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Iran defeats US, Turkey in 2014 Freestyle Wrestling World Cup

Nope, we don't give a damn. Since the mickey mouse cup for clubs has this strange timeline that has 180 degree phase shift to our league, and European leagues, which makes our team to compete in their rest time in the middle of season, ... Besides, bunch of ultra retarded countries who can't even play football like a team in 3rd leagues of Europe, are competing. We are not insane, so we don't give a flying f*** about the mickey mouse cups.

Vastly inferior? get lost ... our team has not ever defeated by a result like 8-0 in its life time.

WTH are you talking about? Are you blind? I mentioned the link that the whole arab countries won 1 gold medal, and we won 4 gold medals, and your football record is almost the same as Iran, not better, except for your epic defeats against Germans, ...

Your BS crap has no ceiling and increases more and more.

I don't give a damn about your talks with some Iranians, I am not a judge here, and I don't wanna be one. BTW, mentioning Africans, ... was an idiotic trolling.
Now, go and have a little bit water, and chill out.

Now that is not correct. KSA, Iran, South Korea and Japan, Australia (the five main football powers in Asia) all take the biggest trophy any Asian national team can win seriously. Since we cannot win any other trophy unless you think that we can win the World Cup!

Look at the results (trophies won, final appearances) and World Cup history. One result against that years finalist (Germany) is not saying much. We as the only ME country together with Turkey (Which plays in Europe and is on the crossroad between Europe and ME) have advanced from the group stages in a World Cup and we have won more than just 1 game.

Yes, in 2012. I am talking history here. 3 Arab countries (Egypt, Morocco, Algeria) have won nearly 20 Olympic gold medals while Iran has won 15 in its history. 90% of the gold medals if not all won in 2 disciplines that no Arab country takes seriously or have any tradition in. Small sports as well.

This just shows who is more obsessed. I am just returning the favor especially when it was an Iranian in this thread that again started mentioning Arabs when nobody spoke anything about Iran.
At least better when it comes to football which is all that matters.

Oh really bub?
Who is currently in the World Cup in Brazil? And what is going to be the biggest World Cup in history, Im positive.
Is it Iran or saudi arabia?
saudi arabia didnt even make the final round of qualification. I think your only victory was against Thailand (at home) or something? :lol:

And at ACL Iranian clubs have at this point registrered 3 wins against Saudi clubs, while Saudi club have 1 win against Iran.

But you are better in football? Yeah, maybe in your computer game FIFA fantasy league. lol[/quote]

Total nonsense. Saudi Arabia have a better AFC record and much, much better World Cup record as already established and which can be seen by all.
More victories and we actually managed to advance from the group stages which Iran has never done.

A world cup is a world cup. The trophy is the same. Does not matter where it is. Wining in Brazil this year is not going to count more than winning it in Russia in 2018.

Likewise Saudi Arabian football clubs have won the AFC 4 times in their history while Iranian football clubs have won it 3 times.

Yes, you are leading with 1 victory but all of the games were played in Iran. Wait until the return legs besides single games do not matter but trophies at the end of the day.

What does it matter that 1 Iranian team defeated a 7th placed KSA team (in the KSA league) 1-0 at home when no Iranian team will win the AFC or advance to the final?

Liverpool just defeated Man Utd yesterday 0-3 at Old Trafford but this does not change the fact that Liverpool has not won the league title in 24 years and in that same time period Man Utd won the league title 13 times.
Man hoseleh ye in dalghak ra nadaaram. fekr konam ke be andaaze ye kaafi be heykalesh ride shod. Man dige miram ke bekhaabam, age zer zer kard, shoma javaabesh ra bede ;)

Akhe in tazi hich vaght vel nemikone. Agar javabesh bedam, bas dobareh miad chert o pert mige. lol

Shabet bekheir. :D
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And also congrats to all Iranian around the world ...
Hey AtaTwat, you're sounding a fraction racist there bro.

How many blacks do you have in Turkey? I don't mean tanned Turks, I mean proper blacks.
It is not racist to say Blacks are good at sport?

in every race you will find some smart people and strong people some people claim that africans are not smart while Egypt part of africa was the first civlization on earth the world learned from Egypt
I meant African Black obviously
lol what an idiot this jealous baboon is


do you have the link to that thread were Hashimi was voted as troll of the year on SCC? Time to refresh his memory. I quickly searched the Iraqi sub forum but got nothing.

It is not racist to say Blacks are good at sport?

I meant African Black obviously
That's not what you said. According to you their "hook nose" allows more air to come into their lunges!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got anything to back that up with or did you came up with that on the whim?

What you talking about? First of all Romans never reached that far into the ME. Greek? What you talking about? They never controlled any ME land. Ayyubid were Arab rulers and they ruled half of KSA. Sassanids never controlled any Arab land outside of Iraq for longer than a few years. It was nominal control as well. Parthia was a Greek subject and controlled more or less what is now Iran. Achaemenid is the only real Iranian empire and lasted for 200 years. It only got created due to the internal infighting among various Semitic kingdoms and ancient empires.

It's lingua franca was Aramaic and its whole system was a copy of the previous Semitic Babylonian Empires and likewise it symbols that it copied, form of government and even the capital became Babylon the most famous ancient city.

Anyway all this has no relevance to the fact that Arabs from what is now Hijaz created 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history.

Nothing to do with weak but just exposure. As I said and which is widely well-known then Black people are the most athletic, tallest, strongest and the best endurance sportsmen yet they are nowhere to be seen in regards to most sports.

There are no traditions of Eastern martial arts in the Arab world.

The Umayyad Empire was far bigger and is the 5th largest empire in human history and was the largest empire in human history for 1000 years until the Spanish Colonial Empire began 500 years ago.
5% of Indians are real Indo-Iranians. Rest are just indigenous people that now speak an Indo-European language just like most of Africa and South America do and Iran where by far the majority of the local population are indigenous which genetic tests confirm.

It has lost prominence and I am talking about the situation 1500 years ago.

The numbers are clear for all.

I'm talking about this: the arabian desert is the 4th biggest desert in the world. Saudi Arabia occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula and is the largest country in area in the Middle East—but 95 percent of the land is desert.
Saudi Arabia Facts, Saudi Arabia Flag -- National Geographic

You expect great kings to waste their times in conquering deserts, hunting sands, burning their skin, let their soldiers die of thirst for nothing? So as you can see different empires in middle east avoided arab peninsula, only some coastal places were occupied by empires.

The acheamenid, macedonian (greek) empire, seleucid and even parthian empire largely avoided this desert. And what are you talking about, parthian empire lasted 525 years during which only max. 25 years they were greek subject. Before their empire they were about 70 years subject to greeks.

Different Iranian empires: Median empire, Acheamenid (fist persian empire), parthian empire, Sassanid (second persian empire), possibly kushan and Hephthalite empire, ghurids, safavids. Biggest empire says nothing, it's about managing the amount of population in that empire. It has to do with quality. About Akkadians, they were influenced by summerians (symbols, form of government etc).

There is also no tradition of eastern martial arts in Iran, we learned it and became one of the best in these sports. Well whole north to central India actually has links with Iran since our Indo-Iranian ancestors went to different directions and mixed with locals (elamites, kassites etc)
I'm talking about this: the arabian desert is the 4th biggest desert in the world. Saudi Arabia occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula and is the largest country in area in the Middle East—but 95 percent of the land is desert.
Saudi Arabia Facts, Saudi Arabia Flag -- National Geographic

You expect great kings to waste their times in conquering deserts, hunting sands, burning their skin, let their soldiers die of thirst for nothing? So as you can see different empires in middle east avoided arab peninsula, only some coastal places were occupied by empires.
True, Ottomans only cared about coasts. The hinterland deserts nobody cared about. Probably Al-hasani is from those parts.
Anyway I can quickly see on that link that tiny Qatar has 4 gold medals while Iran has 18. That tiny Qatar has a population 80 times smaller than Iran. So in terms of gold medals in weighlifting per capita they are much better than Iran and by your compatriots logic must be vastly stronger than Iranians.:rofl:

Bulgarians must be titans. :rofl:
Please...Qatar? they have only 4 bronze medals, one of the medals is by the way false
Said Saif Asaad, born Angel Popov on May 31, 1979 in Bulgaria, is a Qatari weightlifter :lol:
Wow, thanks Lord, there is no competition on the World dumbest, or else this @al-Hasani would have a collection of gold medals to talk about.
Oh @al-Hasani, don't take me wrong you little pretty, handsome in that avatar pic from the beautiful shores of the unconquered dreamland of Saudi Arabia with very tall people of Semitic origin. You probably must be tired of your hard lessons of Chemical engineering in a good European university.
Now go get some sleep.
It is not racist to say Blacks are good at sport?

I believe you said....

Blacks are better in sport because of testosterone. On the other hand they are lesser on intellectual fields. Ever seen a black professor or black scientist? Let them be good at sports. Blacks never had empires because they didn't have built up knowledge. They were to busy running away from predAtors.

So you believe that if a black baby and white baby are given the exact same privileges and opportunities in life, in the exact same environment - that the white baby is more likely to succeed in academia because of the difference in skin pigmentation?

You do realise this is a view held by a small group of white supremacists?

This same group would also view you, a Turk, as a lesser being than a white.
Blacks are better in sport because of testosterone. They snub nose which gives them more air intake and they cab grow muscles faster. On the other hand they are lesser on intellectual fields. Ever seen a black professor or black scientist? Let them be good at sports. Blacks never had empires because they didn't have built up knowledge. They were to busy running away from predAtors.

You are a racist. :tdown:
I believe you said....

So you believe that if a black baby and white baby are given the exact same privileges and opportunities in life, in the exact same environment - that the white baby is more likely to succeed in academia because of the difference in skin pigmentation?

You do realise this is a view held by a small group of white supremacists?

This same group would also view you, a Turk, as a lesser being than a white.
Funny coming from you. Juus believe they are chosen people. Turks see everybody the same. We are created equal by god is our philosophy.
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