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Indonesian president vows to outgun Australia

Indonesian president vows to outgun Australia


You people are stupid beyond belief.

France and Spain at the height of it's power could not mount an Invasion of UK even when only 20 miles of strait separated them.You are dreaming of mounting an invasion on Australia with an Ocean between you and them.

And what you supah-dupah coalition have you cobbled together. One is failed country in every respect with no Navy, another a least developed country and two other military dwarf going against a continent.

PS: I am not even counting help from US et. al.

No it is you who is stupid beyond belief.

Now you are making the claim that just because Spain could not invade England 500 years ago then China will not be able to invade Australia when it becomes a peer to the US in 15-20 years from now.:omghaha:

Do you have any idea just how powerful China will get?

Let me give you a clue what China is doing naval wise at this moment in time..

It is building/deploying 4 Type-052C destroyers and 4 Type-052D destroyers. Only the US can match this level of quantity of AESA equipped destroyers. Even the Russians do not come close.

It is testing the J-31 5th generation stealth fighters that would be ready by the end of the decade and would be put on Chinese carriers ready for combat starting beginning of the next decade.

New generation Type-095 SSN is in testing and will join the Chinese fleet in the next year or two.

China has announced plans for 40,000+ tonne large amphibious assault ships in the same class as the US WASP class that would be able to ferry armour and attack helicopters over oceans.

Stop talking out of your back side and realise that the Chinese will in a decade or so have the full capability to invade Australia if they chose to.
i live in Australia the living standard is too high here, i love living here with proper roads beautiful looking cities, good people to live with, plus i see lot of Indonesian here i guess whats the reason than, and after living here i found that Australian doesn't want to spend on defence they prefer spending on Infrastructure and on People, its a great country to live in
@Aeronaut ;)
I have no idea what you are saying........

You are saying ISI now killing NATO? Then we would see Pakistan Drone roam free in Afghanistan. Wasn't it the other way around?

Why whenever Australian ask Indonesia to do something about the refugee, the first thing they ever say is "To Keep them in Our Country?" Maybe Indonesia do not have a deportation system. But we do.

I strongly suggest our Government even stop offshore processing and deport those "Refugee" to where they came from, if a location cannot be established then deport them to where they start their journey. Indonesia can choose to keep them or deporting them themselves, fair??
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No it is you who is stupid beyond belief.

Now you are making the claim that just because Spain could not invade England 500 years ago then China will not be able to invade Australia when it becomes a peer to the US in 15-20 years from now.:omghaha:

Do you have any idea just how powerful China will get?

Let me give you a clue what China is doing naval wise at this moment in time..

It is building/deploying 4 Type-052C destroyers and 4 Type-052D destroyers. Only the US can match this level of quantity of AESA equipped destroyers. Even the Russians do not come close.

It is testing the J-31 5th generation stealth fighters that would be ready by the end of the decade and would be put on Chinese carriers ready for combat starting beginning of the next decade.

New generation Type-095 SSN is in testing and will join the Chinese fleet in the next year or two.

China has announced plans for 40,000+ tonne large amphibious assault ships in the same class as the US WASP class that would be able to ferry armour and attack helicopters over oceans.

Stop talking out of your back side and realise that the Chinese will in a decade or so have the full capability to invade Australia if they chose to.

Dude, you are really beyond, well, there are no other word for it, stupidity........

Look at US now, today. We are not going to maintain a steady balance in a backward place like Iraq and Afghanistan. How do you suppose that 15-20 years from now, China, a peer to US as you said (Although it's highly doubted) can invade a not too backward and technological advance Australia??

How do you suppose China do that?? By Occupying Sydney and Melbourne??

To do what you say, China need to be several fold BETTER than the US now and Australia need to be Several Fold WORSE than Iraq and Afghanistan now. I can't began to tell you how UNLIKELY that would be.

When you talk about war of occupation, it does not matter how many ship you have in your navy, but how many troop you can put on the ground constantly against how many troop you expect to face. You can have all 10 carrier flying sortie 24 hours non-stop, does that mean you don't need boot on the ground to do the job? Australia is too big for even a 10 million invasion force. Even with 10 millions invasion force, this country would still have 30 million people. 1/10 of what the US's having. Bear in mind 23 million mean each people responsible for 2.8square Kilometre of Australian soil. How are you suppose to use 10 millions invasion troop to cover the whole 7 million square kilometre?? That would mean for a 10 millions invasion troop, each troop have to look after 5.6 square kilometre? Dude, incase you don't know, each Chinese soldier for a size of a small village. With that kind of dilution, an occupation is impossible. Each Chinese Troop will need an individual radar lol

lol All in all, China can come invade us, unless they want to sit here in Bondi and eat fish and chips forever

Dude, you are really beyond, well, there are no other word for it, stupidity........

Look at US now, today. We are not going to maintain a steady balance in a backward place like Iraq and Afghanistan. How do you suppose that 15-20 years from now, China, a peer to US as you said (Although it's highly doubted) can invade a not too backward and technological advance Australia??

How do you suppose China do that?? By Occupying Sydney and Melbourne??

To do what you say, China need to be several fold BETTER than the US now and Australia need to be Several Fold WORSE than Iraq and Afghanistan now. I can't began to tell you how UNLIKELY that would be.

When you talk about war of occupation, it does not matter how many ship you have in your navy, but how many troop you can put on the ground constantly against how many troop you expect to face. You can have all 10 carrier flying sortie 24 hours non-stop, does that mean you don't need boot on the ground to do the job? Australia is too big for even a 10 million invasion force. Even with 10 millions invasion force, this country would still have 30 million people. 1/10 of what the US's having. Bear in mind 23 million mean each people responsible for 2.8square Kilometre of Australian soil. How are you suppose to use 10 millions invasion troop to cover the whole 7 million square kilometre?? That would mean for a 10 millions invasion troop, each troop have to look after 5.6 square kilometre? Dude, incase you don't know, each Chinese soldier for a size of a small village. With that kind of dilution, an occupation is impossible. Each Chinese Troop will need an individual radar lol

lol All in all, China can come invade us, unless they want to sit here in Bondi and eat fish and chips forever


Dude stop this 10 million troop nonsense.

I am not talking about occupying every square inch of Australia - just of defeating the conventional Australian military and occupying the largest cities/towns, airports, ports, major infrastructure like power stations and important road/rail junctions and critical bridges.

I will again repeat that China and/or other Asians won't have any interest in invading Australia as they are getting all the natural resources and mass immigration into Australia anyway.

As regards how powerful China will get, they have already stated their intention of pushing the US Navy all the way back to Hawaii by 2030. You can argue with that but I think that is very credible as even Westerners(IMF/Economist etc) now think that China's GDP will be around twice that of the US by 2030.
Dude stop this 10 million troop nonsense.

I am not talking about occupying every square inch of Australia - just of defeating the conventional Australian military and occupying the largest cities/towns, airports, ports, major infrastructure like power stations and important road/rail junctions and critical bridges.

The moment you invade, the "Convention" Australian Military will be gone, WE WILL FIGHT YOU WITH INSURGENCY.

Do you know how insurgency is being fought and how will it fight out in the Jungle in Queensland, and in the Desert of Northern Territories??

Dude, you are trying to talk about WAR OF INSURGENCY with a combat veteran just returning from Iraq and Afghanistan 5/6 years ago. Are you for real and I should believe you not the stuff that I saw over there??

I will again repeat that China and/or other Asians won't have any interest in invading Australia as they are getting all the natural resources and mass immigration into Australia anyway.

and I have already tell you with the rate it's going now, it take MORE THAN 100 YEAR FOR CHINESE OR ASIAN TO EVEN HALFLY OCCUPIED AUSTRALIA BY RATE OF IMMIGRATION.

Last year, there are 6800 Chinese becoming Australian Citizens via migration, Last year, there are 16000 British, 3600 New Zealander Became Australia via migration. So the you don't even have 10% of the 150,000 Figure, Chinese population is merely 500,000 of the 23 millions, how many year for it to wait for the 500,000 become 15 millions??

Just to dumb it down for you, in those 150,000 migration application.
50 : 50 on UK to Asian.
90 : 10 on UK to Chinese
70 : 30 on White vs Non-White

With Immigration and Natural birth, Australia will and ALWAYS will remain a White majority. Sorry to Burst your bubble

As regards how powerful China will get, they have already stated their intention of pushing the US Navy all the way back to Hawaii by 2030. You can argue with that but I think that is very credible as even Westerners(IMF/Economist etc) now think that China's GDP will be around twice that of the US by 2030.

GDP is nothing, as China have 4 times as much the population. Year China can rage a large army if they decided to NOT FEED the 500 million people who live under the international poverty line.

China is not North Korea, they cannot let people stave to death on the street in one part of China while having the other part prosper and develop. What do you think those 500 millions lived under the poverty line will do? Just sit in their corner and dies??

Dude, It will take at least 4 times the US GDP now to be on par with the US, the reach the so called "Peer" status.

Finally those GDP does NOT BELONG TO THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT, they are the personal properties of those riches and famous in China, do you think they will give their hard earning unconditionally to Chinese government, so that instead they can buy yacht or luxury home, they can be used to build tank and fighter plane which have nothing useful to them businessman??

Lol you do live in a dream world son
The moment you invade, the "Convention" Australian Military will be gone, WE WILL FIGHT YOU WITH INSURGENCY.

Do you know how insurgency is being fought and how will it fight out in the Jungle in Queensland, and in the Desert of Northern Territories??

Dude, you are trying to talk about WAR OF INSURGENCY with a combat veteran just returning from Iraq and Afghanistan 5/6 years ago. Are you for real and I should believe you not the stuff that I saw over there??

Thank you for admitting that Australia would not be able to fight a conventional war against China.:lol:

and I have already tell you with the rate it's going now, it take MORE THAN 100 YEAR FOR CHINESE OR ASIAN TO EVEN HALFLY OCCUPIED AUSTRALIA BY RATE OF IMMIGRATION.

Last year, there are 6800 Chinese becoming Australian Citizens via migration, Last year, there are 16000 British, 3600 New Zealander Became Australia via migration. So the you don't even have 10% of the 150,000 Figure, Chinese population is merely 500,000 of the 23 millions, how many year for it to wait for the 500,000 become 15 millions??

Just to dumb it down for you, in those 150,000 migration application.
50 : 50 on UK to Asian.
90 : 10 on UK to Chinese
70 : 30 on White vs Non-White

With Immigration and Natural birth, Australia will and ALWAYS will remain a White majority. Sorry to Burst your bubble

You forget to see that much poorer Asians are likely to have more children.

Let us not argue about the date when whites become a minority, just that it will happen.

Asian countries like China and Indonesia will not be interested in invading as long as Australia gives them what they require for their economies.:D

GDP is nothing, as China have 4 times as much the population. Year China can rage a large army if they decided to NOT FEED the 500 million people who live under the international poverty line.

China is not North Korea, they cannot let people stave to death on the street in one part of China while having the other part prosper and develop. What do you think those 500 millions lived under the poverty line will do? Just sit in their corner and dies??

Dude, It will take at least 4 times the US GDP now to be on par with the US, the reach the so called "Peer" status.

Finally those GDP does NOT BELONG TO THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT, they are the personal properties of those riches and famous in China, do you think they will give their hard earning unconditionally to Chinese government, so that instead they can buy yacht or luxury home, they can be used to build tank and fighter plane which have nothing useful to them businessman??

Lol you do live in a dream world son

Dude - this is an area that you do not really understand too well.;)

Let us use the scenario where China has twice the GDP in 2030 as the US does.

Now as China has 4 times as much population then it's GDP/capita is half that of the US.

To get an idea of how well off the average Chinese will be in 2030, you need to look at a country like Spain now. Spain is still considered to be a developed country where no-one starves but nowhere near as rich as the US though.

Now even though China may have a GDP twice that of the US, I think that it's military spending will be around 50% more than that of the US so in terms of GDP percentage it will spend less.

This amount of resources will allow the Chinese to push the US Navy all the way back to Hawaii by 2030.

This is one of the main reasons why Australia is keeping Asians happy as it knows that it could not survive otherwise in the long-run.
Thank you for admitting that Australia would not be able to fight a conventional war against China.:lol:

Dude, Australian already said they fight any enemy via insurgency.

You must be stupid to think you will have a chance to fight a convention war in Australia with 20 millions resident. No wonder you think China can invade and occupied Australia that easily, that's because you are stupid.

You forget to see that much poorer Asians are likely to have more children.

Let us not argue about the date when whites become a minority, just that it will happen.

Asian countries like China and Indonesia will not be interested in invading as long as Australia gives them what they require for their economies.:D

We welcome China and Indonesia to come take our resource, as long as you pay for them. Yeah, Australia will become a White Minority, IN YOUR DREAM.

And dude, how do you think the "Asian" we took is poor and breed like crazy?

What you don't know is, the welfare here is so good, our white trash women already doing it, it's very easy to find a white women with 3-4 children in her 20s here.

The Asian who made it here are not poor. You cannot be poor and hoping you can get a visa to come to Australia. Australia is not England or Bangerdash dude. You try apply for a migrant visa with neither Skill nor money, the DIAC will tell you to BUGGER OFF, correction, they will charge you for 2100 AUD before telling you to Bugger off.

If you want to apply for Skill migration here. You need to finish your Study in Australia. Which mean you have to be able to pay 200,000 AUD for tuition fee. I don't think anyone who can pay 200,000 AUD should be considered poor.

Employment visa, you need to find a job in Australia which earn 57,000 AUD per year to be able to apply. Are you saying they are poor too?

Investment visa, well, How can a Poor Asian invest in Australia??

For family visa, you have to have at lease 50% of descendant here by the mean of getting a migration visa in the one of the 3 method mentioned above. That mean you have to pay at least 200,000 AUD or 400,000 AUD or more in order for you to be able to come here. Do you think they are poor too?

Ok, the only poor category is Refugee and maybe partner visa.

But hey, the good news is. While Skill migrant Visa have 25,000 Quota per year, Employment Visa 35,000, Investment visa 45,000 (We have 5 different category) Family reunion visa about 20,000. Which leave refugee visa 10,000 place per year and partner visa 20,000 place per year.

so, 75% of the eligible migrant are rich, only 25% are poor, how many Asian among them??

Do you even know why Australia have such a low Migration rate compare to UK, Canada and the USA? It's because WE DON'T JUST LET ANYBODY IN

Dude, Australia is not like UK, which let anyone trample over them. Be that Turkish who earn nothing in turkey and now earn nothing in UK now. We do not have stupid law in Australia as in EU which must accept anyone willy-lily who want to settle here. If you want to settle in Australia. You either need to have skill to earn money, or you have money. If you think anyone can settle in Australia try get an Australian visa mate.

Really, for a guy who know NOTHING ABOUT AUSTRALIA AND KEEP SAYING AUSTRALIA THIS AND THAT. Are you embarrassed? Or your skin is really so thick that you think you can comment on a subject with 0 knowledge and you are doing it right? man I feel sorry for you.

Dude - this is an area that you do not really understand too well.;)

Let us use the scenario where China has twice the GDP in 2030 as the US does.

Now as China has 4 times as much population then it's GDP/capita is half that of the US.

To get an idea of how well off the average Chinese will be in 2030, you need to look at a country like Spain now. Spain is still considered to be a developed country where no-one starves but nowhere near as rich as the US though.

Now even though China may have a GDP twice that of the US, I think that it's military spending will be around 50% more than that of the US so in terms of GDP percentage it will spend less.

This amount of resources will allow the Chinese to push the US Navy all the way back to Hawaii by 2030.

This is one of the main reasons why Australia is keeping Asians happy as it knows that it could not survive otherwise in the long-run.

I will just say this, whoever taught you economic should be shot, whoever teach you English should be hang.

Your post, while informatively incorrect, also have a hard way to express your point.

First of all, How china can be compare to the Spanish?

Second of all, you discounted the fact that Spain have only 1/7 nearly 1/8 of a population of USA (47 millions vs 330 millions).

WHile Spain have a 1.4 trillion economy, Spain have 1/10 of the size of the US GDP while having 1/7 population. IN PPP per person term, Spain is not far behind in US.

So even you are using the second worse economy in EU, you still cannot relate the GDP with China.

Thirdly now you believe in 2030 the Chinese will have a 150% Defence budget than US? Against is it coming from your economic knowledge? Professor?

Can you show the calculation of your prediction or you are just picking a number you think you satisfied?

Finally as I said before the GDP does not belong to the Government, the government can't just say okay each rich man in China need to fork 100 millions dollar so we can build this rocket, build this fighter plane. How are the Chinese leadership get the money out of those super rich, THAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE

But dude, I really cannot argue with you if all you say is "You think"

I think I am the king of the world in 2030. I also think Australian can win the world cup in 2022. Can you argue with me on that? You say I can't but I say I can, how about that??
australian is racist.... member of klu-klu kan... and redneck moved there.....
heaven for geert vilder i guess :undecided:
australian is racist.... member of klu-klu kan... and redneck moved there.....
heaven for geert vilder i guess :undecided:

On which facts do you lean when stating this opinion my good man?

I do not think that Australia would have to fight a insurgency in order to repel an invasion.

Amphibious operations have been extremely difficult as proved by history. whether you take example of D-Day landing,Gallipoli campaign or even American revolution.Chinese would sailing for a campaign 1000's of mile away which would give ample warning to Australia to prepare it's defenses.They would have to make a forced landing on Australian shores and establish a beachhead.Their Air support would depend completely on Carrier borne aircrafts and they would have to sustain their army by sea.

The superiority that Chinese would require to even theoretically accomplish this is many magnitude higher than that enjoyed by USA over Australia.

This from a position when in 2013 they have 0 functional Aircraft carrier, no Strategic Bomber Arm and Abysmal Airlift capacity.
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i live in Australia the living standard is too high here, i love living here with proper roads beautiful looking cities, good people to live with, plus i see lot of Indonesian here i guess whats the reason than, and after living here i found that Australian doesn't want to spend on defence they prefer spending on Infrastructure and on People, its a great country to live in
Agree with you.. I don't know why Australia things cost so expensive. The house is great but necessity cost especially in Sydney is killing me.
@jhungary - You do not know what you are talking about, maybe a little on some aspects of the immigration situation though as I do not know about some of the minute technicalities on that subject.

Anyway, I will finish by saying that Australia is and will give the Asians what they want so no need to think about any invasions in the future.


I do not think that Australia would have to fight a insurgency in order to repel an invasion.

Amphibious operations have been extremely difficult as proved by history. whether you take example of D-Day landing,Gallipoli campaign or even American revolution.Chinese would sailing for a campaign 1000's of mile away which would give ample warning to Australia to prepare it's defenses.They would have to make a forced landing on Australian shores and establish a beachhead.Their Air support would depend completely on Carrier borne aircrafts and they would have to sustain their army by sea.

The superiority that Chinese would require to even theoretically accomplish this is many magnitude higher than that enjoyed by USA over Australia.

This from a position when in 2013 they have 0 functional Aircraft carrier, no Strategic Bomber Arm and Abysmal Airlift capacity.

Care to explain why this is so?

Are you seriously saying that the US could not invade Australia?

Apart from Russia and China, the US can invade any country in the world now - including India.
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