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Iran and the arabs since the begining of islam

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I agree, You guys have a great histroy, and great potential at the moment too. If it wasn't for Iraq-Iran war, and invading Kuwait, and all the mess after that, Iraq would have been a special country in the ME.
Brother when a stupid person like saddam control a nation then what's the outcome, but now everything change or it's in it's way to be changed for better just to let you know the defense budget this year reached 17 billion $ just and only just to secure the country.
Sorry are you sure they wont harm Egypt if you think so then there's something wrong, man go back and study the arab history it's all about harm to each other we're unfortunately all about disgrace, Mohammed PBUH came to save us of ignorance guess what we tried to kill him many times and when we failed then we killed his family with no mercy just for revenge, now you telling me they wont??????.

Are you still living in the jahiliya era brother, or you are looking so down on Arab mentality from the rocky mountains, although some positive changes have to be accomplished, the will and capacity has been proven with this Arab spring going on.
im crying.this happens just once in this year.
thank you
the day will come when we stand togher and fight for islam for our fallen people i will never forget or forgive what have they done to my people NEVER
you in iran not alone be sure of that
i wish you the best and your country brother
that was in mecca's street not near the kaabe.....they killed 72 Iranian people.......72.....72....
one day we will Revenge
you will never ever revenge because the bullet you going to shoot it's going to kill innocent person now tell me who of the clerics going to admit it??? trust me no one, look at my country and what they did our clerics left it for the law to judge the killers, that's our religion period.
Is this a zoinist?

I understand what you are trying to say but this will not work, because you are talking to the wrong side of the problem, since Arabs don't intervene in Iranian issues while Iranian regime is desperately trying to make troubles in ME. It began in 1979 when Khomeini tried to export "Siism Islamic revolution" to our countries. So the problem is with them not with us.

What do you call Iraq's attack on Iran,that wasn't an intervention!
Iran, ayatollah tried to export shiism to Arab countries sounds very childish, these are old western media (news) tricks to divide and reign, don't be so gullible.
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This hate thread. I ashamed to even think about a Muslim ummah when there is so much hate between Muslim countries, and some idiots on this thread keep adding water to the grease fire.

Respect all Muslim countries whether they are Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, etc... even if they do not agree with you!!!
You totaly wrong there's no hate between Muslims yes there's hate towards dirty regimes who help to make Muslims hate each other wake up pay attention plz.
This hate thread. I ashamed to even think about a Muslim ummah when there is so much hate between Muslim countries, and some idiots on this thread keep adding water to the grease fire.

Respect all Muslim countries whether they are Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, etc... even if they do not agree with you!!!
feel exactly same here... Very disgraceful....
If it wasn't for the Arabs of the past, Egyptians might have never converted to Islam. Same applies to Iran, Iraq, ect... Arabs of the past supported the prophet, we have the most respect for them. The people who fought against the prophet and his family long after him are not very loved or respected by Arabs, and Muslims in general, wether they are Sunni or Shii. Saying that, i am not comparing the great Sahaba with anybody that lives currently, they were a special group of people, in a special time. Now, Arab and Muslim countries have their disagreements, we should ALL work together to build bridges and unite and develop our countries, so we can have a better future, and so God can bless us.
Quran 3:103
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided
Brother all due respect to you but facts still facts now you Egyptians be careful and Allah help you all.
Brother all due respect to you but facts still facts now you Egyptians be careful and Allah help you all.
thank you brother you know since mubark step down i say to myself can we make egypt a better place and take our rightfull place in the world ? i dont know all i know is i will make what i can and if anyone tryed to stop us i will die defending my people i dont want to see my country ruin i will kill as much as i can victory or death

and let me say i know what you feel i thank god for i wasnt there at the time but you just cant see your people die and act like there is nothing wrong all i know is that they will pay
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One day, Baghdad will once again ne the greatest city it was before Mongol invasion.
Insha'a Allah bro we have almost everything to rise again for the good of us and the Ummeh and for every friend, Iraqi nice, kind and faithful people, I hope some of you once come and see the country you'll love the people.
You are not from ahl al-bayt. That's just something your grandparents invented so they could get a higher position in society. I'm not being offensive, but your beliefs are just not acceptable to me. And maybe you are from ahl al-bayt, but even in that case I don't care in the least, I'm going to judge you based on who you are.

Thank you potato,

Noblesse is by deeds not by inheritance, but when it is inherited by the best sons of the Muslim Ummah, it puts a bigger burden on their shoulders for good deeds, thoughts and self sacrifice in the name of Allah, Mohammed PBUH and the Muslim Ummah and humanity by extension.
Are you still living in the jahiliya era brother, or you are looking so down on Arab mentality from the rocky mountains, although some positive changes have to be accomplished, the will and capacity has been proven with this Arab spring going on.
No you got me wrong I mean the regimes eather before or today not the nation otherwise I'm arabic my self.
And you brother of them liar you just a friend of your interest.
I don't get it! Why would call me a liar? Ididn't mention shea and I don't care about religion nor Siism since it away from us, but I always mention Iranian regime not people!
I love GCC countries but what they did to Iraq was absolutely disgraceful as well what Saddam did to Kuwait and his people was wrong. Don't you know what Ianian regime did to Iraq after 2003?
Anyway, I love all Iraqis soooo much coz they are great and meant to be great.
You may disagree with me but no personal insult plz coz cant get it back to an Iraqi.
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