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Iran defeats US, Turkey in 2014 Freestyle Wrestling World Cup

I am talking about strength and athleticism in general. Here it is indisputable that the African-American community and Blacks overall are dominating. Just look at the biggest icons in sports such as basketball, American football, athletics etc. I know all that already. I have done martial arts since my early teenage years. A bit of wrestling as well.

I already wrote that it's mostly about technique in the first post. Techniques can be learnt by most people. It's all about establishing a base for an sport. American football, wrestling etc. is nonexistent in most of Sub-Saharan Africa but look at how many potential world beaters that are present there.

Likewise in basketball. I know only 2-3 Sudanese basketball players but it is well-known that the tallest ethnic groups live in Southern Sudan etc. Imagine how many of them could be basketball starts had they grown up in safe environments where they could focus on their sport.

I don't think that it is controversial to say that the average Black person is stronger, faster and has a better endurance than everyone else. ON AVERAGE. That's what the results show.
I completly understand what you are saying,what i was trying to tell was in other sports like as you said in basket ball for example a 7.5 ft guy can play along with 5.5ft guy ,the taller guy will have the advantage.now its debatable weather a 7.5 ft african has advantage over 7.5ft chinese guy.

since wresling has restrictions unlike other games i still feel the advantage is not that drastic.

On average an African might be stronger but i dont see that helping in a sport like wresling.
Blacks are better in sport because of testosterone. They snub nose which gives them more air intake and they cab grow muscles faster. On the other hand they are lesser on intellectual fields. Ever seen a black professor or black scientist? Let them be good at sports. Blacks never had empires because they didn't have built up knowledge. They were to busy running away from predAtors.

Hey AtaTwat, you're sounding a fraction racist there bro.

How many blacks do you have in Turkey? I don't mean tanned Turks, I mean proper blacks.
Everybody knows that the strongest and most athletic people on average on this planet are Africans. Especially Sub-Saharan Africans but you don't see them participating in wrestling since that sport is nonexistent in Africa and most of the world. Very few people care about wrestling. Also it's not about size or strength but mostly technique.

Go watch strength athletic competitions if you want to see the strongest people on the planet.

Strength athletics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World's Strongest Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once wrestling was popular across the ME but now it's mostly just a few countries.

Actually there are a lot of afro-americans who are wrestling in USA, by the way they are the strongest africans (well fed, trained, descendants/survivors of slavery).

I can certainly say there is not a single sport heavier and more difficult than wrestling combining so much power and techniques, wrestlers will literally break the bones and necks and skull of any other kind of sportmen in their weight class ( be it karate, athlete, strenght atlete, kickbox etc)

The biggest and strongest nations care about wrestling (Russia, US, Iran, Turkey, India for example). It's like ancient gladiators fighting man against man. The strong people of caucasus like wrestling, even the Japanese and Mongolians have their own form of wrestling. It's an ancient sport. Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, Iranians, Mongolians, Indians, Turks, mongols. Shuai jiao, a wrestling style originating in china, which according to legend, has a reported history of over 4,000 years.

Wrestling represents one of the oldest forms of combat. Literary references to it occur as early as in the Iliad, in which Homer recounts the Trojan War of the 13th or 12th century BC.

Wrestling is a form of combat sport involving grappling type techniques such as clinch fighting, throws and takedowns, joint locks, pins and other grappling holds. A wrestling bout is a physical competition, between two (occasionally more) competitors or sparring partners, who attempt to gain and maintain a superior position. There are a wide range of styles with varying rules with both traditional historic and modern styles. Wrestling techniques have been incorporated into other martial arts as well as military hand-to-hand combat systems.

Only Africa and some arab countries might not care about wrestling, but it's still very popular in rest of Asia, Russia, caucasus, US. Even among some European countries like Bulgaria, Ukraine.
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I am talking about strength and athleticism in general. Here it is indisputable that the African-American community and Blacks overall are dominating. Just look at the biggest icons in sports such as basketball, American football, athletics etc. I know all that already. I have done martial arts since my early teenage years. A bit of wrestling as well.

I already wrote that it's mostly about technique in the first post. Techniques can be learnt by most people. It's all about establishing a base for an sport. American football, wrestling etc. is nonexistent in most of Sub-Saharan Africa but look at how many potential world beaters that are present there.

Likewise in basketball. I know only 2-3 Sudanese basketball players but it is well-known that the tallest ethnic groups live in Southern Sudan etc. Imagine how many of them could be basketball starts had they grown up in safe environments where they could focus on their sport.

I don't think that it is controversial to say that the average Black person is stronger, faster and has a better endurance than everyone else. ON AVERAGE. That's what the results show.

Black people are indeed very strong. Descendents of slaves are even stronger than the average african because they were bred for strength. African Americans are very strong and tall, as are Afro Brazilians for that matter.
What a bunch of nonsense. Wrestling is nowhere near being the sport of strongmen. East Asian, Mongolians and Indians being strong? You joking?

Wrestling has a long history in the Arab world and wrestling probably originated in what is now ME which is the homeland of Arabs and other Semitic people. Wrestling is still not a very popular sport even by ME standards let alone outside of the ME.

A wrestler has no chance against most martial arts fighters. That I can guarantee you.

In fact ancient Egyptian and Babylonian artifacts showcase many of the wrestling moves known today. Among neolithic artifacts as well (10.000 + years) something similar to wrestling was also known.

All this does not change my previous point about Blacks being more stronger, more athletic and having a better endurance ON AVERAGE than your average person from Europe, ME or Asia.
Blacks are better in sport because of testosterone. They snub nose which gives them more air intake and they cab grow muscles faster. On the other hand they are lesser on intellectual fields. Ever seen a black professor or black scientist? Let them be good at sports. Blacks never had empires because they didn't have built up knowledge. They were to busy running away from predAtors.

This is simplistic but I think if black people were smarter, it is totally conceivable that everyone would want to be black. I mean, the combination of strength + high intelligence is ideal.
Black people are indeed very strong. Descendents of slaves are even stronger than the average african because they were bred for strength. African Americans are very strong and tall, as are Afro Brazilians for that matter.

I know. It's pretty well-known. The tallest ethnic groups in the world are found among Black people, the people with the biggest muscle mass are found among Black people, the people with the biggest endurance (best short and long-distance runners etc.) are found among Black people and the most athletic people are also found among Black people.

It's a no contest.

All the rest is just technique, bravery and intelligence.

This is simplistic but I think if black people were smarter, it is totally conceivable that everyone would want to be black. I mean, the combination of strength + high intelligence is ideal.

IQ has nothing to do with ethnic group or race but mostly environment and then genetics. But mostly environment.
I know. It's pretty well-known. The tallest ethnic groups in the world are found among Black people, the people with the biggest muscle mass are found among Black people, the people with the biggest endurance (best short and long-distance runners etc.) are found among Black people and the most athletic people are also found among Black people.

It's a no contest.

All the rest is just technique, bravery and intelligence.

IQ has nothing to do with ethnic group or race but mostly environment and then genetics. But mostly environment.

Right. But they don't have a tradition of scholarly achievement. Most African Americans are not so concerned with education. It's an open question as to how much genetics has to do with it. Our Chinese trolls were argue that all of intelligence boils down to intelligence but there is much evidence to the contrary.
Right. But they don't have a tradition of scholarly achievement. Most African Americans are not so concerned with education. It's an open question as to how much genetics has to do with it. Our Chinese trolls were argue that all of intelligence boils down to intelligence but there is much evidence to the contrary.

If we consider many of the ancient civilizations that originated in Africa, starting with Egypt, Ethiopia etc. then that statement is a wrong statement. After all Africa is the cradle of humanity in the genetic and historical sense of the word. Every one of us can trace our ancestry to Africa. Every single human being.

You are talking about the African-Americans. All of them first regained their freedom 150 years ago. Before that they were slaves. All they were allowed to do was working in the fields day and night long. They had not access to any kind of real knowledge let alone access to education! Back then illiteracy was rampant across the entire world (about 2-5% could read and write if not less) but them being slaves originally and all thus from poor backgrounds gave their descandents a bad start in life. It's all about the social environment you are born into. It's been a bad cycle for most of them up to this very day.

But there is no difference with black babies (adoptive ones) that are adopted and grow up in safe environments in the West etc. Same with the Indian babies that were adopted.

List of African-American inventors and scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it's all mostly about social environment.

If you come from a well-educated and well to do family there is a bigger chance that your off-spring will belong to the same social group. The same is the case if you are a poor uneducated family that live in some ghetto in NYC.

I think that actual science has debunked that theory of some races being more superior than others when it comes to intelligence. There are many different types of intelligence as well. Social, mathematic/logical, linguistic etc.

So from what I have read of studies on this subject about 80% is social environment and the remaining part is genetics and other factors.

Also it has been documented that the earlier you teach your child a language, simple mathematics etc. the better their chances of accelerating in those subjects will be.

Now when you come from a piss poor family or a social environment that hampers a safe upbringing and parents caring for your upbringing etc. the lesser are the chances of you getting a good academic start in your life.

Also discipline etc. also has a say. East Asians are in general very disciplined for cultural reasons and they have valued education a lot.
What a bunch of nonsense. Wrestling is nowhere near being the sport of strongmen. East Asian, Mongolians and Indians being strong? You joking?

Wrestling has a long history in the Arab world and wrestling probably originated in what is now ME which is the homeland of Arabs and other Semitic people. Wrestling is still not a very popular sport even by ME standards let alone outside of the ME.

A wrestler has no chance against most martial arts fighters. That I can guarantee you.

In fact ancient Egyptian and Babylonian artifacts showcase many of the wrestling moves known today. Among neolithic artifacts as well (10.000 + years) something similar to wrestling was also known.

All this does not change my previous point about Blacks being more stronger, more athletic and having a better endurance ON AVERAGE than your average person from Europe, ME or Asia.
About India I'm not sure because they have a large population, so it would be logical that they have some good wrestlers. However Russians, Iranians, Turkey with less population have provided one of the best wrestlers, weight lifters.

Yes among Egyptians and sumerians wrestling was known, however it's not typical arab sport. Wrestling is still popular among powerfull nations who provide good sportmen (Russia, Iran, Turkey, USA for example). Even Egypt among arab countries has some wrestlers. It's a real sport, popularity doesnt say anything. Soccer for example is popular, but compared to wrestling it would be like playing chess... it's amusement for wrestlers to train like a soccer player.

Wreslers eat the liver of almost all martial arts fighters. They will break their bones literally, from legs, to arms and finally neck. Wrestlers are tigers, their body is tiger body, humans can't win a fight against tigers.

Also Iran is one of the best in taekwondo (5th in all time medal ranking)
World Taekwondo Championships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5th in wrestling
FILA Wrestling World Championships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

9th in weight lifting in all time medal ranking
List of World Championships medalists in weightlifting (men) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

12th in karate
All groups - 1970-2014 « Chart « strana 1 - Karate results and charts

26th in Judo
World Judo Championships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

world combat games held 2 times (2010 and 2013) combines about 15 combat sports and about 100 countries participate each time.
9th place in 2010 and 4th place in 2013
World Combat Games

Congratulations Iran....

Well Done Brothers.....:cheers:
Thanks brother, we even defeated Russia and became 2014 freestyle champion.

Iran crowned world freestyle wrestling champion
PressTV - Iran crowned world freestyle wrestling champion

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Who cares?

The popularity of wrestling has nothing to do with anything. It's just tradition. Wrestling first appeared in most of those countries in the last 100 years or so. Iran is way inferior compared to the best on all those lists in terms of medals despite those sports being very popular in Iran. Outside of those few countries nobody cares about those sports.

Nor have they anything to do with strength. Saudi Arabians are taller (both female and male) and probably heavier than Iranians. That says nothing. Historically we have been better fighters too judged on the amount of empires, the size of them and quantity.

Male Average Height By Country | Map & Chart | Men only

Female Average Height By Country | Map & Chart | Women only

It's all about fighting skills and bravery. Just look at the long list of conquerors of Iranians. Every regional player has conquered it.

Wrestling probably originated in the ME and among Semitic people as I already told and the earliest artifacts showing wrestling as it is partially known today is found among the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians. Enough said. Wrestling was one of the main sports in the Arab world even long before Islam. Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself was a skilled wrestler. Big deal.

Wrestlers would have no chance against the best martial artists. Before they could even catch anyone (which is all what wrestling is about) they would get their asses severely kicked.

Everyone can kill when breaking a persons neck but MMA fighters can kill by just punching, kicking or doing certain grabs. Besides wrestling techniques are used in MMA.
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Who cares?

The popularity of wrestling has nothing to do with anything. It's just tradition. Wrestling first appeared in most of those countries in the last 100 years or so. Iran is way inferior compared to the best on all those lists in terms of medals despite those sports being very popular in Iran. Outside of those few countries nobody cares about those sports.

Nor have they anything to do with strength. Saudi Arabians are taller (both female and male) and probably heavier than Iranians. That says nothing. Historically we have been better fighters too judged on the amount of empires, the size of them and quantity.

Male Average Height By Country | Map & Chart | Men only

Female Average Height By Country | Map & Chart | Women only

It's all about fighting skills and bravery. Just look at the long list of conquerors of Iranians. Every regional player has conquered it.

Wrestling probably originated in the ME and among Semitic people as I already told and the earliest artifacts showing wrestling as it is partially known today is found among the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians. Enough said. Wrestling was one of the main sports in the Arab world even long before Islam. Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself was a skilled wrestler. Big deal.

Wrestlers would have no chance against the best martial artists.

Main saudi was not interesting to be conquered by other empires and had sea around it. Look at the ottoman, sassanid, parthian, achaemenid and roman and greek ayyubid empire maps and you see that all of them saw no interest in saudi land except partial control. Why no interest is another question. That explains why less empires conquered what is known as saudi arabia today.

I'm talking about power and fighting skills and as proved Iran is among top 9 in the world in combat sports.
If some countries dont care about these sports is because they are weak in (combat) sports. Wrestling and weightlifting and teakwondo and judo are respected olympic sports.

Even among non-olympic combat sports Iran became 4th and 9th in both world combat games (held 2 times till now). And almost all those east-asian combat sports are relativley new in Iran.

During the achaemenid empire Iran ruled 44,48% of the world population, that means we had the biggest empire (the achaemenid empire) when you count how many % of the world population was controlled by us. This ratio is important. The second biggest empire 43,4% was the Mauriyan empire (Indian branch of Indo-Iranians).

If wrestling was traditional among arabs it means then they are not strong in even their own traditional sports. Iran average height info is outdated from 2005. Even while saudi GDP per capita (PPP) is 2,5 times more (because of different reasons) I think the average height difference would be 1 cm. But as you said that says nothing about strenght.
Everybody knows that the strongest and most athletic people on average on this planet are Africans. Especially Sub-Saharan Africans but you don't see them participating in wrestling since that sport is nonexistent in Africa and most of the world. Very few people care about wrestling. Also it's not about size or strength but mostly technique.

Go watch strength athletic competitions if you want to see the strongest people on the planet.

Strength athletics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World's Strongest Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once wrestling was popular across the ME but now it's mostly just a few countries.
idiot jealous troll :rofl:
Main saudi was not interesting to be conquered by other empires and had sea around it. Look at the ottoman, sassanid, parthian, achaemenid and roman and greek ayyubid empire maps and you see that all of them saw no interest in saudi land except partial control. Why no interest is another question. That explains why less empires conquered what is known as saudi arabia today.

I'm talking about power and fighting skills and as proved Iran is among top 9 in the world in combat sports.
If some countries dont care about these sports is because they are weak in (combat) sports. Wrestling and weightlifting and teakwondo and judo are respected olympic sports.

Even among non-olympic combat sports Iran became 4th and 9th in both world combat games (held 2 times till now). And almost all those east-asian combat sports are relativley new in Iran.

During the achaemenid empire Iran ruled 44,48% of the world population, that means we had the biggest empire (the achaemenid empire) when you count how many % of the world population was controlled by us. This ratio is important. The second biggest empire 43,4% was the Mauriyan empire (Indian branch of Indo-Iranians).

If wrestling was traditional among arabs it means then they are not strong in even their own traditional sports. Iran average height info is outdated from 2005. Even while saudi GDP per capita (PPP) is 2,5 times more (because of different reasons) I think the average height difference would be 1 cm. But as you said that says nothing about strenght.

What you talking about? First of all Romans never reached that far into the ME. Greek? What you talking about? They never controlled any ME land. Ayyubid were Arab rulers and they ruled half of KSA. Sassanids never controlled any Arab land outside of Iraq for longer than a few years. It was nominal control as well. Parthia was a Greek subject and controlled more or less what is now Iran. Achaemenid is the only real Iranian empire and lasted for 200 years. It only got created due to the internal infighting among various Semitic kingdoms and ancient empires.

It's lingua franca was Aramaic and its whole system was a copy of the previous Semitic Babylonian Empires and likewise it symbols that it copied, form of government and even the capital became Babylon the most famous ancient city.

Anyway all this has no relevance to the fact that Arabs from what is now Hijaz created 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history.

Nothing to do with weak but just exposure. As I said and which is widely well-known then Black people are the most athletic, tallest, strongest and the best endurance sportsmen yet they are nowhere to be seen in regards to most sports.

There are no traditions of Eastern martial arts in the Arab world.

The Umayyad Empire was far bigger and is the 5th largest empire in human history and was the largest empire in human history for 1000 years until the Spanish Colonial Empire began 500 years ago.
5% of Indians are real Indo-Iranians. Rest are just indigenous people that now speak an Indo-European language just like most of Africa and South America do and Iran where by far the majority of the local population are indigenous which genetic tests confirm.

It has lost prominence and I am talking about the situation 1500 years ago.

The numbers are clear for all.
Blacks are better in sport because of testosterone. They snub nose which gives them more air intake and they cab grow muscles faster. On the other hand they are lesser on intellectual fields. Ever seen a black professor or black scientist? Let them be good at sports. Blacks never had empires because they didn't have built up knowledge. They were to busy running away from predAtors.

Dear oh dear....
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