Republic" chants (Azadi , Azadi, jomhoorie Irani), they were chanting anti-Russian slogans because Russia congratulated Ahmadinejad when he won the presidency.

Never trust those that use vids and pics to make a point in this day and age of photo shop
Yes, but I don't see a muslim-state rising now. Only China, India and Brazil are becoming more stronger. If you want to be independent, you should be helping each other in stead of fighting each other. Look at the islamic word: no true unity.

it is just a NONSENSE , iran is nothing because she is islamic !!! :disagree:

WoW, What a peice of BS. You do realize that some of Iranians here actually live in this country right? The first clip contains two sound tracks combined and mixed together, the real ones screaming "death to traitors" and "death to Israel" but in some parts you can hear "death to russia", even in 0:37 you hear someone saying "Janam fadaye Iran" :what:, However the editor has forgotten that the Quds day is in fact an Anti-Zionist International day not Anti-Russia LOL.

The rest has been taken from 2009 protests which in fact is an anti-government/Ahmadinejad protest (green wave/party), you hear Freedom, Freedom "Iranian Republic" chants (Azadi , Azadi, jomhoorie Irani), they were chanting anti-Russian slogans because Russia congratulated Ahmadinejad when he won the presidency.

he is a GreenIdiot ;) ignore
Even today Russia is seen by many people as their enemy. Look at those videos I posted.

تمام حرفات مغلطه و بی اساسه

تو حتی نمی دونی دقیقا توی ایران چی می گذره

توی چشم شما چند تا اوباش می شن میلیون ها نفر ولی میلیون ها نفر میشن عده ای محدود

خدا رو شکر سیستم امنیتی ایران اونقدر قوی هست که ایران از شر افرادی مثل شما آسیب نبینه

همین ایرانی که می گی بدون روسیه و چین هیچه کلی تجهیزات راداری و ضد جاسوسی به این دوتا کشور صادر می کنه

من نمی گم توی ایران مشکل نداریم


اما اون چیزی که توی بی بی سی و وی او ای و رادیو زمانه هلند می گن همش مغلطست

آمریکا کی شد دوست ایران

وقتی ایرباس ایرانی رو با سیصد نفر به آتیش کشید

بعد اومدن گفتن فکر کردیم اف - چهارده بود

آخه آمریکایی که ادعا می کنه پیشرفته ترین کشور دنیاست

فرق این دو تا هواپیما رو متوجه نمی شه

سطح مقطع راداری ایرباس بیست برابر اف - چهاردهه


وقتی به صدام بمب و موشک می داد

بله من قبول دارم شوروی هم به صدام کمک می کرد

پدر بزرگ من هم زیر شنی یه تی هفتادو دو شهید شد

روس بود ولی حقیقت دنیا رو فهمیده بود

قدرت اسلام یعنی این
LOL, this summed you up.:tdown:

Almost all Iranians in the forum support Russia.

These Iranians doesn't represent the average Iranian. I'm greatly welcome you to visit Iran and see how the average Iranians thinks about all this subjects. Just read all the trip reports from tourist who visited Iran.
These Iranians doesn't represent the average Iranian. I'm greatly welcome you to visit Iran and see how the average Iranians thinks about all this subjects. Just read all the trip reports from tourist who visited Iran.

Look, as I see it, Iranians will have more hatred for British rather than Russian empire. It is the British who played the most part, not Russia.

At present, the regional dynamics have changed a lot. If there are any people who hate Russia, maybe they are still living 100 years ago?
Look, as I see it, Iranians will have more hatred for British rather than Russian empire. It is the British who played the most part, not Russia.

At present, the regional dynamics have changed a lot. If there are any people who hate Russia, maybe they are still living 100 years ago?

No, Iranians don't like Russians. Simple as that. We have no cultural similarities with them, they are a unfriendly not-warm people, they always intervened in Iran's intern politics and stole a huge part of Iran's territory .
No, Iranians don't like Russians. Simple as that. We have no cultural similarities with them, they are a unfriendly not-warm people, they always intervened in Iran's intern politics and stole a huge part of Iran's territory .

Unfriendly, not warm? Russia has huge investments in Iran already. Russia played a pivotal role in Iran's nuclear program. Russia did so many things for Iran and yet you do not support Russia?

Look, this is not Communist Stalinist Russia anymore. Its as different as it gets.:tup:
Well, let me put it this way:

Iran can't survive without Russian support, Russia can survive without Iran's support. We all know how Russia refused to deliver S-300's to Iran. They are unreliable.

Question is not about Russia's survival, it's about Iran's and it is Russia's utmost desire that Iran survives, stays in it's camp and away from selling gas/oil to West. This way, Russia will be able to supply/control the Energy supplies of Europe.

If there is a regime change in Iran in the favour of US/West, then, Iranian oil/gas may turn out to be a competitor to Russian energy supplies. Russians surely don't want that.
I see Russia is more enemy than friend ....

well we are making Jamaran 2 for Caspian sea .... and Azerbaijan is only an excuse .....

Iran is not independent. Almost all of the weapons Iran buy's are Russian origin, Iran's nuclear program is almost entirely build by Russians and Iran's anti-aircraft weapons are all Russian. Without the Russians or Russian technology Iran would be a weak military country.

well , we didn't buy so much weapon ....

and our main anti aircraft systems is Shahin and Mersad and both are Hawk's variants !! and Hawk is American System ...

about nuclear program , Russia only build Busher powerhouse nothing more nothing less ( well in fact they even didn't finish it after decades )


well about USA , we still remember who send his navy to support Saddam and who gave that bastard information and Satellite images ....
USA become just like Russia and Britian for most Iranian .....
Iran's natural enemy isn't America or Israel, but the British and Russians. They always intervened in Iran's intern politics, and the relationship with the US was really good till 1953. They made that big mistake and I surely know they regret it big time. The Iranians love the US and their culture more than any country.

Iran under Shah and Iran under the Ayatullahs are not the same, their priorities have changed and with that their threat perception has also changed. You're stuck in the cold-war era.
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