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Iran and role in PKK support

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We discussed these issues over and over again..There are several threads about this on PDF which also have been started by the OP..Now OP again throws a rock to the well and some of you guys jump after it directly..Another waste of time thread
You Iranian wittnits are too preocuppied with Turkey, when you start a war wih Turkey, turkish armd forces will be he least of your concern. 30 million azeri population won't attack turkey and won't standy looking at farsifascist. You made too many enemies for that. Even Turkish public has turned against Iran after their opening of PKK camps.
You Iranian wittnits are too preocuppied with Turkey, when you start a war wih Turkey, turkish armd forces will be he least of your concern. 30 million azeri population won't attack turkey and won't standy looking at farsifascist. You made too many enemies for that. Even Turkish public has turned against Iran after their opening of PKK camps.

Don't worry about the Azeris; they will stand behind Iran as a solid rock. You just worry about your Kurdish population in a case f war.
We discussed these issues over and over again..There are several threads about this on PDF which also have been started by the OP..Now OP again throws a rock to the well and some of you guys jump after it directly..Another waste of time thread

I opened this thread to point out the realities, some naive people think we can solve the PKK problem by cleaning out Iraq of scum. This would be useless unless we cut the head of he snake in Iran which supplies, facilitates and give support.
I opened this thread to point out the realities, some naive people think we can solve the PKK problem by cleaning out Iraq of scum. This would be useless unless we cut the head of he snake in Iran which supplies, facilitates and give support.

What will you do atatwolf? Declare a war from Holland by yourself to Iran? If you want to cut the head of the snake, dont bother looking at Iran, just look at the country you reside in and your neighbouring countries such as France and Germany..Because without the approval of Germany-France-Holland-Belgium governments, PKK couldnt raise money from its sympathizers, therefore wouldnt last for even ..cking single day!

Turkish National Police

The large part of PKK’s financing (about 70%) comes from its activities in Europe
How about returning Greek,Syrian and Armenian lands you stole?You have stole more than half the size of your country,and killed more than 2 million people for it.
Now,how does that feel,eh?
What will you do atatwolf? Declare a war from Holland by yourself to Iran? If you want to cut the head of the snake, dont bother looking at Iran, just look at the country you reside in and your neighbouring countries such as France and Germany..Because without the approval of Germany-France-Holland-Belgium governments, PKK couldnt raise money from its sympathizers, therefore wouldnt last for even ..cking single day!

Turkish National Police

The large part of PKK’s financing (about 70%) comes from its activities in Europe
those are little things, Iran role is much much bigger, you give geographical and logistical support to Pkk, until the snake head of Iran is crushed, Pkk will be present in the region. Iran will pay the price, don't worry, sooner or later US/israel bombs will be dropping on your snake head. Don't expect sympathy from us, because Iran has been the cause of victims of terrorist attacks for years. I can't wait for pay back, neither can the azeri wait I heard.

Yea right, if they really cared about people they wouldn't have split azerbaiajan with Russia and massacred azeris. But they shouldn't worry Turks and especially Azeri won't forget history.
I can't wait for pay back, neither can the azeri wait I heard.

Məşhur İran yazıçısı, publisist və ictimai-siyasi xadim Cəlal Ale-Əhməd: "İran hökumətlərinin bütün səyi nəinki türk dilini məhdudlaşdırmağa, hətta onu məhv etməyə yönəlmişdir. Onu «azəri dili» adlandırdılar, gəlmə dil olduğunu iddia etdilər, Azərbaycan şəhərləri və kəndlərinin adlarını dəyişdirdilər, milliyyətcə türk olan məmurları və əsgərləri farsların yaşadığı bölgələrə və əksinə göndərdilər. Amma bütün bunlara baxmayaraq biz hələ də türk dilini məhv etmək yönündə kiçicik müvəffəqiyyətə belə nail ola bilməmişik. Üstəlik biz türk ilə fars arasında elə gizli bir nifaqa səbəb olmuşuq ki, azacıq münasib şərait yaranan kimi yenidən Demokrat Firqəsi şəklində baş qaldıracaqdır" SU AZERİ İSMİNİ KULLANMASANIZ ..
Man these guys are dilusional

They are trying so hard to hate Iran lol

It's a cultural thing with them. They are brought up to hate people. Kurds, Parsis, Greeks, Armenians, arabs... basically anyone that isn't a turk they're brought up to hate. Now they are trying so damn hard to hate us but they literally don't know how.

"you support the pkk so I hate you"

fine hate me till you drop dead, see if I care lol
Man these guys are dilusional

They are trying so hard to hate Iran lol

It's a cultural thing with them. They are brought up to hate people. Kurds, Parsis, Greeks, Armenians, arabs... basically anyone that isn't a turk they're brought up to hate. Now they are trying so damn hard to hate us but they literally don't know how.

"you support the pkk so I hate you"

fine hate me till you drop dead, see if I care lol
Dude, instead of pointing fingers at us , look at yourself, farsi fascist like you support terrorism and then blame others for hating you, everybody would hate you, in fact the whole world already dispises Iran and soon Iran will be ripped apart.

We have the right to hate you and Azeri in Iran also hate you. You think AEri will be at your side in case of war? I recently watched a video of azeri leader saying he will take revenge for southazerbaijan wwhen the time comes. Azeri hate farsi fascist and some people say azeri will join to fight against Turks? That is nothing more than a bad joke. Irans snake head will be crushed. Bad times for Iran are coming, mark my words, there are a lot of bills you havent paid and people will force you to pay the price sooner or later.
everybody would hate you, in fact the whole world already dispises Iran and soon Iran will be ripped apart.

That isn't true. In every country Iranians are presented, they are respected and 'loved'. Can you say the same about Turks in foreign countries? I beg to differ. Our government is perhaps hated, but the people.

We have the right to hate you and Azeri in Iran also hate you. You think AEri will be at your side in case of war? I recently watched a video of azeri leader saying he will take revenge for southazerbaijan wwhen the time comes. Azeri hate farsi fascist and some people say azeri will join to fight against Turks? That is nothing more than a bad joke. Irans snake head will be crushed. Bad times for Iran are coming, mark my words, there are a lot of bills you havent paid and people will force you to pay the price sooner or later.

Don't listen to much to those delusional idiots. Those fools are like 'Baghdad Bob' and others who try to claim they represent a certain portion of a certain population, why they don't. I dare you to visit SCC, or even go to Facebook and try to find someone from Tabriz, and ask them whether they are Iranians or not.

I can assure you that Azeris are much prouder of their Iranian heritage than Kurds are proud of their Turkish citizenship.
atatwolf,this is why all your neighbores hate you.Armenians hate you,russians hate you,greeks hate you,bulghars hate you,Syrians hate you,Iraqis hate you.Iranians hate you.azeris hate you...Germans hate you and so on.
why dont you stop being racist to non turks for God's sake?
useless thread atatwolf whats your aim bro you are living in europa firstly go and clean european pkks for example you should start urgently roj tv:hitwall:

Roj TV, Danimarka'dan uydu aracılığıyla Kürtçe (Kurmanci ve Sorani lehçeleri), Arapça, Farsça, Zazaca, Süryanice ve Türkçe yayın yapan bir televizyon kanalıdır. PKK ile olan bağlantısı Türkiye Cumhuriyeti tarafından belgeleriyle Danimarka makamlarına iletilmiş ve kapatılması için gerekli girişimler başlatılmıştır.

Roj-TV Alman Anayasa-Koruma-Başkanlığı tarafından takip edilmekte ve PKK´ya yakınlığı da 2006 Anayasa-Koruma-Raporunda belgelenmektedir.[3]
atatwolf,this is why all your neighbores hate you.Armenians hate you,russians hate you,greeks hate you,bulghars hate you,Syrians hate you,Iraqis hate you.Iranians hate you.azeris hate you...Germans hate you and so on.
why dont you stop being racist to non turks for God's sake?

Do you even believe what you say? Turkey is not hated by he world but Iran and is on the brink of being bombed back to the stone age.

Even saudi arabia and other muslims are preying and beging israela nd US to bomb Iran.

Maybe some christians dont like us but muslims like us. Iran is hated both by muslims and christians. Plus your own countrymen azeri hate you, sooner or later they will take revenge.
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