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Iran Economy - News & Updates

its not that simple you think .

The Islamic Republic has both advantages and disadvantages ,Although the economy is sinking in Iran in these days but you can't forget the other side .

we're discussing about economy that is a failure of IR , so , please don't judge everything by 1 thing.

I'm not talking about economy, but about mentality.
moteassefane ma choobe 2 sar talaiim(shoma ye chiz dge bekhoon). ham az dakhel va ham az kharej, az un taraf ghodrathaye jahanian ke gholdori mikonano zoor migan, be onvane mesal khodeshoon boodge ekhtesas midan baraye sakhte selahhaye nasle jadide atomi, az un var be iran ienhame feshar miaran baraye ghani sazi faghat ke chera 20 darsade o aslan nabayad anjam bedi o kolli feshar o bedoone madrak ke iran mikhad bombe atom besaze , taze iran ozve npt hasto tahte controle, az un taraf baz israel ke na ozve npt hast, bombam dare, hichki hichi behesh nemige, ien mishe 2 rooi o bisharafi gholdori.
az dakhelam hokoomat be khastehaye mardom bi tavajjohe o be khastehashoon ehteram nemizare o be mardom zoor mige, baraye hamin migam ma choobe 2 sar talaiim,

midoonid alan be che vazi oftadim? ienhame feshare eghtesadi ke tahrimaye shoraye amniat baesesh shode dare rooz be rooz eghtesade keshvaro nabood mikone, 2 rah vojood dare, 1- hokoomat be khastehash edame bede o kootah nayad o mardom too felakat ghargh shan vali edame bede ke aakharesh mishe sarneveshte saddam, chon ba ien vaz rooz be rooz zaiiftar mishim o una ham hamino mikhan, vaghti dge kamelan keshvar az ramagh oftad, hamle nezami mikonan o keshvar rasman nabood mishe.

2- hokoomat kootah biad ke chon ien kootah umadan az sare zafe o una midoonand be khatere fesharhaye ziade eghtesadi iran kam avorde o az sare nachari kootah umade, tamame khastehashoono matrah mikonan, yani dge ghani sazi faghat nist, migan barname mooshakito ham bezar kenar o nabood kon, har chi bekhan migan, chon kootah umadan az moze zafe. bayad hamaro bezarim kenar, har sanate pishraftei ke ghodrat avare ro bayad bezare kenar.

joz ien 2 rah chize dge ii nist, albatte ghable ghatnameha bayad residan be ienja ro migereftan, vali un ahmaghaii ke migoftan ienghadr ghatname bedin ta ghatname doonetoon pare she masooleshan, kasi ke yek zare ayande bini dasht mifahmid, aakhare khat ienjast, un moghe mishod ba zado band kardan o mahdood kardan hasteii, hadeaghal mooshakio baghie ro hefz kard.

alan ya bayad keshvar ba jange nezami kamelan viran beshe i harjo marji chand barabare syria gereftare iran beshe o tamame zirsakhthaye ke chandin dahe sakhte shode hame nabood she,

ya bayad gheyde hasteii o mooshako technologihaye ghodrat avaro hemayat az goroohhaye mossalh o ahdafe ideologic motevaghef she ke dar avazesh hadeaghal keshvar hefz beshe.

iena asarate nadashtane diplomacy o kalle dagh boodane masoolan va bardashtane loghme bozorgtar az dahane( bedoone dashtane ghodrate kafi, ba bozorgtarin ghodrate jahan dar oftadan).
iena too ien chandsale akhir kari kardan ke be ghole maroof ye ahmaghi ye sangi mindaze ke 100 ta aghel nemitunan dar biaran. shode hekayate ma. mikhan che juri ien vazo dorost konan.

niaz nabood mesle zamane shah dast neshande beshe, mitunestim eyne rahi ke chine raft, hend raft, ma ham mesle una bashim. mostaghel ,amma aghlani va dar hale pisraft.

chera aaghel konad kari ke baz arad pashimani.
^^^ baradar dastan pichide tar az in harfast ... ye khorde sabr kon , motevajjeh mishi !
Iran's Non-Oil Exports to Exceed $50bln by Yearend

TEHRAN (FNA)- An Iranian economic official expressed pleasure in the eye-catching growth in Iran's non-oil exports, and said that the volume of the country's non-oil exports is slated to surpass $50bln by the end of the current Iranian year (ends March 20).

"A total of 2,000 export agencies do export work in the country and by the yearend the (non-oil) export will exceed $50bln," Head of the Exports Commission of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture Asadollah Asgaroladi said on Sunday.

In similar remarks last month, Iranian Economy Minister Seyed Shamseddin Hosseini also expressed pleasure in the eye-catching growth of Iran's non-oil exports, and mentioned that the country's exports to the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) member states have increased by nearly one third.

"Iran's non-oil exports to ECO member states increased by 17 percent in weight and 32 percent in value in the first eight months of the current Iranian year (March 20-November 20) compared with last year's corresponding period," Hosseini said, addressing a meeting in Tehran.

He noted that ECO is a large regional organization which accounts for 5 percent of the world's area and 6 percent of the global population.

"We have exported more than 7.68mln tons of non-oil goods worth $2bln to ECO countries," Hosseini said.

In December, Head of Iran's Customs Office Abbas Me'marnejad said that the value of Iran's non-oil trade with the outside world exceeded $71bln during the first nine months of the current Iranian year (March 20 - December 20).

Speaking to FNA, Me'marnejad said Iran exported about $31 billion worth of non-oil goods and imported approximately $40.2 billion worth of non-oil products in the said period.

Iron and steel ingots, wheat, corn fodder, and soybean meal were the main commodities imported, while liquefied propane, urea, and cement were the main goods exported, the official said.

Me'marnejad also said that Iraq, China, the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, and India were the main importers of Iranian non-oil goods.

Senior Iranian officials underlined Tehran's intention to further reduce its dependence on oil revenues, and said the country is exporting its non-oil products to over 151 world states now.

Fars News Agency :: Official: Iran's Non-Oil Exports to Exceed $50bln by Yearend
China Said to Approve Joining Iran High-Speed Rail Project

China’s State Copuncil approved plans to take part in the building of a high-speed railway line in Iran, two people familiar with the matter said.
The project will cost at least $1 billion and the companies participating haven’t yet been set, said the two people, who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly about the matter.
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China’s decision comes as the U.S., the European Union and their allies have tightened sanctions on Iran for a nuclear program they argue is meant to develop atomic bombs. Iran maintains its program is peaceful.
China and Iran have maintained “normal business cooperation,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a briefing in Beijing today. China is the biggest buyer of Iranian crude oil.

China Said to Approve Joining Iran High-Speed Rail Project - Bloomberg
China Said to Approve Joining Iran High-Speed Rail Project

China’s State Copuncil approved plans to take part in the building of a high-speed railway line in Iran, two people familiar with the matter said.
The project will cost at least $1 billion and the companies participating haven’t yet been set, said the two people, who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly about the matter.
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China’s decision comes as the U.S., the European Union and their allies have tightened sanctions on Iran for a nuclear program they argue is meant to develop atomic bombs. Iran maintains its program is peaceful.
China and Iran have maintained “normal business cooperation,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a briefing in Beijing today. China is the biggest buyer of Iranian crude oil.

China Said to Approve Joining Iran High-Speed Rail Project - Bloomberg

It depends how much the project is big, because in some medium projects they did good, but about big projects like the Tehran-Shomal highway... it will just Remain a dream.
A downward trend under Mousavi? Hmmph...then again it does say 'wartime'.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has launched the biggest formalin production plant in the Middle East with the annual production capacity of up to 56,000 tons.

Gameron Petro Industry Complex was inaugurated in a ceremony attended by Iran’s First Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas in Hormozgan Province on Monday.

The plant, which has been set up by the private sector, is set to annually produce 30,000 tons of formalin in the initial stage, which can be increased to 56,000 tons per year.

In addition to producing formalin, which is used in chemical, sanitary, medical and animal husbandry industries, the plant will annually produce 5,000 tons of hexamine, which is used in a range of industries including plastic and textile, pharmaceuticals and defense.​

The industrial unit will create job opportunities for 200 people.

Iran has significantly expanded the range and volume of its petrochemical products over the past few years, and the National Iranian Petrochemical Company (NIPC) has become the second largest producer and exporter of petrochemicals in the Middle East after Saudi Arabia.

The Islamic Republic exported a total of 18.2 million tons of petrochemical and polymer products, worth about USD 14.2 billion, to more than 60 countries in the previous Iranian calendar year (ended March 19, 2012).

Iran's petrochemical products mostly include ethylene, methanol, urea, polyethylene and polyolefin, according to the NIPC.

PressTV - Iran launches biggest formalin production plant in Middle East
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is slated to inaugurate the Middle East's biggest suspension bridge in Meshkin-Shahr in Northwestern Ardebil province in coming months, an Iranian lawmaker said.


"President (Ahmadinejad) is slated to inaugurate the first national tourism festival in May and he will also inaugurate several development projects, including Khiavchaei suspension bridge, in there" Meshkin-Shahr MP Younes Assadi said on Tuesday.

He noted that Khiavchaei suspension bridge will be the biggest in the Middle East.

Earlier this month, Iranian First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi inaugurated the Middle East's biggest formalin production plant in the Southern Hormuzgan province.

Gameroun Petro-Industry Complex, a Mehr Mandegar (Lasting Kindness) project, was opened during Rahimi's two-day visit to Hormuzgan near the Southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas today.

Fars News Agency :: Middle East's Biggest Suspension Bridge to Open in Northwestern Iran
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran will start oil production in the South Pars field in the first half of the next Iranian year (starts March 21), an Iranian energy official announced on Tuesday.

The accomplishment of the construction of "the oil platform and the start of drilling will take place in the first three months of the next (Iranian) year and if FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) vessels are supplied (in time), oil production from the South Pars will start in the first half of the next year," member of the Petro-Iran Company's board of directors Nasrollah Zarei said.

"94% of the oil platform has been built and once drilling is finished and the drilling rig is separated from the jacket, the platform will be transferred to the production site," he said, adding that the company will be ready to transfer the platform to the production site in May.

Last year, Managing Director of the Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) Mousa Souri said the company will start drilling in the oil layer of the South Pars Oil and Gas Field soon.

Souri said that the company has gained permissions to buy or lease a floating storage vessel and that his company had started negotiations to this end.

According to Souri, the POGC dispatched the first drilling rig to the shared part of the layer in May and a second one in June, 2012.

Souri noted that drilling of 7,000 meters in layer A2 completed in May and drilling another 7 thousand meters started in June.

"If floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit starts operations on schedule, oil production from the layer will come on line at the end of the current (Iranian) year (ending on March 20, 2013) or early next (Iranian) year," he said.

"Development of the layer needs $800mln of investment," Souri said.

Souri concluded that initial production from the South Pars oil layer is estimated at 35,000 barrels per day.

The South Pars Oil and Gas field is located in the Persian Gulf, North of Iran's maritime border with Qatar. The South Pars gas field covers an area of 9,700 square kilometers, 3,700 square kilometers of which are in Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf. The remaining 6,000 square kilometers, i.e. the North Dome, are in Qatar's territorial waters.

The South Pars gas field holds 8 percent of total gas reserves of the world and half of the country's proven gas reserves as well as is the host of the most important industrial complexes of the country and the most important part of oil industry's value chain.

Fars News Agency :: Official: Iran Plans to Start Oil Production in South Pars Field Soon
Thank God, everyday we have a news about glories that Iranian government are doing, They are selling Iranian good Soil to Arab states like UAE and Qatar such as Non-oil exports. and these states are building new artificial islands in Persian gulf that is damaging environment and have decided to produce their food and Agricultural products in their country instead of importing. we are one of the most rich countries in the world and this is our situation.
an incompetent regime..
Thank God, everyday we have a news about glories that Iranian government are doing, They are selling Iranian good Soil to Arab states like UAE and Qatar such as Non-oil exports. and these states are building new artificial islands in Persian gulf that is damaging environment and have decided to produce their food and Agricultural products in their country instead of importing. we are one of the most rich countries in the world and this is our situation.
an incompetent regime..
I don't know what is wrong with it?
Selling soil? Soil for dollar is a bad deal? People are usually worried about running out of oil rather than soil. Every time you go to the bathroom, you are contributing to your country's soil. Making islands does not change the maritime boundaries. Since the arab food is not imported from Iran, arab agriculture will not hurt Iran.
I don't know what is wrong with it?
Selling soil? Soil for dollar is a bad deal? People are usually worried about running out of oil rather than soil. Every time you go to the bathroom, you are contributing to your country's soil. Making islands does not change the maritime boundaries. Since the arab food is not imported from Iran, arab agriculture will not hurt Iran.

yes it is a bad deal, because it's not simple soil, it's Soil Bentonite that is very important. second, the country who is using it is UAE that is our enemy.
those islands are damaging the environment of persian gulf.
beside that we need our good soil for our need.
about food, no one said their plan is hurting us! it just shows how much the regime is incompetent , because a country that just has desert and covered with Unsuitable for agriculture soil, is buying soil for producing all her need in home, and a country with good soil dont care to what her potentials.
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