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Iran-Pakistan Pipeline: News & Discussions

it's just a phase, seeing the greed of our own leaders, Ahmedinijad is an angel. They will get over it.:)
I am grown up listening from my teachers that iranian leadership is the best example for Pakistan to follow.

I have even seen some wahabis supporting Iran in Pakistan.

There is no example for Pakistan....we have our own set of mess...any example of leader cannot solve it...only we can with our own mix of leaders...
It will be equally amazing, if Iran decide to have gas supply included in barter trade!

No doubt.... But actually iran has imposed much higher trade duty on imports from Pak. About 120% on some products.
From what I have seen on the internet, many Pakistanis are quite positive about Ahmadinejad. Is that true? For example this vid made by a Pakistani, and the Pakistani reactions beneath it:

Not that true... We want good relations thats enough.
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There is no example for Pakistan....we have our own set of mess...any example of leader cannot solve it...only we can with our own mix of leaders...

Actually they mean to say.

Stand up on your own feet no matter how big enemy is. Example of Iran was given by them because of the way they deal with their enemies.
Batman can you sleep at night without dreaming about India we give absolutely positively No Aid to India neither they have ever asked.

You should be least bothered and get back to personal issues, shows who is loosing sleeps!

You are misleading, on the transit issue... every one in Pakistan is aware of the transit aid of Pakistan being extended to India.
FYI, At the moment India is begging to increase the aid.

Any how, in current scenario transparency is missing on every issue. Parliament constitute of foreigners, we cannot expect interest of Pakistan in any business.

Really you have please share with us all we have herd the people you want don't even issues visa to Pakistanis never mind invest in it.

I fail to understand!

country is always considerd a female not a male
India is female and Pakistan is male! live wit it.

and for your information Tenders were put out and House of saud didn't put the bid or offered interest free loans neither did Rest of the GCC nations or ummah nations of yours so iranians had to put up the capital.

Tender for loan? I never heard of it before.

Considering Gas will be used by consumers and Industry it will greatly benefit pakistan and natural gas is high in demand so i doubt Iranians would have problem selling it to some one else.
I welcome the Iranian gas.. no dispute here.
Let hope zardari does not put a straw in the pipeline and slurp up the oil to fulfill his thirst.
Iran/saudi are the last countries in the world you guys wanna follow.

This whole ummah obsession will destroy Pakistan in the end. Iran is crippled by sanctions and mullahs and saudi is a 6th century bedouin village with electricity and cars. Neither are good examples for any country in the world.
No doubt.... But actually Iran has imposed much higher trade duty on imports from Pak. About 120% on some products.

Every nation in the world does that to protect their own national industry pakistan charges 200% plus duties on imported cars.Iran is also offering to sell Pakistan 1000 MW of power plus India is offering 500 MW shocker to most.

I see no reason to turn either of theses offers down as it will again benefit the Pakistan economy as of know our government is subsidizing power produced in pakistan by billions by importing power from India and Iran we can reduce the subsidizes plus by supplying reliable power to industry. Jobs secured plus taxation increased plus no loss of productivity how is that bad for pakistan.
Iran/saudi are the last countries in the world you guys wanna follow.

This whole ummah obsession will destroy Pakistan in the end. Iran is crippled by sanctions and mullahs and saudi is a 6th century bedouin village with electricity and cars. Neither are good examples for any country in the world.

Abii we are not asking to follow Iran we are looking for a leader like Iranians have who actually stands up for her at all cost.
and didn't stop the progress of his Nation just to please the west so he can make his or her bank account bigger in western banks no matter what the cost to pakistan.

Most economic problems faced in pakistan are of that reason as our beloved leaders destroyed industry in pakistan to make the west happy by giving western products importance over Pakistani produced goods.

Our goods to west are exported on quota system while no such thing is implied from pakistan Government when we are importing making it less attractive for industry to relocate or at least put up a mfg facility with in pakistan you cant do that in India period or in any other nation that i know off.
As a matter of fact it was decided between India and Iran, with guarentees that if India joins this project, and during hostilities if Pakistan stops the supply of gas to India, then Iran would shut off the gas in the pipeline altogether.

That the deal didnt fructify is because of Indian concerns of :
1. Security of pipeline passing through Balochistan
2. Pricing of gas - Iran was charging way high and surprisingly Pakistan is cool with this.
3. Quid Pro Quo in exchange for nuclear deal with US

From what I have seen on the internet, many Pakistanis are quite positive about Ahmadinejad. Is that true? For example this vid made by a Pakistani, and the Pakistani reactions beneath it:
Pakistani's like any hardcore Islamist. As long as you keep shouting Islam and keep talking trash about every non Islamic country Pakistani's will hail him.
Pakistani's like any hardcore Islamist. As long as you keep shouting Islam and keep talking trash about every non Islamic country Pakistani's will hail him.

I don't think it's because of that. And Ahmadinejad is not a hardcore Islamist, but a nationalistic muslim.
BATMAN;3620912]You should be least bothered and get back to personal issues, shows who is loosing sleeps!

That was in no way a personal attack.

You are misleading, on the transit issue... every one in Pakistan is aware of the transit aid of Pakistan being extended to India.
FYI, At the moment India is begging to increase the aid.

Any how, in current scenario transparency is missing on every issue. Parliament constitute of foreigners, we cannot expect interest of Pakistan in any business.

Batman if u wanna prove me wrong please feel free but please your personal opinion is just that and not a reality on top you are not willing to listen.

Business has no nationality even in pakistan or around the world it has only one interest and thats to make a profit Government of Pakistan job is to make it attractive enough for people to come to pakistan and invest with her policies.

I fail to understand!

You were implying thats Iranians have said in past that they will invest only to pull out i asked for a example how could you fail to understand.

India is female and Pakistan is male! live wit it.

Grow up

Tender for loan? I never heard of it before.

Tender was put out for the construction and financing of this project (making it as simple as i can)
As a matter of fact it was decided between India and Iran, with guarentees that if India joins this project, and during hostilities if Pakistan stops the supply of gas to India, then Iran would shut off the gas in the pipeline altogether.

That the deal didnt fructify is because of Indian concerns of :
1. Security of pipeline passing through Balochistan
2. Pricing of gas - Iran was charging way high and surprisingly Pakistan is cool with this.
3. Quid Pro Quo in exchange for nuclear deal with US

India wanted to renegotiate the price with Iran it already had negotiated to take advantage of the situation Iranians refused plus India was Given civilian nuclear tech so they wanted to keep west happy.

Pakistani's like any hardcore Islamist. As long as you keep shouting Islam and keep talking trash about every non Islamic country Pakistani's will hail him.

wrong only 2% or less of Pakistani nationals support religious parties thats why no religious party has ever made it to power.
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