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Iran and the arabs since the begining of islam

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I don't consider you a true Pakistani at all. Pakistanis would never hate their brothers. I have dear Pakistani brothers here and they know me. Don't try to drag Pakistan into this issue, you are just lying to get Pakistani against me. Plz leave you ignorance aside, Jordan doesn't care about you funny opinion about its history. Bye Bye :wave:
And you brother of them liar you just a friend of your interest.
Is this a zoinist?

I understand what you are trying to say but this will not work, because you are talking to the wrong side of the problem, since Arabs don't intervene in Iranian issues while Iranian regime is desperately trying to make troubles in ME. It began in 1979 when Khomeini tried to export "Siism Islamic revolution" to our countries. So the problem is with them not with us.

No, you are a Zionist lover. Every one know that. You have always sided with Israel against Muslims. You are a hate mongering sectarian fascist. No wonder you guys supported Mubarak the same way you supported Shah of Iran and you hate revolutions of truth among Muslims. As this thread shows, you are the only one which is against unity of Muslims. Egyptians, Pakistanis, Iraqis and Iranians are all uniting while your aim is to divide the Ummah. Shame on you. Do not worry, your time will come too. When a revolution sweeps and frees Jordan from Zionist lovers like you:

This hate thread. I ashamed to even think about a Muslim ummah when there is so much hate between Muslim countries, and some idiots on this thread keep adding water to the grease fire.

Respect all Muslim countries whether they are Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, etc... even if they do not agree with you!!!
yes its very Interesting that 25 years ago our father were fighting eachother and now we are close friends.as i said i forgot the war.and love to see that i have a good relation with an Iraqi and Egyptians.we must help eachother to rebuild our countries again.
if i was there at the time i would have stood at the iraq iran border and tell every one our enemy is not here they are at occupayed phalstin
Sorry are you sure they wont harm Egypt if you think so then there's something wrong, man go back and study the arab history it's all about harm to each other we're unfortunately all about disgrace, Mohammed PBUH came to save us of ignorance guess what we tried to kill him many times and when we failed then we killed his family with no mercy just for revenge, now you telling me they wont??????.
If it wasn't for the Arabs of the past, Egyptians might have never converted to Islam. Same applies to Iran, Iraq, ect... Arabs of the past supported the prophet, we have the most respect for them. The people who fought against the prophet and his family long after him are not very loved or respected by Arabs, and Muslims in general, wether they are Sunni or Shii. Saying that, i am not comparing the great Sahaba with anybody that lives currently, they were a special group of people, in a special time. Now, Arab and Muslim countries have their disagreements, we should ALL work together to build bridges and unite and develop our countries, so we can have a better future, and so God can bless us.
Quran 3:103
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided
proud to call you brother

Just the facts, bro. This is a miracle. It is divine and holy. We all have to embrace it. The future of Ummah is taking place here. God is bringing us closer together for a reason. Just imagine Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon standing together. No power can defeat them. These Zionist lovers can do no damn thing. That is why they are angry and are trying to divide us. Just look at their posts here in this thread. They are trying to sow hatred and take us apart.

he is my elder brother too

Love you all. Unity guys. Unity. Do not let Zionists drive us apart. Stand together.

if i was there at the time i would have stood at the iraq iran border and tell every one our enemy is not here they are at occupayed phalstin

It is never too late. We have grown up. Just look around. Iraq is now a close friend of Iran in the region. It says alot. Things are improving.
I don't consider you a true Pakistani at all. Pakistanis would never hate their brothers. I have dear Pakistani brothers here and they know me. Don't try to drag Pakistan into this issue, you are just lying to get Pakistani against me. Plz leave you ignorance aside, Jordan doesn't care about you funny opinion about its history. Bye Bye :wave:

Jordan ,Jordan, Jordan is an islamic Arab state, cherished by most Arabs and Muslims all over the world it is part of the Arab heart as does Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Pakistan, Iran and all the Muslim Ummah's nations.
why are you bringing Jordan to this discussion, as if it stood alone sometime or was part of something else.
If it wasn't for the Arabs of the past, Egyptians might have never converted to Islam. Same applies to Iran, Iraq, ect... Arabs of the past supported the prophet, we have the most respect for them. The people who fought against the prophet and his family long after him are not very loved or respected by Arabs, and Muslims in general, wether they are Muslims or Shii. Saying that, i am not comparing the great Sahaba with anybody that lives currently, they were a special group of people, in a special time. Now, Arab and Muslim countries have their disagreements, we should ALL work together to build bridges and unite and develop our countries, so we can have a better future, and so God can bless us.
Quran 3:103
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided

Agreed. But those Arabs were true to their beliefs while some Arab regimes (not people) have now converted back to the ignorance time before the Islam. They are trying to divide Ummah and are siding with Zionists. It is time for us to wake their people so that they can also become free like Egypt and Iran got free.
Just the facts, bro. This is a miracle. It is divine and holy. We all have to embrace it. The future of Ummah is taking place here. God is bringing us closer together for a reason. Just imagine Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon standing together. No power can defeat them. These Zionist lovers can do no damn thing. That is why they are angry and are trying to divide us. Just look at their posts here in this thread. They are trying to sow hatred and take us apart.

Love you all. Unity guys. Unity. Do not let Zionists drive us apart. Stand together.

It is never too late. We have grown up. Just look around. Iraq is now a close friend of Iran in the region. It says alot. Things are improving.
im crying.this happens just once in this year.
thank you
Jordan ,Jordan, Jordan is an islamic Arab state, cherished by most Arabs and Muslims all over the world it is part of the Arab heart as does Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Pakistan,Iran and all the Muslim Ummah's nations.
why are you bringing Jordan to this discussion, as if it stood alone sometime or was part of something else.
as if

He is trying to divide us, by personal attacks, inflaming sectarian issues and pumping in race and language issues. He stands exposed in this thread. He is a Zionist lover trying to divide Muslims.
im crying.this happens just once in this year.
thank you

This is what I call unity. Muslims have not been united for centuries now. But there are signs that things are fast changing. So it is a happy thing. It shows that those who are trying to divide us have failed.

Thank you all guys. Finally we have defeated the Zionist lovers and slaves on this thread successfully. Thanks to The SC for opening such a uniting thread. It is heart warming to see you all guys defending each other like brothers despite dividing tactics used against us here. It shows we are all mature now.
that was in mecca's street not near the kaabe.....they killed 72 Iranian people.......72.....72....
one day we will Revenge

You said Mecca, isn't mecca the holiest city of Islam! please leave this revenge to God since he knows better.
Bloodshed between brothers in Islam is forbidden.
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